Every woman would like to become the owner of beautiful eyes and long eyelashes. Many representatives of the fair sex spare neither time nor money for means that allow them to make their eyes look more attractive. They buy mascara that lengthens the eyelashes and makes them thicker and fluffier. Some women even get eyelash extensions to give them volume.
Eyelash extensions: advantages and disadvantages
This procedure can be carried out in beauty salons or at home. The undoubted advantage of building is convenience and a pronounced effect that cannot be achieved by using ordinary mascara. The eyes look expressive, and you can not spend a lot of time on morning or evening makeup.

The main disadvantage of this procedure is the appearance of allergies. Such a reaction is accompanied by extremely unpleasant symptoms, and can also spoil the mood and impression of the extension for a long time. When carrying out this procedure, glue (black or colorless) is used. Artificial eyelashes are made of hairs that are as similar as possible to real ones. When women come to the salon to have this procedure, they often askbeautician about whether there may be an allergy to extended eyelashes. This question is really better to ask in advance to avoid unpleasant consequences.
Factors causing allergic reactions
Such phenomena are associated with intolerance to the components that are used during the procedure. Allergy to eyelash extensions occurs as a result of the use of artificial materials (hairs containing synthetic fibers) and cheap low-quality glue by the salon master.

The body of some people perceives such substances as foreign. Sometimes a negative reaction of the immune system is associated with insufficiently good processing of materials before the procedure. A qualified salon cosmetologist is usually attentive to such aspects so as not to cause dissatisfaction among clients. The eyelash extension procedure is not recommended to be done at home, as the masters who provide such services are not experienced enough and use poor quality materials.
Is there an allergy to eyelash extensions even if you use high-quality glue and natural hairs? It happens, but, fortunately, it is extremely rare. This occurs in women with sensitive skin and eye conditions (both acute and chronic).
Signs of Allergy
This phenomenon does not pose a particular threat to he alth, but it is dangerous with the possible development of complications.
How does an allergy to eyelash extensions manifest itself? It is characterized by the appearance of the followingsymptoms:
- redness and dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
- eyelid swelling;
- severe itching;
- swelling and redness of the face (in rare cases);
- sneezing, runny nose and dry cough;
- the skin of the eyelids becomes hot, sometimes the temperature rises, weakness appears;
- redness of the whites of the eyes;
- skin becomes dry and flaky.

The article contains manifestations of an allergy to eyelash extensions (photo).
As a rule, negative reactions are not accompanied by severe pain. Pronounced discomfort is not the cause of an allergy to eyelash extensions, but of an incorrectly performed procedure.
How to distinguish an allergic reaction from the consequences of poor-quality work of a beautician?
The fact that the extension procedure itself was carried out incorrectly is indicated by the appearance of the following signs:
- allergy medication fails to relieve discomfort;
- there is a sharp pain in the eyes, they are very irritated;
- even after removing artificial eyelashes, unpleasant symptoms persist;
- very swollen eyelids.

Such phenomena can also occur if a woman is not allergic to eyelash extensions or glue. Most often, this reaction is caused by improper eye care after the procedure (if the client who received the extension does not wash her face,pathogenic microbes can multiply on the eyes and eyelashes), as well as damage to the mucous membrane of the eye. In such cases, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
How to get rid of the symptoms?
Of course, such phenomena become an extremely unpleasant surprise. Naturally, a woman is concerned about the question: if there is an allergy to eyelash extensions, what should I do in this case?
When such signs appear, first of all, it is necessary to remove artificial hairs. It is better if this is done by a beauty salon specialist, using a special solution. At home, you can remove eyelash extensions with a cream or oil. Remove them carefully, without sudden movements. After removing artificial eyelashes, it is recommended to rinse your eyes with chamomile infusion. Then you need to consult with a specialist about taking medications.

Drug Therapy
To eliminate symptoms, allergy pills are usually prescribed ("Tavegil", "Suprastin" or "Loratadin"). These are modern drugs that, unlike older ones, do not cause pronounced side effects. They do not provoke drowsiness and do not affect concentration and ability to drive a car. To eliminate itching and discomfort in the eye area, drops are prescribed ("Vitabact", "Okomistin", "Opatanol", "Vizin").
During therapy, it is undesirable to use cosmetic products for the eyes, such as shadows andeyeliner, mascara.
If a woman notices a deterioration in visual perception after treatment, she should consult an eye specialist.

Preventive measures
How to protect yourself from such an unpleasant phenomenon as an allergy to eyelash extensions?
First of all, this procedure should only be carried out by a professional beautician in a beauty salon, after making sure that he uses hypoallergenic materials. If a woman has ever experienced allergic reactions, she needs to tell the master about it. The room where the beautician works should be well ventilated and humidified. Before the procedure, the master must wear gloves and a mask, and also treat the materials with special solutions to avoid infection. When working, the beautician must be extremely careful to prevent damage to the eyelid or mucous membrane of the eye. It is better if during the procedure he uses colorless glue.
Fortunately, there are practically no contraindications for eyelash extensions. Even those women who wear contact lenses can afford this procedure. Eyelash extensions are only undesirable for those who suffer from ophthalmic diseases, such as acute or chronic inflammation of the connective membrane of the eyes.