How to breathe over potatoes with a cold?

How to breathe over potatoes with a cold?
How to breathe over potatoes with a cold?

Everyone knows that inhalation of the respiratory tract and sinuses is considered an effective treatment for colds.

breathe over potatoes
breathe over potatoes

For these purposes, there are special devices that any pharmacy offers. But many believe that you can do without additional costs if you learn to breathe over potatoes. And it is. You just need to know a few simple recommendations on how to carry out the procedure at home in a safe and most effective way.

For what diseases can you breathe potato steam?

This procedure is considered a good remedy for the treatment of rhinitis and various inflammatory processes in the bronchi. It should be noted right away that there are contraindications to inhalation. These are purulent processes in the throat, sinuses or lungs, pneumonia and various heart diseases. In other cases (this was practiced by grandmothersour grandmothers) you can try to cope with colds and coughs without drugs of synthetic origin.

Why is it good to breathe over potatoes during a cold?

breathe the steam of potatoes
breathe the steam of potatoes

Firstly, warming up the respiratory tract with steam has a positive effect. In this case, the mucous membranes are moistened, which leads to the liquefaction of the accumulated sputum. Wet and warm steam promotes the discharge of mucus from the bronchi, which is the main condition for a positive outcome of the disease. In addition, potato peel contains a huge amount of substances that, together with steam, penetrate the respiratory tract, soften them and even relieve an allergic reaction. The patient experiences relief after inhalation: it is easier for him to breathe, it is easier to cough up and does not tickle in the throat and bronchi.

How to breathe over potatoes?

It would seem that there is nothing easier than boiling potatoes and inhaling their steam. However, over a long period of using potato steam for medicinal purposes, our ancestors developed a special scheme for the procedure.

how to breathe over potatoes
how to breathe over potatoes

If you are doing steam inhalation for the first time, you need to prepare in advance. When all things are at hand, the procedure will be as comfortable as possible for you. So, in order to breathe over potatoes, you will need a light but thick blanket, a towel or blanket to wrap the pot of potatoes and a handkerchief.

Cook the peeled potatoes until cooked through, drain for safety and wrappan with a prepared blanket or towel. Cover yourself and the container with a blanket and inhale the steam for at least 15 minutes. In order not to interfere with the hair, gather them in advance at the back of the head. Breathing should be uniform, deep, slightly hold the breath before exhaling. Inhale air through your mouth and exhale through your nose. Then, on the contrary, inhale the steam alternately with one nostril, then the other, and exhale through the mouth. Thus, you can effectively warm up both the nasopharynx and the bronchi, which will enhance the positive result of inhalation.

You can breathe over potatoes in the morning and evening. It is not recommended to eat one hour before and after the procedure. Adjust the temperature under the covers according to how you feel. The steam should be slightly hot, but not scalding.
