For what reasons do breasts fill up?

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For what reasons do breasts fill up?
For what reasons do breasts fill up?

Video: For what reasons do breasts fill up?

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Very often, the fair sex is faced with a problem when the breasts are poured and cause discomfort. The reasons for this phenomenon can be very diverse. Read more about this in our article.

breasts fill up
breasts fill up

Possible causes

If you notice that your chest is full, which has never happened before, you should consult a doctor. However, many women regularly face such a problem, and therefore, often, they do not sound the alarm. First, this phenomenon usually occurs before menstruation. Hormonal changes during this period contribute to the fact that the mammary gland becomes very sensitive. It's all about estrogen. It is they that stand out in much greater quantities and cause discomfort in the chest.

Secondly, the next reason is a possible pregnancy. Sometimes it doesn't quite go as planned. Therefore, when the breasts are filled, women do not panic and calmly wait for the onset of menstruation. However, from the first days of the delay, be on the lookout. It is better to do a test and see what the true cause of this pain is. If this is due to pregnancy, then you should not worry. The body adjusts in a new way, prepares the breasts of the expectant mother forfeeding. The most dangerous thing is when the mammary gland hurts not entirely, but in places. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. With the onset of puberty, girls may also experience chest pain. It is also associated with a hormonal surge. Now it is worth talking about these and other reasons in more detail.

why does the chest fill up
why does the chest fill up


One of the first signs of it is the girls' complaints that their breasts have filled up. The pains are permanent. Do not be afraid, because now the body has a difficult task: to bear a new life in itself. Therefore, it is intensively changing from a hormonal point of view. And, as you know, the breast is given to the fair sex not for aesthetics, but for feeding babies. At this stage, she is preparing for her direct appointment. But at the same time, the pain is usually uniform. No seals or lumps should be present.

Usually this discomfort goes away after the first trimester of pregnancy. It resumes before childbirth and immediately after the birth of the child. Do not be afraid that the breasts filled up during the first days after childbirth: it was milk. Over time, the discomfort will pass. And feeding will bring pleasure to both mom and baby.

chest is swollen and sore
chest is swollen and sore

Another unpleasant moment associated with this period is the appearance of stretch marks on the chest. They are damaged skin tissue. She has to increase in size due to the growth, for example, of her breasts. In that case, you can alsofeel discomfort. It is recommended to use special moisturizers to avoid this problem.

Critical days

Quite often, many women have breasts filled before menstruation. Since from the very middle of the cycle the body is preparing for a future possible pregnancy. But with the onset of menstruation, the hormonal background decreases and returns to its previous state. Then the pain goes away, the sensitivity decreases. If this does not happen, you need to consult a specialist. He will do all the necessary procedures to establish the cause of the pain.

Besides this, some girls complain that their breasts fill up even during ovulation. At this time, it can also pull the lower abdomen. All these changes are associated with the maturation of the egg, which is ready for fertilization. If you have a similar situation, then you can use a special test. He will tell you if chest pains are related to ovulation.

chest filled with pain
chest filled with pain

Sound the alarm?

All of the above causes of pain in the mammary gland are not dangerous. This is a natural reaction of the body to various changes. But when the pain brings torment, is localized only in one breast or in a certain place, then you should immediately go to the doctor. A woman can herself diagnose the first signs of a disease. To do this, you need to undress to the waist, raise one hand, and the other from the bottom up to walk along the chest, fingering. If seals are felt or the gland has become a heterogeneous structure, this may indicatedisease.

Lumps like to be localized on the sides, closer to the armpit, and also under the breast itself. If you have these symptoms, run to the doctor. Prolonged postponing of this matter until "tomorrow" can lead to disastrous consequences. If, along with pain, there is a deterioration in well-being, body temperature has risen, weakness has appeared, this requires immediate hospitalization and a thorough examination.

chest filled
chest filled

Other reasons

If none of the above fits your circumstances, there may be other reasons for the discomfort:

  • You are wearing a bra that doesn't fit. Simply put, the bodice compresses the chest too tightly. In this case, choose one that is comfortable.
  • You have gained a lot of weight. The breast is composed mostly of soft adipose tissue. When gaining weight, there may be a feeling of tide in it, heaviness.
  • You drink a lot of fluids. And also abuse s alty foods that keep it.
  • You hit where it hurts. And yet there are no seals.
  • You lead a sedentary and unsportsmanlike lifestyle.

What should I do if my chest is full and it hurts?

The first thing you should do is pay attention to the nature of the pain. It can be permanent, short-term, localized only in certain places. After that, examine yourself for the presence of seals and painful lumps. When they appear, go to the doctor. If the breasts fill up a week before menstruation, then remember -it's quite normal. This is how the body reacts to hormonal changes.

When breastfeeding, some women may experience lactostasis. With this phenomenon, stagnation occurs in the milk ducts. In this case, the formation of lumps is inevitable. Doctors recommend giving the child to dissolve the problem breast. If lactostasis could not be avoided, and it turned into mastitis, then it is incredibly difficult to cure it on your own. With this problem, you need to see a doctor.

breast filling before menstruation
breast filling before menstruation


Knowing why breasts fill up will save you a lot of trouble. The main thing is to remember that timely identification of the problem will help you to be on the alert in time. Women need to be examined by a mammologist at least once a year, even if nothing bothers them at all. Especially in the period before childbirth and menopause. It is at this moment that the most complex hormonal surge occurs. Stay he althy!