Useful properties of onions have been used by traditional medicine for many centuries. This vegetable was able to save many lives during the plague in Europe in the 14th century. Most of those people who hung their houses with bundles of cut onions remained alive. Useful properties of the plant were used in ancient times. Doctors of ancient Greece laid out pieces of this unique vegetable near the bed of a patient with pneumonia to destroy the infection. They also gave the patients onion tea.

Unique drink
Onion contains a huge amount of various vitamins and minerals. Its juice is a natural antibiotic that can destroy staphylococcus, streptococcus, tuberculosis, diphtheria and dysentery bacillus. And also viruses. In addition, the vegetable promotes blood formation, removes toxins and is even able to resist cancer.
A few heads of onions can be found in almost any kitchen. During cooking, its husks are discarded as useless garbage. In fact, this is the most valuable product from which you can prepare he althy onion tea. Thisan unusual drink is used to strengthen the body and treat numerous pathologies.

The composition of onion tea includes the following substances:
- Quercetin. It is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Strengthens the cardiovascular system. Included in many dietary supplements.
- Ascorbic acid. An indispensable assistant for colds and viral diseases.
- Carotene. Improves the processes of brain activity and has a positive effect on digestion.
- Vitamin E. Improves skin and hair condition. Maintains the elasticity of blood vessels, strengthens the heart muscle.
- Phytoncides. Strengthen the immune system, as well as teeth and bones.
- Iron. Normalizes the hormonal system and improves metabolism.
- Potassium. Necessary for protein synthesis, normal functioning of the kidneys and intestines.
- Calcium. Even children know about the benefits of this element for bones and teeth.
Onion tea contains many beneficial substances. But the most valuable is quercetin. Scientists have proven that this substance reduces the risk of thrombosis, stroke and heart attack. Quercetin stops the development of blood, breast and other cancers. In addition, flavonoids have the following properties:
- Antihistamine.
- Hypotensive.
- Antioxidant.
- Oncoprotective.
- Anti-sclerotic.
- Cardioprotective.
- Regenerative.
- Immunostimulating.
Tea properties
Tea made from onions or their husks has a specific taste and smell. But these shortcomings are easily compensated for by its unique composition and benefits. Onion tea has the following effects on the body:
- Reduces swelling and pain in the legs.
- Has an antihistamine effect. This is a very good remedy for any manifestations of allergies.
- Improves digestion, fights flatulence.
- Removes heavy metals and other toxins from the body.
- Stabilizes blood pressure, heals the heart, protects blood vessels. Helps prevent stroke and heart attack. Effectively fights thrombophlebitis.
- Raises immunity. Effective against colds and flu.
- Helps in the fight against excess weight. Normalizes metabolism.
- Reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. Can be used during chemotherapy treatment.
- Effective in oral diseases such as stomatitis and gingivitis.
- Has a choleretic effect. Can be used as a mild laxative.
- Relieves headaches.
- Improves eyesight. Fights the manifestations of glaucoma and cataracts.
- Helps with cystitis and inflammatory kidney disease.
- Relieve period pain.
- Allows normalization of blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.
- Reduces the number of attacks in bronchial asthma. Good for dry cough.

Onion peel is absolutely safe for the body. She doesn'tcontains toxins and harmful substances. Despite this, drinking onion tea like regular black tea is not worth it. Still, this is a drug that is not recommended to be abused.
With caution, this drink should be taken by people who have increased blood clotting. Onions contain quercetin, which can be dangerous in high concentrations. Abuse of the drink can lead to the fact that the blood will become even thicker.
Refuse onion tea is recommended for people allergic to this vegetable. And also for those who suffer from intolerance to certain substances that make up its composition. With caution, hypotensive patients should take husk tea.
Preparing a drink
There are several options for brewing tea. The classic version can be used if the drink is used for preventive purposes, and not to combat a specific disease. It is important to remember that it is impossible to brew the husk for the future. She loses her healing properties and turns into a poison. Therefore, the drink should be prepared immediately before drinking.

For one serving of tea, you need the husks of two medium-sized onions. It must be washed under running water. Then transfer to a glass and pour boiling water. The container is covered with a saucer. In half an hour the drink is ready.
Not every gourmet will dare to drink onion tea. This drink looks quite appetizing. It has a beautiful burgundy hue with golden tints. In appearance, it resembles ordinary black tea. Only an unusual one can give it awaysmell.
Despite its specific taste, this drink has many fans. It is not difficult to verify this by studying their numerous positive reviews on various forums. Onion tea can be made even more beneficial by adding honey, rosehip, linden, mint, lemon, or blackcurrant to it. Unfortunately, this will not help improve the taste of the drink.
Treatment of the digestive tract
Pain in the abdomen can be relieved not only with pharmaceutical medicines. To get rid of discomfort and bloating, there is a very simple recipe. Onion tea, made from a fresh vegetable, not its husk, will eliminate unpleasant symptoms in a matter of minutes. It relieves pain, normalizes stool and bowel function.
To make a drink, you need to brew half a glass of high-quality black tea. Then take a small onion, peel it and cut it crosswise, but not through. It should keep its shape.
The onion is dipped in hot, freshly brewed black tea and left for 10 minutes. After that, the liquid can be drunk. Relief occurs within 20-30 minutes.
Cold and flu treatment
Onion peel tea is an excellent remedy in the fight against colds, flu and respiratory diseases. It is recommended to use it in combination with drug therapy. But before you brew onion tea and treat yourself or your child with it, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

For colds, the following recipes will be useful:
- Connect bya tablespoon of onion peel and licorice root, add 40 g of chopped pine needles. All this pour two liters of boiling water. Put the mixture on a small fire for 20 minutes. Two to three minutes before the end of cooking, add two tablespoons of crushed rose hips to the liquid. Then the tea is poured into a thermos and left for 12 hours. Drink at least a liter of strained drink per day.
- Two tablespoons of crushed husks are poured over two glasses of hot water. The tea is boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. Consume without additives, half a glass before meals. This remedy is great for coughing.
- To reduce the temperature, you will need to combine two tablespoons of onion peel, linden flowers and natural honey. Pour the mixture with three cups of boiling water. After the tea has cooled, drink 250 ml three times a day.
Allergy and Asthma Treatment
Onion tea helps relieve allergy symptoms and relieve asthma. The recipes that are used to combat these pathologies are also suitable for stroke prevention:
- Five tablespoons of crushed pine needles are combined with 10 g of onion peel and 20 g of crushed wild rose. The mixture is poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. Ready tea is poured into a thermos and infused overnight. You need to drink at least a liter of warm drink per day.
- A tablespoon of husks is combined with the same volume of pine buds. Then add 20 g of crushed leaves of plantain and coltsfoot. Plants are poured with 500 ml of cold water. In one hourthe liquid should be boiled for seven minutes. Consume 20 ml of the drink three times a day.

Slimming and normalizing blood sugar
Onion tea helps to normalize metabolism and lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is useful to drink it for people who want to lose weight, as well as for diabetics.
To make tea, you need to pour a tablespoon of crushed husks with a liter of cold water. Put the liquid on the fire, bring to a boil and then cook for five minutes. Ready tea should brew a little. Drink at least three glasses per day. You can add a slice of lemon to the drink.
The effectiveness of a unique product is confirmed by numerous reviews. The benefits and harms of onion tea are incomparable. This product is completely natural, cheap and safe. In addition, it has a minimum of contraindications.

In reviews, people write that tea helps with pain in the spine, relieves swelling and normalizes bowel function. Taking a decoction even helps treat migraines. The only drawback is the specific smell and unpleasant taste of the product. But you can close your eyes to this because of the incredible healing properties of onion tea.