Acne talkers are considered quite effective remedies for dealing with problem skin. Only a dermatologist can prescribe such a medicine, since it is not suitable for everyone. There are times when even fashionable and expensive drugs cannot eliminate skin rashes, and a simple talker works wonders. It is made according to a special prescription in pharmacies, although many use folk proven schemes. It should be noted that the same composition of the acne talker cannot be assigned to everyone in a row. As a rule, the main ingredients are selected depending on the specific problem that led to the disease.
Indications for use

Chatterbox does not help with all types of rashes, it is advisable to use it only for small skin lesions. If the disease is too advanced, this medicine is unlikely to help. In most cases, acne talkers are prescribed simultaneously with a diet, the essence of which is the fractional and repeated intake of specially selected food. Suchtreatment duration is approximately two months, during which it is recommended to completely exclude smoked, fatty, spicy, fried and sweet foods from the diet. By following these simple rules, you can achieve a significant improvement in skin condition.
Acne Chatterboxes can be used as a facial cleansing tonic, regular application of which helps to tone the skin and prevent acne. Many dermatologists recommend not only wiping the skin with such solutions, but also carefully rubbing them into the pores. However, such procedures should be carried out with caution, especially for pregnant women, since the composition of the talkers often contains such unsafe components as menthol, sulfur and ethyl alcohol.

How to make an acne talker?
To prepare a medicine, you must first choose the right recipe that would suit the condition and type of your skin. What are the components of the acne talker? The pharmacy offers a huge number of different cleansing and healing products designed to deal with problem skin, but often a self-prepared remedy is more effective and safe.
To improve the condition of the skin, the following prescription is often prescribed: 50 ml of medical alcohol and boric acid, 5 g of salicylic acid and 5 g of Levomycetin. This mixture perfectly fights teenage acne and oily skin. Cope with ulcers and subcutaneous pimples that have arisen due to non-compliancehygiene rules, such a talker will help: 50 ml of boric alcohol and salicylic acid, as well as 7 ml of sulfur. For the price, such a medicine is quite cheap, but the result from it can exceed all expectations. And here is another recipe for a talker that allows you to cleanse your face of acne caused by stress or during menstruation: 50 ml of salicylic alcohol, the same amount of boric acid and 4 g of zinc oxide and Erythromycin. Often, doctors prescribe several talkers at once, which should be alternated.

Self-treatment of skin diseases with talkers can significantly aggravate your condition, so do not rush to do this - better visit a dermatologist first. First of all, it is recommended to undergo an examination and, if necessary, pass tests. Based on the cause of the disease, as well as taking into account the type of skin and some other indicators, the doctor will select the most effective drug and write a prescription for it.