Any symptom of uterine fibroids as a signal to action

Any symptom of uterine fibroids as a signal to action
Any symptom of uterine fibroids as a signal to action

Uterine fibroids is a tumor consisting of muscular connective tissue. Despite the formidable word tumor, fibroids have nothing to do with oncological diseases and do not metastasize.

Causes of occurrence

The causes of fibroids have not yet been fully identified, the only thing that is reliably known is that hormonal failure can provoke the disease, or rather, an excess of estrogens with a simultaneous lack of progesterone.

symptom of uterine fibroids
symptom of uterine fibroids

It should be noted that the content of hormones in the blood does not correspond to their content on the surface of the epithelium in the uterus.

This disease is very common. According to statistics, every eighth woman over 30 suffers from this disease.

Fibroids differ in location:

- intracavitary;

- growing inside the uterus;

- fibroids growing on the outer surface towards the abdominal cavity;

- a tumor that develops inside the very wall of the uterus.

Factors that increase the risk of developing fibroids:

- pregnancy;

- inflammatory and sexually transmitted diseases;


- irregular cycle of menstruation;

- abortions or other surgical interventions;

- obesity;

- thyroid disease.

large uterine fibroids symptoms
large uterine fibroids symptoms

At the onset of the disease, a woman rarely feels discomfort and, as a rule, does not complain of any serious symptom of uterine fibroids. But still there are signs by which such a diagnosis can be suspected. In addition, every woman should undergo a medical examination every six months, regardless of the presence of complaints.

Uterine fibroids of small size. Symptoms:

- during menstruation, bleeding became more abundant or, conversely, very scarce;

- constant cycle failures;

- discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Many patients do not pay attention to such symptoms, but in vain, because heavy periods lead to anemia, and as the tumor grows, the possible treatment becomes more difficult and serious.

Uterine fibroids of large sizes. Symptoms:

- constant aching pain in the abdomen or lower back (these sensations are connected with the fact that the enlarged tumor began to put pressure on neighboring organs);

- problems with urination and stool, most often constipation and false urge to go to the toilet;

- Another serious symptom of uterine fibroids is a sharp rise in temperature and a sharp pain in the lower abdomen. This condition occurs when the fibroid stem is twisted and, as a result, the neoplasm dies and ruptures.

Treatment and prevention

The only 100% preventionof this disease is a gynecological examination every six months and ultrasound. And if you have at least one symptom of uterine fibroids, you need to go to the doctor immediately.

small uterine fibroids symptoms
small uterine fibroids symptoms

When diagnosed early, fibroids are much easier to get rid of. Tumors of small sizes are removed with little or no damage to the uterus itself. In advanced cases, fibroids are removed along with the uterus, and sometimes appendages.

If this disease is left untreated, it threatens not only with a serious operation, but also with infertility.

Small fibroids, if a woman is not planning a pregnancy, usually does not require surgery. The doctor simply observes the tumor, if it does not increase, then everything remains as it is.

Any symptom of uterine fibroids should alert a woman and be a reason to undergo an unscheduled ultrasound, because only with careful attention to oneself can one maintain he alth.
