Nervous eczema is a skin disease that develops against the background of stress and anxiety. It is manifested by itching, peeling, dry or wet rashes on the skin. Often chronic. The fair sex is more susceptible to the disease due to emotional lability. Treatment requires the help of not only a dermatologist, but also a neurologist.
Link between stress and skin disease
If a person develops characteristic rashes before a performance or an upcoming exam, it is no coincidence. Doctors have long known that stress negatively affects the condition of the skin. How does it happen?
He althy skin acts as a kind of barrier to the harmful effects of the external environment. When the body is stressed, lipids (the building blocks of the dermis) are destroyed. As a result, the invisible barrier disappears. The skin dries out, becomes vulnerable to external irritants, infections and allergens. Thus, any stressful situation can become a trigger.mechanism for the occurrence of eczema on a nervous basis. A photo of how it looks is presented in our article.

Main reasons
As noted above, stress is the primary factor due to which the disease develops. It can be acute (when there is a loss of a loved one, dismissal, separation from a loved one) or chronic. In the latter case, we are talking about long-term experiences, for example, with problems at school, conflicts in the family. Stress is an external factor.
Sometimes the causes of characteristic rashes on the skin are hidden deeper and are in violation of the organs and systems of the body. The tendency to allergic reactions, diabetes, the presence of chronic diseases only exacerbates the overall picture. Predisposing factors are also problems with the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis, reduced immunity.

First signs
Nervous eczema is characterized by the appearance of rashes on the skin, which is accompanied by severe itching and soreness. There are several stages in the development of the disease.
First, there is swelling and redness of the skin. Then nodules and bubbles appear on it. Over time, they spontaneously open, leaving behind small erosion. This is the stage of the wetting process. The lesions are very itchy, which increases the likelihood of a bacterial infection joining through open wounds. In the future, the rashes dry up, become covered with itchy crusts. After exfoliation remainsclean and undamaged skin.
In parallel with characteristic rashes, patients often complain of the following conditions:
- Insomnia.
- Nervous breakdowns.
- Irritable.
- Depressed state.
Favorite places of localization of eczema are elbows and elbows, palms, face, legs. It usually has a symmetrical lesion. Nervous eczema on the hands spreads throughout the skin of the hands, capturing the inside. On the legs, usually located under the knees, rarely on the feet.

Therapy options
Eczema usually develops against the background of exposure to several provoking factors at once. Therefore, to confirm the diagnosis, consultation with various specialists (psychologist, dermatologist, allergist, geneticist) will be required. According to the results of the examination, treatment will be prescribed. It is usually comprehensive and includes the following activities:
- Using medication.
- Physiotherapeutic effect.
- Traditional medicine.
- Sessions of psychotherapy.
Let's take a closer look at each method.
Medication use
How to treat nervous eczema with medication, the doctor should tell. Therapy is always selected individually. Most often, you have to combine drugs to achieve a positive effect. Usually appoint funds from the following groups:
- Corticosteroids in the form of ointments, tablets, creams ordrops ("Advantan", "Thyreoidin", "Dexamethasone"). They resort to their help if the rash is accompanied by severe itching and pain. These are powerful hormonal drugs, so they are used in short courses in the middle and severe stages of the disease.
- Drugs to suppress the immune system ("Cyclosporine", "Methotrexate"). They are also prescribed in short courses. The use of medications may be accompanied by complications in the form of increased blood pressure, renal failure.
- Antibiotics ("Ampicillin", "Erythromycin", "Celestoderm"). Used in the form of injections or ointments for external use. Antibiotics are prescribed in case of infection. They well destroy the pathogenic flora, relieve swelling and redness.
- Antihistamines ("Zirtek", "Suprastin", "Zodak"). Recommended for severe itching. They also calm the nerves and help with insomnia.
Additionally, for the general strengthening of the body, vitamin balanced complexes are prescribed, for example, Centrum, Vitrum or Complivit.

Physiotherapeutic effect
Features of the treatment of nervous eczema are such that drug therapy alone is not enough to eliminate the signs of the disease. They are associated with serious malfunctions in the functioning of the body. We are talking about the depletion of the central nervous system, hormonal imbalance and an increased immune response of the body.
Therefore, medication is often supplemented with physiotherapy. Their regular use contributes to the correction of the immune system andnervous system, improving overall well-being. As a result, the inflamed areas stop peeling and itching.
Among the variety of physiotherapy in the treatment of eczema on nerves, the most commonly used:
- Electro sleep.
- Electrophoresis with antihistamines.
- UV therapy.
- Radon, sulphide and tar baths.
Food and lifestyle
In order for eczema on nerves not to bother, and the skin to remain clean and he althy, you must follow the rules listed below:
- Water for bathing or showering should be at a comfortable temperature. Don't make it too hot or cold.
- After bathing, you need to use a soft towel, moisturizer.
- Eat better natural products, eliminating from the diet food that adversely affects the body.
- It is recommended to avoid contact with aggressive chemicals. Gloves should be used when cleaning.
- Clothes must be chosen from natural fabrics. It should be comfortable, not restrict movement.
- It is important to learn how to correctly allocate time for work and leisure.
- It is better to avoid overheating of the body. Take a warm shower after a workout or prolonged exposure to the sun.
In the treatment of nervous eczema, a special role is given to diet. Since the disease is often provoked by allergic components, it is important to completely exclude them from the diet (honey, chocolate, eggs, whole milk products, smoked meats, products with dyes andflavor enhancers). To neutralize the symptoms of eczema, daily use:
- Fish varieties high in omega-3 acids.
- Quercetin foods (broccoli, spinach, apples, blueberries).
- Foods rich in probiotics (kefir, soft cheeses, natural yoghurts).
It is important to give up bad habits, devote more time to sports and outdoor activities.

Working with a psychologist and ways of relaxation
Medications or dietary restrictions may not be enough to control the symptoms of eczema nervosa. Doctors must assess the atmosphere in which the patient lives. If he is regularly subjected to nervous overload, psychotherapy sessions are indicated for him.
Constant conflicts, problems at work and in the family have a negative impact on the functioning of the central nervous system, aggravating the course of eczema. Relaxation and various auto-turnings help to eliminate the factors that provoke the disease. Sessions of psychotherapy break the invisible connection between the manifestations of the disease and the nervous reactions of a negative nature.
Relax and relieve nervous tension help:
- Breathing exercises.
- Hypnosis.
- Meditation.
- Relaxing music.
- Visualization.
First, patients, together with a psychotherapist, learn relaxation techniques. They are then practiced on their own at home.

Help of traditional medicine
Healer recipes also founduse in the treatment of nervous eczema. However, you should first consult with your doctor, as certain drugs may be contraindicated. The most effective recipes are listed below:
- Collection based on burdock and dandelion roots. To prepare the broth, you need 2 tablespoons of raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of hot water, bring to a boil and strain. The drug is used 100 ml 5 times a day. The duration of such treatment is 21 days.
- Celandine juice with milk. In 50 ml of milk, add a drop of celandine juice. Take the remedy daily. Gradually, its dosage should be increased by adding one drop of celandine every day (the maximum volume is 15 drops). The amount of milk remains the same throughout the treatment.
Treats with sea s alt help to get rid of nervous eczema on the hands. Hands should be lowered into a solution of a comfortable temperature. The procedure continues until the water has completely cooled. Then hands should be gently blotted with a towel, lubricated with a moisturizer. The result appears after the first procedure.

Danger of nervous eczema
In the photo, the pathology looks quite unpleasant. It occurs in people of all ages. From the moment of primary manifestations, a person literally falls into a vicious circle. First, an emotional breakdown provokes severe itching and rashes. Discomfort and constantly itchy skin cause nervousness and irritation, interfere with sleep, lead to new breakdowns and depression. Eczema caused by a nervous breakdown becomes a source of stress itself as a result.
Its main danger lies in the high probability of transformation into a chronic form, especially in the absence of treatment. In the acute phase, it lasts up to two months, and the chronic course lasts a lifetime. Periods of remission and relapse endlessly replace each other. Therefore, when initial symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Disease Prevention
To prevent the development of eczema and avoid frequent recurrences, you must follow the simple rules of prevention:
- Stay active and rest.
- Stay personal hygiene.
- Occasionally take baths with herbal extracts (chamomile, string, St. John's wort).
- Avoid contact with likely allergens (animal dander, household chemicals, clothing made from synthetic materials, certain medications).
- Get the right diet.
After an illness, doctors recommend spa treatment to their patients. Skin pathologies lend themselves well to therapy in the resorts of the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Altai Territory, and Transbaikalia. For some, a vacation on the shores of the Dead Sea is suitable.