It has long been no secret that a person's internal he alth is directly reflected in his appearance. As for the internal he alth of the body, it directly depends on whether a sufficient amount of microelements enters it. As a rule, the food that a person consumes every day contains a small number of vitamins, and it is sometimes simply unrealistic to consume their daily variety. That is why many people who care about their he alth prefer to use vitamin complexes produced by pharmaceutical companies as food supplements. Consider one of them - the Perfectil vitamins, reviews of which can be found in large numbers on the Internet (reviews will be given below). It is on their basis that we will analyze the drug according to various parameters and consider the comments of buyers regarding its impact.

Generalinformation about vitamins "Perfectil"
What is this remedy? According to the developer of this tool, it is a storehouse of a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that are vital for the normal development of a person, maintaining his hair, as well as skin condition, restoring these elements. In addition, the components that make up "Perfectil" have an amazing effect on the nail plates, make them less brittle and prevent delamination.
Of course, in order to get the desired effect from the use, it is necessary to study the instructions before using vitamins. Reviews of Perfectil vitamins very rarely talk about any side effects from eating such dragees, but you should still exercise some caution. Many doctors recommend that before buying vitamins in a pharmacy, you should first consult with a medical specialist about the possibility of using them.
The pharmaceutical company that produces these vitamins offers them in several variations: classic, Platinum, Tricholodzhik, and Plus. The action of each of these complexes is aimed at eliminating certain problems in the body, which are primarily associated with fragility and dryness of hair, nails, as well as peeling of the skin, etc. Let's consider each of the components and complexes separately.
The structure of the complex includes a huge amount of vitamins, the presence of which is vital for maintainingnormal functioning of the human body. In addition to B vitamins (B1, B2, B6 and B12), vitamin C, D3 and E, the capsule contains the daily norm of beta-carotene, as well as various acids that are not so often found in ordinary everyday foods. Among them, the most valuable are: pantothenic, folic, and para-aminobenzoic. In addition, people who take Perfectil every day as a dietary supplement enrich their body with a daily portion of such elements as iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, silicon, cystine, selenium and chromium. It also contains certain excipients, extracts (echinacea, burdock), nicotinamide and biotin.

In reviews of hair vitamins "Perfectil" it is also said that their structure contains a high content of Omega-3 - a component that is vital for a person. In addition, it also contains elements that have an excellent effect on the metabolic processes in the body: alpha-lipoic acid and iodine.
Action "Perfect"
In many reviews of vitamins "Perfectil" in capsules, you can find comments that this tool has a multifaceted effect on various systems in the human body.
Its constant and correct use not only fills the cells of the body with its beneficial components, but also activates the production of collagen - an element that is considered in cosmetology to be a kind of key to beauty andlong youth. "Perfectil" effectively interacts with blood particles, improving its circulation in the vessels.
To better understand the properties of the drug, it is necessary to consider exactly how each element that is present in its structure affects the body.
In reviews of vitamins for hair and nails "Perfectil" it is said that this product has an excellent effect on the condition of not only the nail plates and hair follicles, but also on the skin. Women who regularly take it can boast a smooth cover, on which there are no rashes and natural flaws. This is ensured due to the fact that the structure of the product contains a high content of B vitamins. In combination with another component that is in the Perfectil structure - iron, they provide very rapid healing of all cracks that occur. That is why the fair sex, who drink "Perfectil", do not experience problems with chapped lips, and their skin is never irritated and dry.

In reviews of the Perfectil vitamins, it is also often said that by using it, you can forget about ascorbic acid forever - among its components there is a considerable proportion of vitamin C, which is used by many drugstore dragees. What is the benefit of this vitamin? First of all, by its action it ensures the strengthening of human immunity. In the structure "Perfectila"there is also an extract of echinacea, the action of which is also aimed at solving problems associated with the functioning of the immune system. In combination with it, vitamin C becomes more effective. The functions of ascorbic acid are also aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to strong blood vessels, skin condition improves, and he althy skin is the key to beautiful and thick hair.
The complex contains a considerable content of vitamin E, which (in combination with selenium) actively protects the human body from the negative effects of the environment, as well as from radioactive radiation. The use of such components in food is especially important for people who are constantly exposed to polluted atmosphere.
In reviews of Perfectil vitamins for hair loss, it is very often mentioned that the structure of the complex has a fairly high level of Omega-3 content - a substance that is highly valued in medicine and cosmetology. Experts from various industries recommend that the fair sex use such an element in order to maintain their natural beauty longer. This component perfectly strengthens the cells of the body and blood vessels, making them more elastic. As a result of the constant use of high-quality Omega-3 in food, premature skin aging can be prevented.
Reviews of Perfectil vitamins for hair growth regularly state that this remedy demonstrates a truly amazing result in solving problems associated with hair growth on the head. In case you need to decidea problem with baldness or brittle ends, many vitamin consumers recommend purchasing a specialized Tricholodzhik complex. In reviews of the Perfectil Tricholodzhik vitamins, attention is often paid to the fact that it contains a high content of chromium, an element that helps strengthen hair. Unfortunately, it cannot often be found in simple foods, therefore, in order to enrich your body with a useful element, it must be purchased at pharmacies. Zinc and magnesium also help fight problems in this area.

Another very important element in the Perfectila structure is iodine. It is this component that is responsible for the active production of thyroxine, which is a hormone due to which metabolism occurs in the body. In the reviews of the Perfectil hair growth vitamins left by medical experts, it is said that a failure in the metabolic process immediately affects the condition of the hair - they begin to break down and become drier.
Perfectil Classic
In reviews of Perfectil vitamins for women, it is often said that if you want to prevent some problems that may occur with hair, nails and facial skin, you can purchase vitamins presented in the classic composition at the pharmacy. The ingredients that go into it are great for minor problems, but practically do not correcting serious deficiencies.
Despite the fact that "Perfectil" is a remedy recommended, as a rule, for the fair sex, men also often use it in the classic version. This is due to the fact that the drug is distinguished by its versatility, and also does not contain hormones.
The composition of the classic "Perfectil" has a high content of vitamins B, C, D and PP. In addition, it contains trace elements such as folic acid, zinc, copper, magnesium, iron and iodine. Most pharmacy customers in their reviews of Perfectil vitamins say that regular use of the supplement has a beneficial effect on the state of the immune system, improving its activity. Experts in the field of immunology, as well as other fields of medicine, explain this by the fact that the structure of the complex contains a large proportion of echinacea extract, which contributes to a significant strengthening.
This type of vitamin is produced exclusively in the form of small capsules, which are packed in a blister. In total, the pack contains two or four plates, each of which contains 15 capsules.
Perfectil Platinum
In most reviews of the Perfectil Platinum vitamins, it is noted that its composition is especially suitable for use by those people who are in the age category of 30 years or more. This is due to the fact that it has a high content of elements that prevent the aging of the body, which, as a rule, women face,staying in the age category from 30-35 years. The structure of the complex contains a large number of extracts of various plants that prevent the aging process, fibrillar proteins, and coenzymes. It is thanks to this that the regular use of such a complex allows you to quickly restore the performance of many systems in the human body. Reviews of Perfectil vitamins for the skin often say that this drug has a positive effect on the upper layer of the skin (epidermis), which is especially appreciated after a surgical intervention or chemical treatment has been performed on it.

In addition to all the above components, "Perfectile Platinum" also has other elements that are present in the classic release form of the complex. In their totality and in interaction, they serve as excellent suppliers of amino acids, collagen and minerals to the cells of the body.
As for the form of release, the vitamins of this group are also offered in capsules of 30 or 60 pieces per pack.
In order for all the components that are in the composition of the product to be absorbed correctly and in full, it is imperative to follow a simple diet while taking the product. It implies a complete exclusion from the daily diet of alcoholic beverages, fatty foods and sweets.
Perfectil Plus
On the net you can find the largest number of positive reviews about the Perfectil Plus vitamins. It's relatedwith the fact that their composition is quite large and allows you to solve many problems that arise in the human body. The developers of the complex note that it is able to wonderfully deal with serious dry skin, as well as brittle hair and nails. In addition to all this, the components that make up its composition help fight the first signs of aging - it is in this regard that in their reviews of Perfectil Plus hair vitamins, doctors recommend using it for women who have reached the age of 35.
This product is available in the form of tablets, which come with additional capsules. The packaging is designed for the use of the course for 28 days. Experts in their comments on such a drug explain that the tablet contains a complex consisting of vitamins and minerals, and the capsules contain Omega-3, coenzyme, and lycopene, which are very useful for the body.
In customer reviews of Perfectil Plus vitamins, it is said that their positive effect is not limited only to the elimination of brittle hair, nails, and dry skin. In practice, this tool in an excellent way helps to protect the body from the negative effects of some external environmental factors, as well as from free radicals. Medical experts say that patients who take these vitamins correctly and consistently rarely experience metabolic problems.

Components included inThe composition of "Perfectil Plus", according to reviews of vitamins of this type left by consumers, perfectly contributes to moisturizing the skin from the inside, which is especially valuable for the body at any age.
Perfectil Tricholojik
According to doctors of various speci alties, this complex of vitamins is the most optimal for use. This is due to the fact that it has a positive effect on maintaining the vital activity of the human body, promotes visual rejuvenation of the skin, and, like all other complexes of this series, strengthens nails and hair.
In the reviews of hair vitamins "Perfectil Tricholodzhik" it is said that the elements included in their complex, if used correctly, quickly restore the structure of dry and damaged hair, making them look he althier. This is facilitated by the hydrocollamer, which is part of its composition (marine collagen). This substance is rich in amino acids that moisturize the hair, as a result of which they become more resilient and elastic. Also, this effect is directed by the action of zinc, selenium, copper and sulfur, which are among the components of the complex. In practice, many buyers of this series of products also noticed that after a couple of months of the course, the hair became noticeably thicker and more beautiful, which, of course, can only please - this is noted in reviews of the Perfectil Tricholodzhik vitamins. The complex has a positive effect not only on the hair, but also on the scalp. Doctors who are fans of the complex and constantlyrecommend it to their patients, assuring that the tool not only provides proper nutrition to the hair, but also helps prevent premature graying of hair.
What is the benefit of "Perfectila" elements for facial skin? First of all, it helps to protect the epithelium from the negative effects of factors that surround a person every day. Thanks to this, rapid fading of the skin is prevented, it continues to shine, and its owner delights those around her with her appearance. This property of the complex is ensured by the action of wheat extracts, as well as cherry and grape seeds, which are included in the miraculous structure.
Packed with vitamins, customers are offered 30 tablets, which contain in compressed form all the components necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the human body.
How to drink vitamins: instructions for use
In reviews of Perfectil vitamins, it is often said that they are quite easy to use and this is a big plus. The daily dose of vitamins, minerals and other very useful trace elements necessary for the human body is contained in one tablet or capsule - this makes it easier to take by not having to make an individual dosage calculation.
In the instructions for the use of the complex of vitamins it is said that they should be consumed only on a full stomach. If you do this on an empty stomach, you may experience unpleasant side effects in the form of vomiting or nausea. It is connected withthe fact that the product belongs to the category of synthetic. In practice, it is better to consume them during lunch, immediately after (or during) a meal.
In the reviews of doctors about the Perfectil vitamins, a contraindication to the use of such a complex for children is often mentioned. This is due to the fact that the amount of vitamins and minerals that make up one tablet is quite large. Also, this is not recommended for people who have hypersensitivity to the elements of its structure and people suffering from hypervitaminosis. Such vitamins are forbidden to be eaten by patients with tuberculosis, rheumatism, and also with kidney failure. They are not prescribed for people with AIDS.

To bring the body back to normal, it is enough to drink a course for one month - it is for this period that the package of vitamins is designed. But if necessary, having the recommendations of a specialist in the field of medicine, you can extend the course for a certain time. In the event that a person is engaged in the treatment of skin diseases, and he uses the vitamins of the Perfectil series to maintain it in a normal state, you can take the remedy on an ongoing basis, sometimes taking short breaks (about two weeks of break will be enough).
It is forbidden to take vitamins of this type in certain life periods. This, for example, concerns the time of breastfeeding the baby, as well as the state of pregnancy. In particular, this applies to specialized lines "Perfectila" -"Triholodzhik", "Plus" and "Platinum". As for the classic version, it is very often used by women during these periods, but before taking it, it is imperative to consult a doctor.
It is not recommended to use such a complex in combination with drugs of this type, which contain minerals and vitamins in their structure. This is due to the fact that in this case, the absorption of the elements present in the "Perfectile" is significantly worsened.
When taking "Perfectil", it is necessary to drink it with a glass of water - in this case, the substances will be better absorbed and absorbed by the body.
Consumer Reviews
In reviews of Perfectil vitamins, you can often find a lot of positive comments regarding the quality of the complex. They say that the product is an excellent way to fight skin imperfections, dry hair, brittle nails, as well as a host of problems that can occur in the human body due to various environmental factors.
Reviews of the "Perfectil" vitamins for hair say that this remedy helps in an excellent way to cope with the problems that are very often observed in women after pregnancy. Often there are situations when, after carrying a baby and breastfeeding, there is a serious lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. As a result, very often young mothers face the problem of hair loss. This remedy is also recommendedtake some cosmetologists and masters in the field of beauty. Vitamins are especially needed when a woman regularly dyes her hair, straightens it with chemicals or makes it curly.
Also in customer reviews, you can find opinions that vomiting or nausea may occur while taking the remedy. Experts explain this phenomenon by the fact that the body already has a sufficient amount of vitamins that are part of Perfectil. So the use of the remedy should be stopped, it will not be absorbed properly.
The cost of the complex of vitamins "Perfectil" (according to the reviews of its regular customers) is quite acceptable, however, as practice shows, it can be different, depending on the pharmacy of which city in Russia the product is purchased. So, in Moscow and the region it can be bought for 320 rubles, in less densely populated areas it costs up to 300 rubles. However, this cost is set for the classic vitamin complex. If we talk about specialized lines, the action of which is directed to certain areas of the body, then their price is somewhat higher. So, "Perfectil Plus" costs approximately 610-630 rubles, "Platinum" - from 650 to 750 rubles.
In practice, the majority of the population is ready to give these funds for miraculous complexes, since, according to them, the datavitamins have a great effect on the immune system, and also help to restore hair, skin and nails very well, even when they are in a very painful condition.