Vulvar condylomatosis: causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Vulvar condylomatosis: causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures
Vulvar condylomatosis: causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Condylomatosis is caused by human papillomavirus, which is most often transmitted sexually. But it is important to remember that such a disease manifests itself in only 5% of infected women. Human papillomavirus refers to incurable pathologies, but with proper course treatment and preventive measures, condylomas on the vulva may not appear for many years. In this case, the human immune system will independently fight the infection for a long time. Vulvar condylomatosis according to ICD-10 - A 63.0 (anogenital (venereal) warts).

Course of disease

It is important to remember that at the slightest weakening of the immune defense, which can occur when exposed to various factors, pointed formations begin to form on the vagina, clitoris and vulva of a woman, which are more like small nipples. In some cases, they form singly, while in others they combine and form a growth that looks like a Brussels sprout inflorescence.

Main varieties
Main varieties

Vulvar genital warts on the surface of the vagina do not bring any pain symptoms, but during intercourse there is a feeling of discomfort, they can even be damaged, which leads to heavy bleeding and inflammation in the sore spot.

Main varieties

Condylomatosis of the vulva and vagina can occur in three forms - latent, clinical, and subclinical. It is possible to understand exactly what form of lesion is present in a woman only after a thorough diagnosis. The chosen method of treatment will depend on the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Besides this, warts of the vulva of the vagina may differ from each other in their appearance. Most often, typical genital warts form on the vulva and vagina, in rare cases - flat or papular growths.

Latent vulvar condylomatosis resolves without significant symptoms. At the same time, the epithelial layer does not change in any way, condylomas do not form on the surface of the clitoris and vulva. This stage of the lesion is considered the most dangerous, since at this time the woman herself does not know that she acts as a carrier of the infection. In this case, it is possible to identify the disease only after carrying out diagnostic measures.

The course of the disease
The course of the disease

In the clinical form of the lesion, genital warts of the vulva and other forms of growths occur. With an increase in the size of the formation, they begin to bring tangible discomfort during intercourse. With the passage of time, educations become more and more, and their number increases.

With subclinical formcondylomatosis of the vulva in the patient, flat-shaped condylomas are formed. Such outgrowths lead to a strong compaction of the epithelial layer of the vulva, without going beyond its borders. Only the attending specialist can determine the presence of such a form of damage after examining the patient and conducting a comprehensive diagnosis. To imagine what the formations look like, you can look at the photos of vulvar condylomatosis, which are often presented on the stands in the doctor's office.

Main causes of lesions

The human papillomavirus enters the female body as a result of non-use of contraceptives during intercourse. But such a defeat does not begin to manifest itself immediately. As a rule, the infection reports itself after a decrease in the body's immune defenses. Causes of vulvar warts:

  • an immunodeficiency infection entered the body;
  • there is a lack of any vitamin or mineral in the body;
  • poorly formulated diet;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • chronic diseases;
  • carrying a child;
  • problems with the functioning of the endocrine system, which as a result led to a violation of the level of hormones in the body;
  • physical injury to the mucosa and epithelial membrane of the organ;
  • not following hygiene rules, poor hygiene;
  • diseases of infectious origin.
Reasons for the appearance
Reasons for the appearance

Determining the exact cause of vulvar condylomatosis and NGO is very important. This will help you get started effectively.treatment of growths without the risk of their reappearance and complications. When treating a patient, the doctor will prescribe therapy aimed at getting rid of the root cause of the disease and eliminating neoplasms.

Clinical picture

Condylomatosis can report itself not only with growths on the vulva and vagina. There are several methods that help determine the presence of a developing disease in a woman's body:

  • when having sexual intercourse or immediately after it, a woman feels a characteristic itching and burning sensation in the genitals;
  • on the visible part of the vulva you can visually notice small and thin papillae up to 5 mm long;
  • also on the woman's vagina you can notice characteristic spots that are significantly different from the rest of the skin on the body;
  • after intercourse, a woman's vagina begins to bleed profusely;
  • at the time of urination, a woman feels a sharp unpleasant pain, this is due to the fact that warts begin to actively develop inside the urethra;
  • also neoplasms can appear on the anus: in this case, the woman feels pain at the time of defecation;
  • when warts are deformed on the vulva or vagina, an unpleasant odor begins to emanate from it.

Danger of developing warts

Condylomas are always a danger to a woman's he alth. This can be explained by the fact that such formation is based on the same processes as during the formation of tumors, for this reason, prolonged condylomatosis may indicate the development in the bodyoncological diseases. In a study, it was proved that condylomatosis of the cervix increases the risk of cancer in a woman by 50-60 times.

Problems with intimate life
Problems with intimate life

Also, the papilloma virus in a woman can provoke detachment of the epithelium of the cervix, which will lead to infection of the developing fetus.

Large warts can:

  • damage and cause severe bleeding;
  • do not allow normal sexual intercourse;
  • bring aesthetic discomfort;
  • cause nervous tension and anxiety;
  • prevent normal labor.

Types of papillomas

Also, experts distinguish the following forms of human papillomas:

  1. Vulgar papilloma. Such a formation is a small bump - about 1 mm in diameter. Its keratinized part protrudes above the border of the skin. This type of papilloma lacks a leg. Education can form anywhere on the body, but most often spreads to the fingers or knees.
  2. Plantar papilloma. In this case, a rough formation is formed on the soles of the feet, does not differ in large size, and has an unusual protruding rim. Most often it is formed in a single amount, but it can provoke the formation of daughter growths in the vicinity of the main papilloma. Such a formation leads to discomfort during movement, most often passes on its own without outside help. In order not to confuse papilloma with corns, it is important to remember that corns have a surfacesmoother, and they also have a characteristic pattern.
  3. Flat papilloma is a flat bump. May be a polygon. Almost blends in with the skin. Such a lesion can occur anywhere on the body, but is most often localized on the face and hands. Provokes pain, redness, burning and inflammation in the affected area of the body.
  4. Filamentous papilloma. As a rule, it appears in patients aged 40 to 50 years. The site of distribution is the area of the eyes, neck, groin and armpits. At the beginning of development, the growth is a protrusion of yellow color and a small size. After some time, the formation turns into a filiform, elastic and elongated papilloma. Filiform papilloma requires mandatory treatment.

Diagnostic measures

In the normal state, in the absence of secondary infection, it is not particularly difficult to make an accurate diagnosis, but it is important to remember that vegetative papules (condylomas of an extended form) have a wide base and a dense elastic consistency; in secret, many white treponemas are revealed.

Danger development
Danger development

It is much more difficult to determine the diagnosis in the formation of two types of genital warts on the vulva and vagina: peaked and wide. Diagnostic measures for the detection of spirochetes and other symptoms of syphilis with the setting of RSK will help to accurately determine the disease.

Providing treatment

There are many ways to treat vulvar warts. In some cases, the doctorappoints a simple intake of medicines, in others conducts special procedures. Even at the end of treatment measures, there is a high chance that a relapse of the disease will occur after a few weeks or months. This can be explained by the fact that in the treatment of genital warts it is important to completely eliminate the virus from the body. Now there are a large number of therapeutic measures that help eliminate the virus in all affected cells. In many patients, the body continues to fight the warts virus for several years.

Therapeutic therapy for condylomatosis can be divided into: taking local medicines that help deform wart tissue; surgical interventions that allow you to remove warts tissue and eliminate the virus from the body. Any method of treatment should be chosen depending on the form of the lesion.

"Condylox" (applied to the diseased area of the body and not washed off for some time) - an external agent for the elimination of genital warts. Many patients who use "Condylox" feel itching, unpleasant pain, inflammation in the affected area. Pregnant women are prohibited from using such applications to treat the disease, as they can provoke birth defects in the embryo. Doctors also often prescribe Imiquimod, a cream that is applied to the affected areas.

Visible growths can be removed with cold, heat, a scalpel, or a medical laser. All the described methods are unpleasant and most often lead to a recurrence of the lesion, since HPV continues to remain insurrounding tissues.

Diagnosis of the lesion
Diagnosis of the lesion

Vulvar warts removal with laser or simple surgery is best when there are extensive lesions, especially for those who have not been helped by other treatments. Cryotherapy is used for less numerous skin rashes. This method does not require anesthesia, and also prevents the appearance of visible scars, as is the case with surgery.

The viral nature of the lesion can be treated with antiviral drugs. Some specialists inject alpha interferon directly into warts to prevent recurrence. Interferon therapy helps eliminate the virus from the body, get rid of the internal source of the disease, but this method of treatment does not guarantee protection against re-infection.

Possible Complications

Timely diagnosis plays the main role in the success of the treatment of the disease. Ignoring the symptoms of the disease increases the risk that the process of changing the disease to a malignant form will begin. In this case, the patient may develop malignant tumors, as well as squamous cell carcinoma.

Patients with this disease should be regularly observed by the attending physician. The specialist closely monitors the general condition of the patient, as well as the reaction of his body to the chosen method of treatment. Constant monitoring of the patient's condition is important to protect against relapse and complications.

Carrying out treatment
Carrying out treatment

Unfortunately, even aftercarrying out a radical removal of lesions, the possibility of recurrence still remains high. For this reason, the patient must comply with preventive measures: use antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs prescribed by a doctor.

Condylomatosis is a disease that is quite dangerous for the human body. If you pay attention to her symptoms in time and start the right treatment, the patient's condition will soon return to normal.

Prevention measures

Personal prevention will be to protect the skin and mucous membranes of the genitourinary system, careful treatment of the disease, abstinence from sexual intercourse for some time. Also, to prevent the development of vulvar condylomatosis, it is important to get rid of all existing diseases that can create conditions for the spread of infection.

If necessary, during treatment, the treating specialist changes the method of treatment, the drug or adds additional therapy, in each case the method will be selected individually. Observation in the dispensary is also important in order to avoid the development of a relapse of the disease and prevent its degeneration to the form of a tumor.
