"Hilak Forte": application for the treatment of children and adults, instructions, reviews

"Hilak Forte": application for the treatment of children and adults, instructions, reviews
"Hilak Forte": application for the treatment of children and adults, instructions, reviews

"Hilaka Forte" is a drug whose action is aimed at balancing the intestinal microflora. As active components in Hilak Forte, aqueous and anhydrous substrates of metabolic products of E. coli strain DSM 4087, fecal enterococcus strain DSM 4086, Lactobacillus acidophilus strain DSM 4149 and helveticus strain DSM 4183 are used.

hilak forte application
hilak forte application

Auxiliary components in the production of a medical product are: sodium phosphate heptahydrate, potassium sorbate, lactic acid, potassium phosphate, citric acid monohydrate, phosphoric acid. The drug also contains lactose, which is a waste product of these microorganisms.

The use of "Hilak Forte" is justified with antibiotic therapy.

Medication forms

The drug is produced by the manufacturer in the form of drops intended for oral administration. Solution "Hilak Forte" yellowish-brown, may be clear or slightly hazy. It has a characteristic sour smell. The manufacturer offers two types of solution - with cherry flavor and with caramel.

The solution is packaged in dark glass bottles, which can contain 30 ml of medication, and 100 ml each. Each bottle is equipped with a special stopper-dropper for more convenient dosing. Also available in sachets made of laminated lacquered paper. Each sachet can hold 1.1 ml of substance or 2.2 ml. Each carton contains 30 sachets.

Self-administration of "Hilak Forte" for adults and children without a doctor's prescription is not recommended.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

The drug contributes to the normalization and restoration of the disturbed balance of intestinal microflora. Allows you to normalize the level of acidity in the intestinal lumen, the balance of electrolytes and water, stimulates the synthesis of epithelial cells of the intestinal wall.

Violation of the natural intestinal microflora occurs as a result of excessive reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. This is facilitated by external influences, such as the use of antibiotics, surgical operations performed on the stomach, malnutrition, radiation. As a result, the patient notes the occurrence of diarrhea, constipation, heaviness in the abdomen. These symptoms are the main indications for the use of Hilak Forte.

The waste products of intestinal microorganisms, which are symbionts of the large and small intestines, which are part of the medicinal product,capable of producing lactic acid. This allows you to maintain the normal functionality of the intestinal mucosa, restore the natural microflora.

Also, the drops contain lactic acid of biosynthetic origin and its intermediate s alts, which normalize the acidity of the intestinal environment. Volatile fatty acids used in "Hilak Forte" contribute to the prevention of damage to the intestinal environment, restore it if there is damage caused by infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, promote the absorption of water, sodium, chloride ions and other electrolytes.

hilak forte indications for use
hilak forte indications for use

Absorption of the drug into the blood is absent. The drug is excreted through the gastrointestinal tract.

Let's consider further in more detail in which cases the use of "Hilak Forte" is shown.


Medication is indicated for patients if they have the following deviations:

  1. Pathologies of the gallbladder of enterogenic nature.
  2. Salmonellosis. The medication is indicated during the recovery period after an illness, including for infants.
  3. Skin allergic manifestations.
  4. Symptoms of chronic intestinal intoxication (increased fatigue, nausea, impaired circulation).
  5. Digestive disorders due to climate change.
  6. Atrophic gastroenteritis in chronic form (senile intestine).
  7. Gastrointestinal disorders caused by low acidity.
  8. Metabolic pathology of the liver.
  9. Radiotherapy,therapy with antibiotics and drugs of the sulfanilamide group. It is advisable to take drops during therapy with these drugs, and after its completion.
  10. Indigestion. The drug is effective if constipation, diarrhea, flatulence are observed.

"Hilak Forte" is a maintenance therapy and should be used exclusively in combination with other therapeutic measures.

For example, drops cannot replace diarrhea therapy, which should be aimed at replenishing lost fluids, as well as the necessary diet, which involves the rejection of solid food.


The use of "Hilak Forte" for adults and children is contraindicated if the patient has an individual sensitivity to any of the components. Also, do not take the drug if there are acute manifestations of diarrhea, which are accompanied by hyperthermia and the presence of blood in the stool.

Side effects

Negative manifestations while taking the drug "Hilak Forte" develop extremely rarely. Most often they are expressed in the reactions of the mucous membranes. It is not excluded the appearance of a skin allergic reaction. Similar effects occur if the patient has hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drops.

Some of the patients also noted unpleasant discomfort in the peritoneum.

The method of using "Hilak Forte" will be considered below.

hilak forte method of application
hilak forte method of application

Admission instructions

Drops are for oral use. They should be takendirectly before or with meals. Before taking the drug should be dissolved in a small amount of liquid (never in milk).

This confirms the instructions for use for Hilak Forte drops.

For adults, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 40-60 drops. It should be taken a maximum of three times a day. In the first days of therapy, the maximum frequency of doses is recommended, that is, 3 times a day. Subsequently, the number of receptions can be reduced.

The duration of therapy should be determined by the individual physician.

If the Helicobacter pylori bacterium is present in the stomach, therapy with Hilak Forte should be supplemented by taking medications such as Smecta and Galstena.

The use of "Hilak Forte" for the treatment of infants is prohibited. It can only be used from 2 years old. For children 2-12 years old, the dosage is 20-40 drops, from 12 years old - 40-60 drops.


There have been no cases of overdose of this medication in adults.

Accidental ingestion of the drug by a child can provoke reflex regurgitation, which may result in the development of aspiration pneumonia. Therapy in this case is symptomatic. In some cases, the child may need to be hospitalized.

Lactic acid, which is part of the drug, is completely neutralized if you take drugs from the antacid group in parallel.

hilak forte instructions for use for adults drops
hilak forte instructions for use for adults drops

Storage andterms of sale

The drug is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. According to the instructions for use for Hilak Forte drops, they should be stored in a place protected from light. At a maximum temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. The medicine is valid for 4 years if the recommended storage conditions are observed, and the vial is sealed. After opening, the drops should not be stored for more than one and a half months.

Special Instructions

The drug should be taken only in diluted form. Do not use milk for dilution.

With caution, the drug should be taken by patients who have an increased acid-forming function of the stomach. This also applies to taking the Hilak Forte sachet.

Instructions for use of the drug tells us about it.

Preparations similar to Hilak Forte

Among analogues, such drugs as Normoflorin, Lactobacterin, Bifinorm, Enterol, Flonivin BS, Bifikol, Sporobacterin are especially popular. "Bifidumbacterin", "Linex", "Bifiform", "Biosporin", "Acipol", "Acilact", "Subalin". "Biobacton". "Bactisubtil".

Cheap analogues of the drug are:

  1. Tablets "Acilact" - they contain the main substances that make up the drug "Hilak Forte", but in smaller quantities, so they can be significantly less effective in some cases.
  2. "Acipol" with lactobacilli and kefir fungus polysaccharide.
  3. hilak forte instructions for use for adults reviews
    hilak forte instructions for use for adults reviews

More expensiveanalogues, or equal in price:

  • "Bactisporin".
  • "Bactisubtil".
  • "Bifiliz".

The cost of drug analogues starts from 160 rubles. The cheapest analogues are Narine, Lactobacterin, Normoflorin.

Using Hilak Forte drops for children

A child under the age of 12 should be given the drug in the amount of 20-40 drops. If the disease is in an acute form, then a three-time dose per day is indicated. Further, as the unpleasant symptoms disappear, it is recommended to halve the dosage, and reduce the frequency of doses.

If a child has increased acidity in the stomach, as well as heartburn, it is recommended to divide the daily dose into several doses - at least three.

When treating children from 12 years of age, follow the dosage recommendations intended for an adult patient. The frequency of taking the drug - three times a day, dosage - 40-60 drops. As symptoms disappear, the amount of medication taken should be halved.

Hilak forte for adults
Hilak forte for adults

For neonatal therapy

In the instructions for the use of "Hilak Forte" it is not recommended to give it to infants. However, some pediatricians still prescribe it. The drug is indicated if the child has a weakened bowel function, there are frequent regurgitation, bloating and unstable stools.

Babies should be given the drug 3 times a day. At one time - no more than 30 drops. As it disappearssymptoms, the number of doses and dosage is recommended to be reduced.

When treating infants using Hilak Forte drops, you should first dilute the drug in a small amount of warm water with a small addition of glucose. Start feeding the baby after taking the medicine should be no earlier than an hour.

Parents often report the effectiveness of the drug for violations of the functionality of the intestines and stomach in newborns. Against the background of taking "Hilak Forte" in infants, the development of beneficial microflora is observed, acidity, water-electrolyte balance are normalized, the mucous membrane of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract is restored.


In Russian pharmacies, the average cost of the drug ranges from 240-1450 rubles and depends on the volume of the drug bottle, as well as on the number of bottles in one package.

The average price for "Hilak Forte" in a 30 ml bottle is 247-287 rubles, in a 100 ml bottle - 463-562 rubles. A package containing 3 bottles of 10 ml will cost an average of 1450 rubles.

It is important to note that the drug is produced by the manufacturer in a single dosage form - in the form of drops. Hilak Forte tablets do not exist.

Reviews about the medication "Hilak Forte"

The vast majority of patient and specialist reviews of the drug are positive. The effectiveness of the drug in the fight against diarrhea, constipation, flatulence was noted. In addition, it is effective for skin manifestations of allergies and acne.

The most common reviews - reviews of parents about the use of "Hilak Forte"for the treatment of digestive disorders in newborns. Almost everyone notes the ease of use of the drops and their high effectiveness in most problems with digestion in babies.

application of hilak forte drops
application of hilak forte drops

Among the shortcomings, the impossibility of diluting drops in milk is often indicated, as well as the specific sour taste of the medicine. Another noted drawback is the short shelf life after the vial has been opened. Therefore, many patients prefer to purchase "Hilak Forte", packaged in a sachet. This allows you to use the required number of drops, while the rest of the drug will be in a sealed form.

Patients should remember that despite the large number of positive reviews about this drug, you should not self-medicate. It is important to seek advice from a doctor who will determine the root cause of the digestive problems that have arisen and select the drug, dosage and duration of therapy individually, taking into account the susceptibility of the body and its individual characteristics. Only a competent approach will make the therapy as effective as possible and get rid of unpleasant symptoms as soon as possible.

We have reviewed reviews and instructions for use for adults and children about the Hilak Forte preparation.
