The foundations of Chinese medicine are based on the knowledge of the laws of nature and vital energy, affect the body gently and heal it completely, and not just the diseased organ. Recently, the popularity of this method has increased, primarily due to the absence of side effects. A doctor who has adopted the methods of Chinese healers is primarily interested in the person himself, and not the disease as such. The practice of healing and invaluable experience has been formed over 3000 years, and now doctors use the best techniques to restore energy harmony. Yes, yes, it is harmony, because the task of Chinese medicine is to restore the nature of Qi, the life energy of a person.
Meridians and energy channels
Each organ has its own vibration, which means that when it is violated, a disease occurs. The vital energy Qi flows through the meridians, of which there are only twelve in Chinese medicine. According to basic dogmas, each of the meridiansit is marked with points, upon stimulation of which the movement of the Qi energy flow is restored. These basic rules are taken as the basis for treatment at the Center for Chinese Medicine in Kostroma, located at 47 Tekstilshchikov Ave.

But do not forget that external interaction with the world depends on internal well-being. And a person can do a lot. After all, it is enough just to balance your diet, stop being annoyed, engage in oriental qigong practice, and pay attention to your communication with the outside world. Perhaps the onset of the disease was the result of his own anxiety over trifles.
Acupuncture massage
One of the frequently used healing methods at the Chinese Medicine Center in Kostroma is acupuncture or acupuncture. The essence of the procedure itself is to influence certain points of the body with the help of acupuncture. At the Center for Chinese Medicine in Kostroma, a healing session begins with a survey. This is done to identify problem areas. Acupuncture is a very individual procedure. For many, one area of \u200b\u200bthe skin may hurt, and the points for acting on it are located in another area of the body.

Therefore, there are no general recommendations to alleviate the condition. The session itself takes from 10 to 30 minutes. Studies have shown that this treatment method brings relief from chronic and postoperative pain, high or low blood pressure, nausea and vomiting. By usingone of the varieties of acupuncture - Su-Jok, you can get instant relief from pain in the joints or spine.
Types of massage and impressive results
Talented healers from the Center for Chinese Medicine in Kostroma are attentive to the problems of patients, so the results of the treatment are inspiring.

Vital points are used in many types of massage. The doctor may prescribe general massage sessions for more complete muscle relaxation. This healing procedure is suitable for almost everyone. It carries not only significant benefits, but also pleasure. With a general massage, all parts of the body are treated and the result is not long in coming - muscle pains become less, irritability decreases, lymphatic drainage increases and toxins are removed.
Manual Therapy
In addition to general massage, the Chinese Medicine Center in Kostroma also offers manual therapy. Here it is called delicate structural correction. The chief physician Shalimov A. G. and his colleagues approach the application of such methods with great responsibility. All of them have the highest qualifications in their profession and have been trained in the best educational institutions, having received the necessary knowledge. Experienced masters master not only various massage methods, acupuncture, but also the basic principles of drug therapy. This knowledge and experience gives excellent results in the treatment of many diseases, even chronic ones.

Manypatients, having visited here once, come with relatives and friends. This is the best award for conscientious work, as well as reviews of the Center for Chinese Medicine in Kostroma. The doctors are thanked for the work done, for the relief of long-standing pains, for the beauty and newfound he alth. Chinese medicine services in Kostroma are gaining more and more popularity.
Hot stones and rejuvenation
Another useful and pleasant procedure is stone massage. Stone therapy has been known since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs. During campaigns, field healers noted that stones heated in the sun bring unexpected relief from injuries if they lie down for a while. The pain becomes less bright, muscles relax, calm comes. This effect was taken as a basis by well-known healers already for the recovery of their patients. This is how stone therapy was born. At the Chinese Medicine Center in Kostroma, doctors have been doing this type of massage for a long time and at a professional level. There are many techniques, but the most commonly used is contrast massage, that is, the alternation of warm and cold stones. This enchanting spa treatment is also used for cosmetic purposes. Many clients leave rave reviews about Chinese medicine in Kostroma and in particular about stone therapy.

Rejuvenation and lymphatic drainage
In modern life, Chinese medicine methods are used for weight loss and body shaping. Moreover, the doctors of the Chinese Medicine Center in Kostroma can boast of their visible achievements. There are thousands on the human bodyacupuncture points and among them there are those that are responsible for metabolism. In addition, other cosmetic procedures are used to obtain serious results, which are carried out by Olga Osipova, a dermatocosmetologist. For a complete victory over obesity, sagging skin and cellulite, mud, algae, chocolate, pumpkin wraps are used. Hardware correction is also offered, such as lymphomassage, cryolipolysis, myostimulation.