Adenoiditis can be identified by characteristic symptoms, even without resorting to examination with a mirror. With the disease, nasal breathing is disturbed, hearing loss is observed, the voice changes, it becomes nasal. The more the pharyngeal tonsil enlarges, the more these symptoms appear. Chronic adenoiditis can change the severity, there are three of them - I, II, III. The disease develops in young children. Adenoiditis is disguised as a cold, SARS, which is why it can not be immediately detected. So the disease flows into a chronic form, and this leads to serious consequences.

Chronic adenoiditis
The pharyngeal tonsil plays a huge role in childhood. It produces protective antibodies and is a living barrier to infections penetrating intoorganism. A child, visiting public institutions, is always exposed to the risks of infection with bacteria, viruses. With increased work, the tonsil increases in size, grows and adenoids form. According to the well-known pediatrician Komarovsky, it is necessary to start treatment already at the first stages in order not to bring the matter to surgical intervention. Formed adenoids often become inflamed due to infections, and adenoiditis develops in children. Symptoms and treatment Komarovsky, like any other children's doctor, is perfectly aware. Depending on the stage, the correct method of getting rid of the problem is prescribed.
Chronic adenoiditis leads to a constant runny nose, as the inflamed tonsil in the throat blocks the lumen, breathing is disturbed. Chronic adenoiditis in a child (2 years old) may have an initial stage, most often children from three to ten years old suffer from the disease. The child begins to breathe through the mouth more often, in a dream - to snore. The accumulated mucus often provokes a cough with adenoiditis.
Medical statistics state that 20% of young children suffer from chronic forms of adenoiditis. In adolescents, the nasopharyngeal tonsil begins to decrease and by the age of 20 it completely atrophies. Its maximum size is reached at the age of 4 to 7 years. But do not say that by the age of 14-15 the sore will resolve on its own. Adenoiditis requires immediate treatment, as the consequences can be very serious.

Factors contributing to disease
Chronic adenoiditis is formed in the presence of frequent bacterial and viral infections. Other reasons:
- weakened child system;
- allergic diseases;
- constant colds;
- hypothermia;
- artificial feeding;
- vitamin D deficiency;
- chronic infections;
- overabundance of carbohydrates in the diet;
- poor environmental situation;
- too humid or dry indoor air;
- hormonal disorders.
Exacerbation of chronic adenoiditis occurs in the presence of an acute viral infection, with the active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Other causes of exacerbation:
- Inflammatory ENT diseases (ARVI, whooping cough, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, measles).
- Hereditary factor.
- Overfeeding carbohydrate foods, sweets.
- Inadequate immunity, tendency to allergic reactions.
Violation of the temperature regime in the room (too warm, dry air, a lot of dust, harmful substances - household chemicals).

Adenoiditis in children, symptoms and treatment (Komarovsky)
According to Dr. Komarovsky, the transition of acute to chronic adenoiditis can be determined by the following symptoms:
- mouth constantly open;
- appetite is decreasing;
- have trouble sleeping;
- nose stuffed up, as a result - sniffling, snoring;
- rhinitis occurs with mucus and pus;
- subfebrile condition (temperature37 to 37, 9)
- there is a lag in mental and physical development;
- headaches;
- Bouts of nocturnal cough due to accumulated mucus in the throat;
- fatigue;
- hearing loss.
Chronic adenoiditis symptoms are similar. This disrupts the child's speech. The kid hardly pronounces nasal consonants, tries to speak muffled, abruptly, “in the nose”. Even in appearance, adenoiditis in a child can be determined in a chronic form. The so-called "adenoid face" is formed - the lower jaw sags, salivation increases, edema appears and the bite is disturbed. Oxygen starvation is a consequence of difficult nasal breathing. Children with this pathology often have a narrowed and protruding chest.
Often chronic adenoiditis is accompanied by pharyngitis, bronchial asthma, tonsillitis. This is due to the constantly open mouth, through which infections quickly penetrate the body, settle on the larynx, trachea. Inflammatory processes can spread in the nasal cavity, as a result - constant secretions of mucus, and this leads to skin irritation on the lips, redness, painful microcracks appear.
Adenoiditis is treated by an otolaryngologist. To make a diagnosis, the doctor does an examination and listens to complaints. A good specialist can suspect adenoiditis already upon detection:
- redness, swelling of the pharyngeal tonsil;
- purulent, mucous discharge.
To establish an accurate diagnosis, the following applydiagnostic methods:
- Posterior rhinoscopy. With the help of a mirror, the doctor examines the posterior sections in the nasal cavity. This allows you to identify the extent to which the adenoids have grown, hyperemia (redness), the presence of pus, and edema are established.
- X-ray of the nasopharynx. Differential diagnosis of adenoiditis and sinusitis. Severity rating.
- Endoscopy of the nasopharynx. An elastic tube with a video camera is used, which allows you to identify the exact size of the adenoids, their condition, as well as the mucous membrane.
- Smear from the nasopharynx. Allows you to determine the sensitivity to certain medications, and also identifies pathogens.
- Methods of otoacoustic emission and audiometry. These tests are done if the patient has hearing loss.
The doctor must differentiate chronic adenoiditis from the following diseases: sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, juvenile angiofibroma (in adolescents).

Treatment methods
Adenoiditis is treated both with medication and surgical methods. Treatment of adenoids in children without surgery is recommended by Komarovsky and other doctors at stage I or II. The medication must be prescribed by the attending physician. Most often, complex therapy is used - local antibacterial agents plus antihistamines.
It is also prescribed to wash the nose with special solutions. This procedure is useful not only in the treatment, but also for the prevention of the disease. Washing the nasopharynx removes mucus, and together withit has all microbes. This reduces nasal congestion, the degree of inflammation decreases. The procedure should be repeated 3-4 times, during an exacerbation of the disease - up to 6 times a day. For washing, you can use: a syringe or a children's aspirator; Esmarch's mug; syringe without a needle; special pharmaceutical devices. In the form of a solution, s alt solutions, herbal infusions, medicines, natural mineral water are suitable. During the rinsing procedure, safety precautions should be taken to prevent liquid from entering the auditory tube, this can contribute to inflammation of the middle ear and hearing loss.
Physiotherapy treatments
In the treatment of adenoids in children without surgery, Komarovsky recommends including physiotherapy. The otolaryngologist must select effective methods, they will depend on the severity of the disease, the size of the adenoids, and the degree of inflammation. The most common method is laser therapy. The procedure uses a helium-neon laser. With its help, the adenoids warm up, while all microbes die, swelling and inflammation decrease. For the effectiveness of the procedure, the following conditions must be observed:
- The LED tube must be led directly to the adenoids, irradiation through the bridge of the nose will not bring the desired result.
- Before the irradiation procedure, you need to rinse with saline, eliminate all mucus and pus from the nasal passages.
Ozone therapy is also considered an effective method, ozone gas is used here. It can be used to stop growth andreproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, local immunity is restored, the healing of the mucosa is accelerated. Ozone dissolves easily in water, so you can use it when washing the nasopharynx.
UVR method. Ultraviolet rays have bactericidal properties. After 3-8 hours of application, a positive effect is observed.
Ultrahigh frequency therapy. Often used during an exacerbation of the disease. Pulsed currents of ultrahigh frequency are able to eliminate the inflammatory process, reduce pain, increase local immunity.
Magnetotherapy. Accelerates the recovery of cells, increases the protective functions of the body.
Electrophoresis. With this method, various drugs (antihistamines, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory drugs) are injected through the mucous membranes and skin with the help of an electric current.
EHF-therapy. Electromagnetic waves in the millimeter range are used. The procedure relieves swelling, improves immunity.
All these procedures can bring success in treatment, mainly in the early stages of the disease. If it is running, surgery may be needed to remove the adenoids.

Thinking about the question of how to cure chronic adenoiditis in a child, be sure to consult a doctor. It often happens that surgery is required. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is an unconditional indication for this. In addition, surgery is also required in cases where other methods only temporarily relieve the symptoms of chronic adenoiditis.
Removal of the tonsil is performed in stationary conditions, the operation is called adenotomy. The doctor will advise whether it is worth removing the adenoids to the child. If the operation is unavoidable, he will also prescribe one of the types of surgical intervention, it can be:
- Classic operation.
- Endoscopic surgery.
- Laser adenotomy.
After the operation, the patient is prohibited from intense physical activity, swimming, consumption of hot, sour foods and drinks.

Treatment of adenoids with folk remedies - the most effective
When the course of the disease is not in a severe form, along with drug treatment, traditional medicine recipes can be used as an auxiliary therapy. If adenoids are found in children, home treatment can be done in the following ways:
- Washing with saline. Dilute a teaspoon of s alt in a liter of water, repeat three times a day.
- Aloe juice. After washing with s alt water, drip 3-5 drops of fresh aloe juice into the nose. Course to continue - 60 days.
- Sea buckthorn oil. Three drops in each nostril. The course is three weeks.
- For washing the nose - propolis. Take a pharmacy tincture, dilute 20 drops in a glass of water (warm), add a quarter teaspoon of soda. Wash three times a day.
- Honey withbeets. Proportions ½ (honey + beet juice). Three drops are instilled three times a day. The course is three weeks.
- Herbal rinse for rinsing: chamomile - 3 tsp, linden - 2 tbsp. - pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Rinse the nasopharynx three times a day for a week.
- Infusion: take 100 g of mint, wheatgrass, sage, coltsfoot, chamomile. Three tablespoons of the collection pour 750 ml of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes, strain. Drink a glass three times a day after meals.
- Inhalations for adenoiditis are done with essential oils. Lemon oil or eucalyptus oil will do. Three drops of oil are dripped into the inhalation cup. Breathe for at least 10 minutes. For babies, the dose and time are halved.

Breathing exercises
So, if you started the treatment of adenoids with folk remedies, the most effective recipes do not guarantee a complete elimination of the problem. In parallel, use breathing exercises. It helps to avoid possible exacerbations and transition to the chronic stage. If adenoiditis is chronic, breathing exercises preserve nasal breathing and prevent adenoid hypertrophy from developing. Exercises are performed during periods of remission. The main goal is to teach the baby to breathe properly through the nose, so that the body is saturated with oxygen, lymph outflow occurs. As a result, there is a decrease in adenoids. In the chronic form of adenoiditis, the following exercises are useful:
- Breathe with one nostril. Inhale with the right (at this time we hold the left), exhaleleft (at this time, hold down the right).
- Gurgling. Immerse the rubber tube into the bottle, the other end into the mouth. The baby should inhale through the nose, and exhale through the tube. Gurgle like this for five minutes. Inhale, exhale.
- Hedgehog. Let the kid imagine that he is a hedgehog looking for apples in the grass. Take a deep breath and turn your head to the right, then to the left.
- Crane. Inhale through the nose, arms stretch up. Exhale, lower your arms.
- Ball. Smooth breath, inflate the stomach. Exhale - deflate the stomach.
It is better to do breathing exercises in the morning. Before classes, rinse your nose well, drip with drops.
If adenoids are found in children, home treatment will not give immediate results. For advice, be sure to contact an otolaryngologist. A knowledgeable specialist will tell you the right methods. Well, in order to prevent adenoiditis, parents should follow the recommendations:
- See your doctor immediately if you notice snoring in your sleep, congestion, open mouth, hearing loss.
- Colds must be cured to the end.
- Increase the body's defenses, immunity by hardening, physical education, vitamin intake, proper nutrition.
- Limit your child's exposure to acute respiratory infections.
- Hygiene procedures should be carried out regularly - brushing your teeth, rinsing your nose with saline solutions, gargling after eating.
Adenoiditis can lead to serious consequences, affectdevelopment, so parents at the first suspicion are obliged to show their child to the doctor.