Headaches are a common thing for humans. Surely everyone at least once in their life experienced an unpleasant, heavy feeling that arises in the head. And these sensations are intensified at the moment when the head is turned to the side or if you look at bright objects. Some people consider it a symptom of severe overwork, others - malaise, but no one even suspects that in fact this is one of the most common diseases that is difficult to diagnose and is called migraine. It has several forms, but the most common is migraine without aura, or, as it is also called, simple migraine. There are many types of the disease and ways to treat it. But first of all, it is worth knowing how this disease is indicated in different classifications. For example, migraine without aura in the ICD code is G43.0. And although such a disease is almost impossible to treat, you should constantly take preventive measures and take drugs,eliminating the onset of an attack.
What does a migraine without an aura mean?
This is a very common disease that occurs in almost every fifth person. It develops from childhood and is observed mainly in the beautiful half of humanity. The main symptoms of migraine without aura begin to appear between the ages of 23 and 35. Often diseases remain undiagnosed, patients unsuccessfully try to drown out the headache with pills and other drugs that do not always eliminate the disease.

The pathogenesis itself is quite complex, it consists of a complex of different changes and reactions. There are changes in the brain tissue and blood vessels.
Migraines tend to:
- Shrinking the gaps that feed the brain.
- Cells begin to respond inappropriately to the inner lining of the vessel.
- The tone of the neurons that feed the blood vessels is getting out of control.
- Disturbed metabolic processes.
These changes occur due to pathological vasoconstriction in the brain, which causes ischemia, and then impulses appear, which ultimately leads to headache.

This type of migraine is characterized by severe pain. The main manifestation of these pains appears spontaneously and can last up to three days. Pain, mostly throbbing, usually appears in one part of the brain. The pain may get worse ifthe person looks at bright objects or lights, hears loud noises, or smells intense smells.
People suffering from hemiplegic migraine without aura should avoid fuss and stay in dark rooms with closed windows during the period of exacerbation. The majority of patients at the time of manifestation of the disease prefers to be in bed, since the horizontal position helps to reduce the intensity of pain.
Difficulty in making a diagnosis is due to the fact that similar symptoms are characteristic of many other diseases. That is why specialists have developed special criteria by which they determine the presence of migraine.
How are migraines different?
It has already been said that migraine without aura occurs most often (in 80% of cases with a headache). However, there are 20% of people who suffer from headaches with aura. What is this disease?
Migraine with aura may present as one of the neurological symptoms.
- Often with classic migraine with aura, there is fog or blurred vision.
- Visual jitter appears.
- Rarely, but there are cases where patients complain of hallucinations.
- This migraine is often an independent disease, but hallucinations can become more frequent, the patient smells the same smells, which causes irritation.

In order to make a correct diagnosis to the patient, it is necessary to study the following signs:
- Headaches become common, they can last from 4 to 72 hours.
- Feels nauseous, reacts to light and sound, and may even vomit.
- In one part of the head, pressure increases, and sharp pains during physical exertion become more noticeable.
If a patient has any of the above symptoms, this indicates that he is suffering from migraine without aura.

Patients often have a question about how it will be possible to stop a migraine headache. This disease is treatable with the following drugs:
- Serotonin agonists.
- Drugs that do not contain steroids: Analgin, Paracetamol, Diclofenac.
- Means designed to combat seizures: valeric acid, Topiramate, Carbamazepine.
- Drugs related to antihypertensives: Metoprolol, Atenolol, Verapamil.
- Mild antidepressants.
- Additional preparations or dietary supplements from natural mineral components.
In order for the treatment of migraine without aura (ICD-10 code - G43.0.) to be truly effective, the doctor must conduct a complete examination of the patient, establish all the criteria for pain, collect an anamnesis, and only after that begin to combine the above funds. This is how combinations can help the patient correctly.plan your day and reduce the risk of a new recurrence of such a nasty headache. A migraine is an extremely unpleasant sensation that interferes with the normal course of business, disrupts functionality, and causes difficulties when performing even simple work.
Relax and psychotherapy
Often, doctors recommend not only drug treatment, but also send the patient to psycho- or relaxation therapy. It is these procedures that help to relax and allow the nervous system to rest a bit. The use of such treatment methods contributes to a quick recovery, and if you also connect electrotherapy, as well as hypnosis, you can achieve even more positive results. But it should be borne in mind that the use of hypnosis or electrotherapy alone will not bring any positive results, so it is necessary to combine non-traditional methods of treatment with traditional, medical means of combating the disease.

Preventive measures
Doctors say that timely preventive work with your body and the prevention of the prerequisites for the onset of migraine is the best strategy to combat this disease.
There is no special, specific migraine prevention. But all the means and methods of prevention lead to the normalization of the patient's life cycle, the removal of negative influences and factors that provoke the appearance of this disease.
Many people think that proper nutrition is the key to good prevention, but in factIn fact, this event does not affect the state of the brain in any way. There is no evidence that foods in the diet affect the onset of migraines.
Prophylactic medications that are designed to stop migraines are the most effective. Various kinds of observations and experiments were carried out, where patients took medicine for migraine. If you correctly draw up a regimen for taking this prophylactic medication, then for a considerable time it will be possible to shift the development or recurrence of migraine. Such activities will allow the patient to forget about the symptoms of migraine without aura for a while.

What factors influence migraine occurrence
It is not uncommon for patients to complain of a migraine during the work process, for example, when they are very nervous at work. Stress that a person experiences leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the nervous system, resulting in a migraine.
Migraine often occurs in people who do not follow the sleep schedule for a long time. In today's youth, lack of sleep is the main cause of migraines.
Some experts claim (although this is not confirmed by scientists) that excessive consumption of cheese, coffee and chocolate leads to the development of migraines. This is thought to be because the ingredients in these foods stimulate the brain in excess.
Drinking too much alcohol also causes migraine without aura.
People with a tendency to migraines should also visit the bathextremely rare, as humidity and heat can cause pain.
If the room where the person is too stuffy, it can also lead to the development of headaches, which, in turn, can turn into a migraine. Weather conditions are also important, because sometimes there are magnetic storms and eclipses that affect the human condition. For many people, migraine attacks begin precisely because of a change in the weather.

Fighting migraine yourself
Everyone is well aware that self-medication can be detrimental to a person, which is why you should first consult a doctor. If you are already an experienced patient and know what a migraine is and what drugs doctors prescribe, you can also try alternative ways to deal with the disease. There is no evidence that they are effective, but those patients who have tried them on themselves say that these methods work.
- In the fight against migraines, you can put a tight bandage on your head. This will create pressure and may cause the headache to go away.
- Press on the temporal artery to reduce migraine pain as it swells and pulsates during an attack.
- Often a cold compress or a cool shower is effective in relieving pain and relieving the patient of an intolerable ordeal.
Migraine is a special disease that can both suddenly appear and disappear if you get rid of its cause (irritant). Also withmigraines can be managed with massage or psychotherapy. Often the seizures disappear after the patient takes painkillers.