In today's society, most people do not get all the nutrients they need for he alth from food. It is because of this that many diseases appear. In such cases, it is recommended to take various dietary supplements. Preparations based on natural ingredients, such as algae, are considered especially useful. They contain many essential micronutrients and nutrients not found in regular foods. The most popular dietary supplement is Spirulina. The instruction describes the drug as a source of essential amino acids and vitamins. "Spirulina" effectively removes harmful substances from the body and strengthens the immune system, so this supplement is useful for everyone not only in the treatment of various diseases, but also for their prevention.
General characteristics
Spirulina is a Chinese kelp supplement. It is a small unicellular plant rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Under natural conditions, spirulina lives in fresh water bodies of Africa.and South America. But because of its medicinal properties, this blue-green algae is grown artificially in many countries. It has a spiral shape, for which it got its name. Most often, spirulina is considered as a source of iodine. But in its composition, a unique substance was found that slows down the growth of cancerous tumors, as well as a large number of other useful trace elements. Therefore, spirulina has long been used for various pathologies as part of complex treatment and is used as a nutritional supplement.
Now on sale you can find many preparations containing this seaweed: tinctures, chips, powder, capsules. But the most commonly used spirulina tablets. The instruction recommends taking this drug for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, but only as directed by a doctor. Tablets and capsules are chosen in such cases most often because of the specific taste and smell of algae. But some enjoy crunchy chips or add the powder as a seasoning to various dishes.

What is in the algae
Instructions for "Spirulina" explains its unique healing properties with a unique composition. After all, this algae is the richest source of high-grade, easily digestible vegetable protein. It consists of 70% of it. Moreover, unlike animal products, this protein has no cholesterol, few calories, but many essential amino acids. Spirulina contains lysine, methionine, glycine, glutamic acid, tryptophan, cysteine, arginine and more.
In addition, thisseaweed contains the following beneficial trace elements:
- many B vitamins, as well as A and E;
- minerals essential for he alth – iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium;
- omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids;
- chlorophyll;
- phycocyanin - a substance with antitumor properties;
- polysaccharides alginates that remove heavy metals and radioactive elements from the body.
General information
Instructions for use and reviews of Spirulina tablets note that they are well tolerated, and the therapeutic effect is felt almost immediately. After all, all trace elements and proteins of algae are absorbed within an hour, making up for the lack of nutrients. It is recommended that Spirulina tablets be used by vegetarians and people living in ecologically unfavorable regions. They are easy to swallow and have no taste or smell.
Pills are produced by different pharmaceutical companies. The most popular drug is Spirulina VEL. It is inexpensive - about 200 rubles for 60 tablets, does not contain any additional chemicals, only spirulina powder. A similar preparation containing additional selenium costs a little more.

Useful action
Even in ancient Chinese medicine, the healing properties of spirulina were known. It was used not only for food, but also as a medicine. The healing effect of this algae has been confirmed by modern medicine. She was found to have the following properties:
- raises the levelhemoglobin;
- removes toxins and heavy metals from the body;
- stops the growth of cancer cells;
- normalizes blood pressure;
- protects against colds and SARS;
- accelerates wound healing and even bone healing in fractures;
- slows down the aging process;
- normalizes blood sugar levels;
- activates the immune system and promotes weight loss;
- restores liver function;
- normalizes intestinal microflora;
- strengthens immunity;
- helps to cope with addiction to alcohol and tobacco.

Indications for use
Instructions for "Spirulina" notes that it can be used by he althy people for the prevention of various pathologies, as well as in complex treatment. Recovery when taking the drug is accelerated. Spirulina is especially effective in such diseases:
- dysbacteriosis;
- gastritis;
- atherosclerosis;
- osteochondrosis;
- diabetes;
- obese;
- kidney pathology;
- insomnia;
- immunodeficiency.

Spirulina for kids
This seaweed is a completely non-toxic product. It is considered a source of essential nutrients. Children can also use Spirulina. Instructions for use notes that it strengthens the child's immunity, saturates his body with essential amino acids and promotes proper growth and development. Useful spirulinafor children because it contains a lot of iron, which improves blood oxygenation. It also contains zinc, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the construction of the skeleton. And polyunsaturated fatty acids in the composition of this algae help the proper formation of the child's brain. "Spirulina" due to its properties is an excellent prophylactic. It protects the child from infections, gives him vigor and he alth.

Instructions for "Spirulina" notes that the drug is well tolerated by almost all people. After all, this is a dietary supplement based on algae. However, not everyone can accept it. There are certain contraindications that prevent some people from enjoying the beneficial properties of spirulina. It cannot be used in such cases:
- with individual intolerance;
- hyperthyroidism;
- during pregnancy and lactation;
- for heart failure;
- prone to thrombosis;
- gastric ulcer;
- various nervous diseases.
Caution is also recommended when using this algae as part of the complex treatment of the elderly, after myocardial infarction or stroke, with severe renal and hepatic insufficiency.
Side effects
The instructions for the Spirulina tablets also warn about the possible occurrence of negative effects during administration. Reviews note that these are mainly allergic reactions ordisorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Nausea and diarrhea may occur due to the fact that spirulina has a strong cleansing effect. If you take the drug for longer than recommended in the instructions, allergic reactions are possible, and not only a rash and itching on the skin, but dermatitis, eczema and even Quincke's edema.
In addition, the following side effects are possible when taking drugs with spirulina:
- headaches;
- pre-fainting;
- thyroid disorder;
- insomnia;
- drop in blood sugar;
- decrease in concentration;
- convulsions.

How to use
The dosage of dietary supplements, as well as conventional drugs, is determined by the doctor individually. Instructions for use and reviews of "Spirulina" note that in order to achieve a positive effect, it is enough to use from 1 to 4 grams of the drug per day. This dose is enough to fill the lack of nutrients, cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system.
For therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to use "Spirulina" in the amount of 10 grams per day. But the dosage must be increased gradually, starting with 1 gram. It is recommended to drink the drug during the day, as spirulina has a tonic effect. As a weight loss supplement, it is best to take it before exercising. And at the same time you need to drink a drug containing vitamin B3.
Instructions for the use of "Spirulina" tabletsrecommends taking it 1-3 times a day during or after meals. For preventive purposes, 1-2 tablets per day are sufficient. In the treatment of various diseases, it is recommended to drink 1-4 tablets 3 times a day.

Spirulina: reviews
The instruction notes that the drug is well tolerated, side effects are rare. Patient reviews confirm this. Often "Spirulina" is also recommended by doctors. Nutritionists consider it a good dietary product that helps to lose weight. It is prescribed as part of the complex treatment of gastritis, with constipation and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Sports doctors also recommend taking Spirulina, believing that it helps to withstand physical exertion and contains the protein necessary for muscle growth.
Many positive feedback about this seaweed also from patients. They note that with its help they were able to improve digestion, got rid of headaches and insomnia. Women especially like to use spirulina as part of facial or hair masks. And negative reviews are most often associated with individual intolerance or too high hopes for the healing effect of the drug. After all, Spirulina is still a natural product, it is a source of trace elements and helps to recover only as part of a complex treatment.