Removable dentures usually use acrylic or metal. But some patients are allergic to them. Therefore, silicone dentures are made. This material is transparent, aesthetic, and therefore is in demand. Judging by the reviews, it is valued for its safety and convenience. The benefits and types of products are described in the article.
Recently, when contacting the dentist for the problem of missing teeth, many people want to install high quality mechanical removable products at an affordable price. But what are silicone dentures? These are dental structures that got their name due to the silicone substrate, which is needed for fixation to the gum. Silicone is a translucent, soft material that mimics the structure of the oral mucosa.

Modern removable, flexible silicone products are elastic, created on a soft base. Silicone dentures are made of acrylic, silicone, plastic. According to reviewsdentists, they are effective in partial or complete prosthetics. At a price they are higher than metal and lamellar products, but noticeably differ in aesthetics, flexibility, visibility due to clasp locks. Often used in the absence of 1 or 2 teeth. With them, it will be possible to get rid of defects in the central part, as they fill in the missing teeth.
As evidenced by the reviews, dental silicone prostheses must be installed by specialists in professional dental clinics. It should be borne in mind that the products are installed at:
- periodontal disease;
- gum atrophy;
- allergies;
- somatic pathologies;
- loss of milk teeth by children to maintain proper bite;
- partial or total absence of teeth;
- regular extreme sports.

Before installation, it is important to consult with a specialist. Only after the approval of the doctor should you choose this type of prosthetics. It remains only to install everything correctly so that there are no complications. According to patients, these prostheses are comfortable and safe.
Dental silicone prostheses can not always be installed. They are contraindicated in:
- periodontal disease of the 2nd degree;
- atrophy with the development of periodontitis (alveolar);
- gum disease;
- tooth root exposure;
- pathologies of supporting processes.
Howtestimonials testify that dentures of this type are often installed when a large number of their teeth are lost. If used correctly, the service life can be long.
Silicone removable dentures have a number of advantages. As confirmed by patient reviews, artificial teeth are not felt in the mouth. They are as similar in appearance to their teeth as possible, and also differ in convenience. With them there will be no problem of addiction, complexes during wear. But before installing silicone prostheses, you need to familiarize yourself with some information in order to avoid trouble.

The advantages of such prostheses include:
- hypoallergenic;
- comfort socks;
- reliability of fixation;
- increased aesthetics;
- small thickness;
- sustainable;
- strength;
- resistance to coloring components, moisture;
- high-quality fit to soft tissues;
- lack of turning adjacent teeth.
According to reviews, photos of silicone dentures can be seen in high-quality fastening. They fit perfectly on the gums. Elastic designs are comfortable in the oral cavity, easily attached to the jaw and become invisible over time.
Mounting occurs with suction cups in the place of the gums to prevent falling out during an awkward movement. Soft tissues are not injured during wear, with proper care, they can serve for a long period. Color cannot be changed bydyes. An important parameter is hypoallergenicity, since dentures are great for people with allergies to materials such as acrylic, plastic.
In addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages to dental silicone prostheses:
- risk of mucosal injury;
- probability of subsidence of the gum margin, which appears from clasps;
- atrophy of bone tissue with increased pressure;
- no high chewing load;
- periodic correction required;
- probability of bad odors.
But if you follow the care recommended by experts, many problems can be prevented and light and pleasant structures can be used for a long time. They are considered effective when 1 or 2 teeth are missing.
Judging by the reviews, silicone removable dentures have other disadvantages. They need regular professional cleaning with special products so that there is no discoloration. In addition, the products have a high price compared to other designs, the need for correction, with the loss of 1, 2 teeth, a complete replacement is needed.
Silicone dentures usually last a long time. If proper, thorough care is provided, they can be used for more than 5 years. The service life can be increased with regular visits to the dentist and compliance with the rules of care. In case of breakage, cracks, fractures, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. To prevent deterioration of the product, do not fix the problem yourself.
Judging byphoto, silicone dentures look almost the same as your own teeth. Although they look the same, there are some differences. According to the need to replace teeth, dentures are:
- single;
- partial;
- full.

A single product is used more often than others and is attached with side clasps - hooks that are fixed in the lower dentition of natural teeth. In partial dentures, the disadvantages are almost invisible due to the exact selection of tooth enamel, they are fixed as single ones. Full dentures are less likely to be attached as there is a risk of damage to natural teeth due to loose fixation.
Production and fastening
The procedure of silicone prosthetics is modern, it is new in the dental field. When wearing the product, patients experience some inconvenience, which over time will be invisible. When deciding to install, you should consult with a specialist and consider all types of prosthetics.

Fixation to abutment teeth is done with clasps. If there are no supporting elements, an implant is implanted into the bone. The manufacturing procedure takes several steps:
- Clinical. The doctor examines the patient, makes the necessary measurements, cleans from dirt, stones that are on the dentition. If necessary, the dentist cures problem areas with the replacement of low-quality fillings, and prophylaxis is performed.
- Dental technician(laboratory). At this time, the casting of the model, prosthetic modeling, thermostatic preparation of silicone, processing of the prosthesis by grinding and polishing take place. Then a fitting is performed with correction, getting rid of flaws.
Judging by the photo, silicone removable dentures look neat. Their price is calculated on the basis of the material used, the work of specialists. They are more expensive than acrylic and clasp fixtures.
Silicone products are difficult to maintain due to the need to use special cleaning products, otherwise they change the base color and create an unpleasant odor. It is necessary to perform regular care, consisting of the following procedures:
- Remove during sleep, put in a glass of solution at night.
- Do not rinse or soak in hot water to prevent deformation.
- To improve blood circulation, brush your mouth, tongue, palate with a soft brush before putting on.
- During the week, the prosthesis should be cleaned several times with a disinfectant paste.
- After eating, wash them with warm, clean water.
- Experts advise using liquid soap, special tablets for cleaning silicone structures.

It must be taken into account that due to an untimely visit to the dentist, a disease of the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity may appear.
If you follow the recommendations for care, the service life can be up to 5 years. In the event of a breakdown (the appearance of a crack, puncture, loosening), it is necessary toyou can see a doctor as soon as possible. Do not repair the prosthesis on your own. Only a doctor can perform high-quality correction of the product and its adjustment to the jaw.
As evidenced by patient reviews, there is usually no discomfort. Most people get used to dentures quickly. And if there are unpleasant sensations, then after a while they disappear, and a person will be able to freely and easily use these products.
The cost of goods is approximately the same in all regions of the country. Usually their price is 30-35 thousand rubles. There is a variety of silicone with a lower cost. But its quality is not guaranteed by any specialist. Acrylic dentures cost 8-10 thousand rubles, and clasp ones - 18 thousand.

How long does addiction last? This period usually takes several weeks. During this period, there may be some discomfort and a feeling of heaviness in the mouth. There is high salivation, irritation and pain. It also happens that getting used to takes several months.
Thus, with complete or partial loss of teeth, silicone prostheses will be an excellent choice. With proper use and care, they can last a long time without causing discomfort.