Today, unfortunately, there are very few good specialists in psychiatry. After all, a real psychotherapist should not only give qualified advice, but also support with wise and warm words. Such geniuses include Oleg Ivanovich Kantuev, a psychiatrist of the highest category.

Basic information
A lot of people, for one reason or another, do not dare to go to a psychiatrist and write in an online consultation. Those who were helped by Oleg Ivanovich Kantuev were lucky. Where does this specialist take? Oleg Ivanovich lives in Omsk. You can make an appointment with him by contacting his personal website or by phone: +7 (913) 9614414. The main components in the work of a psychiatrist Kantuev considers attentiveness, competence, thoroughness, courtesy, work for results.
Kantuev Oleg Ivanovich - psychiatrist-narcologist, he defended his thesis. In psychiatry, Oleg Ivanovich has the highest qualification category. He is also a member of such global organizations as WHO (World He alth Organization) and HPH(National Narcological Society of Russia). Psychiatrist Kantuev Oleg Ivanovich will give answers to all questions of medical legislation and law. The special merit of this specialist is the treatment of patients with the help of hypnosis.

Trust a good specialist
Today, a lot of families are faced with mental disorders in one or another member of the cell. Some deal with teenage or childhood beer addictions, alcoholism problems, gambling addictions, computer entertainment addictions, and some even more addictions - drug or substance abuse. Many immediately turn to various healers, charlatans, "grandmothers", instead of going to an experienced specialist. In such cases, only a good psychotherapist or psychiatrist-narcologist can really help. Especially do not give up when the patient is already losing faith that it is possible to recover. Such a professional as Oleg Ivanovich Kantuev can help in such a situation. Feedback on his work is only the most positive.

Main activities
Treatment for mental illness does not take a day, it is quite a long process. Patients and their families need to be patient. Working with the human soul requires care, support, warmth, security. It is this motto that Oleg Ivanovich Kantuev is guided by. Here are the areas in which he works:
- Conducts Skype consultations.
- Conducts OnLine consultations.
- Answers legal questions about drug addiction and psychiatry.
- Helps to sort out controversial issues related to conscription. Gives advice on how to get a deferment or exemption from military service.
- Prescribes treatment for various phobias and anxiety conditions.
- Treats obsessive-compulsive disorder.
- Helps with adjustment disorders and disorientation.
- Relieves stress, treats neurosis, depression.
- Solves problems with sleep disorders (insomnia, drowsiness, nightmares).
- Treats alcohol and drug addiction.
- Helps to understand the causes of inappropriate behavior.
- Prescribes treatment for enuresis, stuttering.
- Helps to cope with panic attacks, fears, anxiety.
- Composes and draws up a package of documents for a drug or psychiatric examination.

Alcoholism treatment
Perhaps the most common mental illness today is alcoholism. It is chronic, the patient is not able to stop drinking on his own. The treatment of alcoholism depends on the degree of development of the disease, and there are three of them. At the initial stage, the patient can cope with hard drinking with the help of willpower and folk remedies. But on the second and third this will not be enough, and the intervention of a professional is required.
Kantuev Oleg Ivanovich helps to cope with the problems of alcoholism. For complex treatment, he uses both medication and psychotherapeutic measures. The great achievement of this specialist is the use of psychoanalysis, hypnosis, autogenic training. Cognitive psychotherapy is also used, which helps to improve the patient's character and changes his worldview.
It is very important for a doctor to keep in touch with the patient's family, to set everyone up for a positive result. Oleg Ivanovich copes with this perfectly.
Features and principles of work Kantueva O. I
- A doctor should never promise what he cannot deliver.
- Individual approach to each patient, rejection of any patterns.
- Think carefully about all your appointments.
- The use of complex treatment, a combination of medications and psychotherapy.
- Constant monitoring of changes in the patient's condition.
- Believe in a positive result and support the patient in difficult situations.

No need to be afraid of a therapist
Recently, people are increasingly turning to psychotherapists. This fact cannot but rejoice. Kantuev Oleg Ivanovich, like many other doctors, notes the importance of this profession. After all, everyone has ever experienced fear, failure, tension, bad mood, stress. In what cases should you see a doctor? Someone is tormented by anxiety attacks, someone has lost the meaning of life, someone has obsessive habits and fears, someone cannot gain self-confidence. A person must develop all the time, and if this development blocks something, then it turns outinternal disharmony. It is precisely the psychotherapist who helps to identify the reasons for its occurrence.
The patient must understand that psychotherapy cannot change him completely. Sometimes the symptoms of timidity, depression, and anxiety are simply temporarily relieved. The real goal of the psychotherapist is to restore the person's ability to deal with problems on their own. The specialist will not do everything for the patient, he will teach him to take care of himself, to use the freedom of choice if something does not suit him. A psychotherapist can help a person only if he really wants it.
A real psychiatrist is well versed in personality theory, has tried the results of psychotherapy on himself, and he is also a very responsive and responsible person. This is exactly what Oleg Ivanovich Kantuev, a psychiatrist-narcologist, is like.

Hypnosis treatment
Hypnosis is a kind of artificially induced sleep of different depths. To achieve this state, today there are several special techniques. Kantuev Oleg Ivanovich knows them well. With the help of hypnosis, you can get rid of many neuropsychiatric diseases: neurosis, obsessive-compulsive disorders, enuresis, phobias, stuttering, etc. You should not be afraid of it, it is absolutely safe and only benefits the body.
Many patients of Oleg Ivanovich note that he has a kind heart and an open soul. It is impossible to characterize the wonderful doctor Kantuev in a few words. If everyone worked so responsibly, then medicine would advance bya few steps up. Many turned to Oleg Ivanovich several times. He returned happiness to more than one family. Very competent and results driven professional. According to his patients, he does not think only about the fee, as others do.