Calming herbs in the form of teas and decoctions bring quick relief in any stressful situation. They relieve symptoms such as anxiety, nervous overexcitation and trouble falling asleep.
Stress and Herbalism

Calming herbs are natural remedies to help you unwind after a stressful day. Herbal medicine is safe. Their action does not negatively affect the body. Herbal infusions help to overcome difficulties associated with falling asleep, discomfort, stressful conditions that cause emotional arousal.
Stress is a common occurrence of our time. He accompanies people almost every day. The fast pace of life, an unhe althy diet, a set of negative emotions and experiences cause this condition. During the day, a person encounters hundreds of such situations and often does not notice the reaction of his body. However, the negative effects of stress affect us negatively and cause heart disease, digestive disorders, headache symptoms and feeling unwell.
Most often in treatmentstress sufficient is the use of herbs that calm the nervous system. They act gently but effectively, especially when taken regularly. Treatment with them usually lasts four to six weeks. The therapeutic course can be repeated after a two-week break.
Plants to treat stress and depression
Let's take a look at some nervous system calming herbs used to treat stress and depression:
- Medicinal angelica, also called angelica. It is a biennial plant grown in gardens. For medicinal purposes, roots and seeds are suitable, which have a calming effect on the nervous system, reduce the occurrence of headaches and nervous disorders, relieve spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, facilitate and accelerate digestion.
- Barberry. It is an ornamental shrub with edible fruits that contain sugar, tannins, carotenoids, organic acids and a lot of vitamin C. Thanks to this, they add energy and have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.
- Hop. It is mainly associated with the production of beer, but for centuries this plant has been used in herbal medicine. It has various medicinal properties - diuretic, antiseptic and analgesic, but is best known for its sedative effect and hypnotic effect. Hop makes it difficult to move stimuli to the nervous system, inhibits the function of the cerebral cortex, calms and pacifies. Ideal also for sleep problems.
- Elderberry is a shrub whose fruits are reala treasure trove of invaluable he alth ingredients. They contain a lot of vitamins B and C, so they improve the body's stamina and strengthen the nervous system. Increases immunity, protecting against diseases.
- St. John's wort. The plant is included in the list of soothing herbs for nerves. An alcoholic infusion from the plant has antidepressant properties. St. John's wort increases the sensitivity of the body to light, so after using it, you should abandon the solarium and not stay in the sun for too long. To prepare tea from St. John's wort to improve mood, you need to brew a teaspoon of dry grass for 10 minutes in 150 ml of boiling water, drink 3 times a day.
- Hawthorn. This is a shrub whose flowers and fruits contain tannins, phytosterols and flavonoids, which normalize the functioning of the heart muscle and slightly increase the strength of its contractions. Alcoholic infusion of hawthorn has a calming effect on the nerves. It is especially effective in case of cardiac arrhythmias caused by excitement. To prepare tea from hawthorn to calm the nerves, you need to brew a teaspoon of dry raw materials from the plant for 10 minutes in 150 ml of boiling water, strain (can be sweetened). Drink up to 3 times a day.
- Magnolia. Known for its magnificent flowers. In addition to high decorative characteristics, it has medicinal properties. Studies have confirmed the anxiolytic, sedative effect. Magnolia has antidepressant properties, helps with bad mood, loss of energy.

Herbs for calming the heart
ManyStudies have shown that Valerian officinalis is among the most effective soothing herbs that normalize heart function. It contains numerous essential oils that provide relief from headaches. Herbal preparations slow down the work of the heart, reduce stress and nervous tension. Medicines relieve any asthma attacks, palpitations, convulsions, trembling and tingling in the limbs that occur on a nervous basis. But these drugs can also interfere with psychomotor activity, so you should be especially careful when driving.

Valerian root and extracts from it are a component of many sedative drugs that facilitate falling asleep, relieving feelings of anxiety and irritability. You can also prepare preparations from this herb at home. However, when using medicines from plant raw materials, you need to remember that after 3-4 weeks you need to take a break for a few days. After this time, you can return to its application again.
- 100 g of crushed valerian roots pour 1/2 liter of pure vodka. It should be left to infuse for a week, shaking the vessel from time to time. After that, the product must be filtered. In the tincture, add 2 cups of boiled cold water, mix and pour into dark bottles. You need to store it in the refrigerator. The remedy is taken 3 times a day after meals, 40-50 drops in a glass of water.
- To make valerian tea for insomnia, you need a teaspoon of crushed plant rootbrew for 10 minutes in 150 ml of boiling water, strain, sweeten with honey. Drink an hour before bedtime.
What herbs calm the heart? With neurosis of this organ, it is recommended to drink infusions from motherwort. This plant relieves the symptoms of stress and prevents its aggravation.
With excessively intense work of the heart, soothing herbs such as hawthorn, yarrow will help. They improve blood circulation and increase the oxygen supply to the heart ventricles.
Melissa, chamomile, mint - soothing herbs for children

Hyperactivity of the nervous system in children can be caused by numerous ailments. Already at the first symptoms of influenza, the child becomes weakened and irritable. To relieve the baby of his serious condition, you should drink herbal tea from lemon balm, mint or chamomile. These herbs help to fall asleep and relax the young body. Chamomile is one of the most popular and safe nerve calming herbs that can be used for babies from the first month of life.
Peppermint has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby relieving spasms of the stomach and intestines resulting from stress and nervous tension.
Herbs for nerves during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a unique period during which many nerve medications are not recommended due to their antispasmodic properties and the potential forpremature and unwanted uterine contractions. What soothing herbs can be used at this time? The expectant mother can safely use safe sedative herbs such as lemon balm and valerian.
Nervous tension can be reduced by taking a relaxing bath with the addition of chamomile, sandalwood, lavender, juniper, rose, sage, nutmeg oils. A few drops of one of these oils can be soaked into a handkerchief and then inhaled during times of stress or anxiety. They stimulate the production of chemicals in the body that resist fatigue.
Herbal soothing tea
To calm the nerves with herbs, you can use the recipe below.
To make herbal tea for people living in nervous tension, you will need:

- 100g hawthorn fruit;
- 40g melissa herb;
- 30g chamomile flowers;
- 20g St. John's wort;
- 10g valerian root.
Mix the herbs thoroughly in a bowl, place in a tightly closed container. Infuse one tablespoon of the mixture for 5 minutes under the lid in 1 cup of boiling water. Drink ½ cup of warm infusion 2 times a day between meals. The tea calms the nerves, strengthens the heart, and also lowers blood pressure.
Nerve-calming syrup
To prepare it, you need to take 10 g each: valerian, chamomile flowers, hawthorn and catnip. Stir and pour ½ liters of alcohol, let it brew for 14 days. Ready tincturestrain and mix with 200 ml of honey and 200 ml of vegetable glycerin. Pour into glass bottles, store in a dark, cool place. For anxiety attacks, hysteria, panic, take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day. The syrup restores nervous balance in moments of poor he alth, sudden mood swings, relieves depression. Has a calming and slightly hypnotic effect.
Tincture to relieve nervous tension
You will need the following ingredients:
- 50g lemon balm leaves;
- 10g lavender flowers;
- 5g dried black currants;
- 1 liter dry white wine;
- 50ml alcohol.
Herbs must be poured into a jar, poured with alcohol and wine, soaked for 3 days, filtered and poured into clean bottles. Drink 2 times a day for 25 ml.
Other ways to calm nerves
Many herbal preparations have a calming effect on the nervous system. An addition to such treatment can be a massage procedure that helps to relax and reduce stress. Massage is even more effective if essential oils are used during the session. Regular use of medicinal herbs helps to maintain our he alth.