Pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria tend to stay and multiply for quite a long time in a focus of infection. An increase in their destructive effect on a person can be carried out without the presence of a carrier of the disease.
To combat this, a set of measures has been developed, which is called "disinfection", or "decontamination". What is disinfection and how it fights pathogenic microflora, let's look further.
The concept of disinfection and its types
Microorganisms tend to multiply when exposed to favorable factors, which means they create conditions that are dangerous for the human body.
Disinfection is a specially developed method of combating microbes to minimize their number in the environment. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely destroy the pathogenic flora and its spores using the measures used, but it is possible to achieveminimizing their number.

There are three main types of disinfection - preventive, final and current. These types of disinfection are used in various conditions - at home, in medical and preschool institutions, hotel complexes, trade and catering establishments.
What is preventive disinfection? With the help of these measures, the pathogenic flora is destroyed to prevent the emergence of a focus of infection.
Prophylactic disinfection is carried out daily, regularly, using special disinfectants. After each procedure, specialized documentation is filled out, which records the time, place and chemical used.
Disinfection in foci of infection
The final method of disinfection is based on the destruction of microbes at the site of the outbreak of infection after hospitalization of the patient. Most often, these activities are used in the detection of dangerous infectious diseases:
- viral hepatitis;
- rotavirus infections;
- dysentery, salmonellosis and other intestinal infections;
- pediculosis;
- scabies.
Disinfection measures are carried out after the hospitalization of the patient by representatives of the sanitary and epidemiological service. It is also mandatory to carry out the final disinfection during the demolition of the building of the medical institution, its restructuring, redevelopment, as well as without fail in maternity hospitals, tuberculosis and infectious diseases hospitals.
Measures aimed at preventing the spread of the disease in an existing focus of infection are called current disinfection. Disinfection of material and household items with which a sick person comes into contact is carried out in order to interrupt possible routes of infection transmission. It is carried out both at home and in medical institutions.
Decontamination methods
At the moment, there are such methods of disinfection:
- chemical;
- physical;
- mechanical.
When using mechanical disinfection, the object is cleaned of dust and dirt. This method cannot be used as a method of choice, but it is included in a set of other activities.

What is physical disinfection? This method is based on the use of high temperature and steam conditions, high frequency currents, and ultraviolet radiation. It is often used in medical and sanatorium-type institutions for the destruction of microorganisms sensitive to high temperatures. Using this method, not only small objects are disinfected, but also mattresses, pillows, clothes and shoes of the patient.
Chemical disinfection is based on the use of special active substances. These drugs are available in the form of solutions, powders, gels, soaps, capsules. Disinfectants are used for pouring, wiping, falling asleep objects that need to be processed, immersed and irrigated. All items that cantreat with liquid means, irrigate or immerse in a solution. Those not exposed to liquids are wiped twice.
Disinfection of premises
Disinfection of premises is necessary not only in medical institutions, but also in any general buildings. The daily fight against pathological microflora minimizes the possibility of a focus of infection.

The most common disinfection of premises is carried out using chemicals in combination with a mechanical method and the use of ultraviolet light. All furniture that is in the room is treated, sprayed or wiped with a rag soaked in a solution. The floor and walls are also carefully crafted. If there is any kind of transportation in the room, for example, wheelchairs for transporting patients or carts for transporting vegetables, then all of them must also be processed.
In the conditions of medical and sanatorium institutions, after the treatment in the premises, bactericidal lamps are turned on. They are necessary to reduce the number of pathogens in the air and on open surfaces.
Features of the use of chemical disinfectants
The disinfectant is used strictly according to the requirements of SanPin. A drug is selected that has the least toxic effect on the human body and at the same time has the most detrimental effect on bacteria. Most often, the products have a neutral smell and hypoallergenic properties.

The most common substance is bleach, but when working with it, you must follow individual safety measures. It is advisable to prepare the solution immediately before use, and store it in a place that does not have access to sunlight.
Main groups of disinfectants
Depending on the active substance that is included in the composition, all disinfectants are divided into groups:
- Alcohol disinfectants - ethyl alcohol, methanol.
- Hydrogen peroxide products - peroxide + catamine.
- Chlorine substances - chloramine, bleach, deactin.
- Derivatives of peracetic acid.
- QAC-based products - benzalkonium chloride.
- Preparations for the chemical method - formaldehyde, alcohols, surfactants, halogens.

All drugs are highly effective against microorganisms, but are not used to kill their spores.
For more information on what disinfection is, you can use the regulated regulatory documents of the sanitary and epidemiological service.