Fear of open space is a fairly common problem today. It occurs for completely different reasons, but in any case it brings a lot of discomfort to the life of the patient. After all, a person who is afraid to leave his own house or even a room eventually loses all social skills and connection with society.
What is the fear of open spaces?

In fact, almost everyone knows the name of the fear of closed spaces - this is claustrophobia. Unfortunately, quite a large number of people experience difficulties, for example, in a large city square or in an open field. So what is the fear of open space called? Such a mental disorder in medicine is called agoraphobia. In fact, this fear has deeper roots. In most cases, people are not only afraid of open space, but also experience almost a snake when they are in a large crowd of people, public transport, or in any other place besides their own apartment. Patients have been reported to have a panic attackeven with the doors open. Interestingly, in most cases, the fear of open space manifests itself between the ages of 20 and 25 years. Women are more prone to this disorder.
Fear of open spaces: main symptoms
Actually, it's not that hard to notice manifestations of agoraphobia. Anxiety covers a person already at the thought of going out into the street. With a long stay in a public place or an unfamiliar open space, the first signs of a panic attack appear. First, the heartbeat quickens, a distinct feeling of fear and even horror appears. In the future, some patients experience severe nausea up to vomiting. In addition, severe dizziness, weakness in the legs, trembling and tingling throughout the body are possible.

Quite often, patients develop severe chest pain and shortness of breath - in some cases, people feel short of breath and begin to suffocate. Fainting is often observed.
Fear of open spaces and treatments
Such strong and uncontrollable fears worsen the quality of human life. After all, his whole life is limited to the walls of the house, he depends on other people, because often he cannot even go to the store. That is why the fear of open space requires professional help from a specialist.

- In fact, the only effective treatment for agoraphobia today is psychotherapy. The fact is that the most common phobiais the result of some emotional trauma previously suffered by a person. An experienced specialist will always help the patient to find the cause of fear and overcome it. In addition, it is regular sessions that help people gradually get out of a state of anxiety. Statistics confirm that agoraphobia is successfully treated and people with similar problems can return to normal life and communication with others after a course of therapy.
- Along with psychotherapy, medications are also used, in particular, sedatives and antidepressants.