Medical issues: blood of the zero group 0(I) and all the most interesting things about it. Zero Blood Project

Medical issues: blood of the zero group 0(I) and all the most interesting things about it. Zero Blood Project
Medical issues: blood of the zero group 0(I) and all the most interesting things about it. Zero Blood Project

The blood flowing through our vessels has certain immunogenetic characteristics. It is by them that the antigens present in the composition of this biological fluid are determined. Many of them are similar. Some are even identical. According to their similarities, it is customary to combine them into blood groups. To date, it is customary to distinguish four of them. But there is information that soon there will be another one. And it will be the blood of the zero group. But before talking about these developments, it is worth noting the already existing 0(I).


General data

Many people think: what is the zero blood type? The first, in fact. It is designated in the system as follows: “AB 0:0”. Although this option is more common - 0(I).

Research by scientists confirms that this blood type is the mostwidespread in the world. For a long time there were no other options on the planet. This group is the simplest in its structure, as evidenced by its chemical analysis.

A child with 0(I) can appear in parents, each of which has 0(I). Or if at least one of them has the first group, and the second has the third or second.

Reflect on preferences

Surprisingly, the first (zero) blood type in a person affects his life (meaning the household level). People with the first blood type, as a rule, like meat, have no digestive problems, have an excellent immune system, and respond positively to exercise and stress. But it's hard for them to adjust to the new living conditions.

And they also say that blood type affects character. Scientists claim that this is due to the fact that our biological fluid has been transformed under the influence of changes in the environment and the "legacy" of our ancestors. So, people with 0 (I) are very emotional, sociable, purposeful and active. In addition to good he alth, they also have well-developed willpower. However, negative qualities are often manifested, which include irascibility, aggressiveness, and even the manifestation of cruelty to some extent.


With plus sign

Now it is worth considering such a moment as the Rh factor. And we'll start with the plus. Positive zero blood group - what is the characteristic of a biological fluid? We will not go into the peculiarities of the chemical structure, it is better to note its reflection onhuman physiology.

People with 0(I) Rh+ live longer than others, this is confirmed by studies at the University of Göttingen, which have shown that 60% of people over 75 years of age have a positive first group. They are resistant to neuroses and rheumatoid diseases, but susceptible to ulcers and skin diseases. And people with the first positive group usually look younger than their years.

As for recommendations, they are advised to eat more fish, seafood, meat, berries and beans. But strong alcohol should be avoided.


With minus sign

And now it's worth talking about the owners of 0(I) Rh-. If we talk about ailments, then these people are prone to allergies, obesity and hypertension. They are also more likely to be exposed to diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, influenza, SARS. They have weak immunity. These people are also very strong-willed, but they can be narcissistic, overly jealous and intolerant of criticism. What about the pros? Owners of 0 (I) Rh- have a well-developed sense of self-preservation. Perhaps, from the positive of the named owners, the “negative” is all.

They are encouraged to consume more lean meat, whole grain cereals, low-fat dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, fruit drinks, herbal teas and green tea.

That, however, is all the general information about the biological "category" known as 0(I). But is there a zero blood type under the usual designation "0"? More on this.


Donation problem

Unfortunately, there are often casesthat require a blood transfusion. But not all groups and Rh factors are compatible. A person with the first negative, for example, will only fit identical blood. And the owner of the fourth positive can be transfused with any - he is a universal recipient.

The bottom line is that the incompatibility of different groups leads to problems associated with donation - not everyone can be saved who needs it. And scientists believe that if you create a universal blood of the zero group, then the issue will be resolved.

But this is a very serious task. It is necessary to remove agglutinogens from it, which stick together red blood cells. Various attempts were made for this - coffee beans were used, which drive agglutinogen B, and various bacteria. At the moment, scientists are working on creating a device that could create type zero blood from any other.



Naturally, such ideas would not have arisen among doctors without good reason. And they are. Group zero blood is not just a project, but a theory supported by research. However, little is known about them. But there is information that for 20 years some observations have been made.

Doctors regularly interviewed patients who, by their consent, were transfused with “zeroed” blood. They were about 27,500 men (from 40 to 75 years old) and more than twice as many women (from 30 to 55). The analyzes were carried out with the calculation of the logarithmic step sign. Age, attitudes towards nicotine and alcohol, body weight index, history of hereditary diseases, and inespecially if a family member has coronary heart disease, diabetes, or high cholesterol.

Is there a zero blood type now, is its transfusion practiced? It is safe to say that the research is not completed. And it is unlikely that there will be a result soon. At the moment, the safety of the application of current developments is not 100% guaranteed. Therefore, it remains to wait for progress and believe in science.
