Deep bite is a dental term that refers to the condition of a person when, when the mouth closes, the upper incisors overlap the lower ones. This leads to a distortion of proportions, facial features, looks unaesthetic from the outside, can threaten he alth, gives rise to certain psychological complexes and self-doubt. In some cases, the term refers to the occlusion of the incisors in a particularly deep form.
General concept
It is customary to distinguish several varieties of deep bite.
Frontal - an option when the palatal dental tubercle contacts the cutting tip of the tooth from below.
Reducing - such a variant of the structure, when any of the incisors do not rest on the bulges on the gums, but slippage occurs. When such a type of deep bite is detected, it is necessary to assist the patient in restoring the correct structure of the elements of the oral cavity - an anomaly indicates a deterioration in the condition, the progress of negative processes.
Maybe thisabnormal structure, when the edges of the incisors of the lower jaw interact with palatine tissues or gums.
When examining the oral cavity, the dentist will not only tell you what kind of deep bite is observed at the moment, but also explain what stage of deterioration in the oral cavity. For example, the first described abnormal structure is not yet a pathological bite, but a defect that can be eliminated without much difficulty. But in the absence of measures to balance it, there is a possibility of a deterioration in the state - a transition to the second stage and beyond is gradually observed.

Numbers and concepts
You need to understand that the specified classification system is rather conditional. Some doctors use it, others prefer not to divide the anomaly into species.
Based on the metric parameters of the structure of the elements of the oral cavity, a deep bite of teeth can be classified into one of three degrees:
- Up to 5 mm, one third or two thirds of the height of the tooth - 1st degree.
- Up to 9 mm, from two thirds to the entire height of the tooth - 2nd degree.
- More than 9 mm, more than the height of the tooth - 3rd degree.
Relevance of the problem
Correction of a deep bite is an important task, and you need to start working on the problem in a timely manner, as soon as you managed to identify it. Otherwise, defective development of speech is possible. In an overbite, the anterior teeth are overloaded. Anatomically, this area is not prepared for this, which leads to its gradual degradation. In addition, in the backgroundIncorrect bite loosens the teeth, distorts the face, inflames the gums. Increased risk of oral injury. Soft tissues are especially susceptible to this. Therefore, there is a risk of foci of inflammation, stomatitis.
Correction of a deep bite allows you to normalize breathing, since a violation of the structure leads to improper formation of air intake skills. In addition, the bite determines the process of swallowing, as the volume of the oral cavity decreases. In people with anomalies, teeth wear out much faster than those with a structure that meets the standards.
Deep bite treatment eliminates deepening of the chin crease. With an incorrect arrangement of the elements of the oral cavity, the lower lip visually thickens, the part of the face from below seems not long enough. Without timely measures to restore oral he alth, such consequences will be irreversible.
Deep bite treatment allows you to get rid of one of the causes of headache: it is the structure of the cavity that can provoke it. With an abnormal bite, the chewing process is often accompanied by clicks and a crunch. The person himself feels pain in the joint of the lower jaw.
Bite: what happens?
There is a deep overbite, neutral. The first type of deviation manifests itself as an underdevelopment of the jaw located below, a beveled chin. Looking at a person with such jaws, it seems as if the face is shorter than it should be. When examining the oral cavity, it can be seen that the maxillary teeth close those located on the lower jaw withopposite side. The overlap is comparable to the size of a crown.
Neutral deep bite in adults and children does not provoke changes in the chin. If we compare the ratios of the parts of the face, you will notice that the lower one corresponds in size to the middle one or is shorter than it, but only slightly. When examining the oral cavity, it can be seen that the upper incisors cover the lower ones. The overlap corresponds to the size of the crown.

Where did the trouble come from?
Photos of deep bite are abundant in the portfolio of specialized dental clinics ready to provide services to eliminate this problem. If, when comparing images in such collections and reflections in a mirror, a person understands that the condition describes the structure of the mouth characteristic of him, you should consult a doctor. At the same time, many people think: why did the problem appear? Doctors have several answers to this. It is customary to distinguish three groups of phenomena:
- heredity;
- Features of the development of the fetus in the mother's body;
- factors that influenced after birth.
It is known that a deep bite in a child may appear if the mother was ill with viral, metabolic, endocrine pathologies. Maternal anemia can lead to improper formation of the oral cavity. In some cases, the cause is the pathological processes that accompanied pregnancy, abnormal development of the fetus during the period of stay in the mother's body.
Many options
Soon it will be possible to notice already in children's photos a deep bite inchild, if the baby sucks a nipple for a long time or is used to sucking a finger, and adults do not help him to deal with it. The distortion of the structure of the oral cavity can remain for life.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, digestive, ENT organs can lead to a deep bite. Their role is played by caries and jaw osteomyelitis, too early loss of milk teeth - lateral, molars. Higher risks of anomalies in injured, persons with impaired function of swallowing, breathing, speaking, sucking. If the teeth are cut, change from milk to permanent at the wrong time, it is highly likely that you will need to see a doctor with a deep bite. How to correct the jaw anatomy, the doctor will be able to tell only after a thorough examination of the oral cavity.
There are cases when malocclusion developed due to anomalies caused by the intrauterine period.
According to doctors, about 20% of all violations of the structure of teeth and gums are deep bites.

Causes and consequences
It is known that without treatment, deep bite in adults, children can cause:
- lip biting;
- postural disorders;
- mouth breathing;
- infantile swallowing.
In some cases, muscle tone is noticeably higher than normal.
He alth in childhood is the guarantor of a happy life
Some time ago, German experts conducted research that revealed: correction of deep bite in children is most oftennecessary due to congenital abnormalities. The problem is expressed while the baby has milk teeth. When changing them to permanent ones, it is possible to correct the situation on your own. If a child with milk teeth had an abnormally deep bite, he is included in the high-risk group, and the development of the condition is monitored. There is a possibility that treatment will be needed in the future.
Doctors advise: if there is no desire to learn from your own experience or from the experience of your child what is the difference between “before and after” a deep bite, you need to prevent anomalies. To do this, you need to control oral hygiene, maintain proper posture. Parents should pay attention to how often the child breathes. If your teeth hurt, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Often it is caries and other dental diseases that lead to malocclusion. It is recommended to use bottles with special nipples for feeding babies.

What to do?
In the portfolio of almost any modern dental clinic, you can see expressive before and after photos. Treatment of a deep bite is possible with the help of special crowns. If the patient is a minor, dentures without metal components are used.
Doctors assure: the best effect will be if you start fighting the problem as soon as you notice it. The best results are obtained by a course that started when the milk teeth just started to cut, when they change to permanent 1st, 2nd molars or incisors.
Minimum risk of tooth loss if treated as early as possibledeep bite. Before and after this period, the patient even looks different: often the right treatment allows you to change the proportions of the face for the better. But the aesthetic effect is far from the only one. A timely course will allow you to keep your teeth longer, because with an abnormal bite, there is a high probability of loosening them, as a result - loss.
To eliminate the anomaly, they resort to orthodontic constructions. Several types of braces, special plates, prostheses have been developed. Studies have shown that they are all quite effective.

Rules and strategies
Often parents of children under six years of age are interested in the clearly shown features of deep bite in the photo before and after treatment. If you pay attention to the experience of modern clinics, you can say with confidence that successful treatment is possible in the vast majority of cases. Most doctors offer a comprehensive program. First, the cavity is examined for pathologies, treatment of all diseases found is prescribed. The menu is complemented by solid dishes. The task of parents is to help the child get rid of bad habits. You will have to make sure that the child does not suck, does not gnaw. If part of the teeth is lost, you need to restore the dentition. If the tongue frenulum does not grow correctly, an operation is prescribed to correct it. As a result of all these activities, the bite is corrected.
If an anomaly is detected in a child of the age group of 6-12 years, more active measures are needed to restore oral he alth. They use caps, records, trainers. With the help of such structures, it is possible to return a normal bite by adjusting the growth and development of individual teeth.
For patents over the age of twelve, adult designed orthodontic appliances. There are two types:
- lingual;
- vestibular.
The first ones are intended for installation on the back tooth plane, the second ones - on the front one. These attachments are not designed to be removed.

Nuances of treatment
Orthodontic plates can be placed when the sixth teeth are cut (usually at 5-6 years old), as well as the seventh. It occurs more often in children 9-12 years old. You can put the plates when permanent canines, molars appear.
It is not uncommon for a dentist to refer you to a speech therapist, give strict instructions about getting rid of bad habits and recommend that all teeth be carefully cured. No additional procedures are prescribed, no equipment is installed. As a rule, the doctor explains this by the need to resort to fixed structures only if soft methods do not give a pronounced result after 6-12 months. If a doctor suggests just such a strategy, it is important to listen: it is probably optimal for a particular case.
Treatment: adult patients
For the older age group of patients, quite a lot of options for braces have been developed. Most Popular Raw Material:
- ceramics;
- metal.
Systems exist:
- lingual;
- self-adjusting.
Choose a specific one based on preferences, budget, individual characteristics, doctor's recommendation.
At the end, a retention period is set. At this time, the patient is shown to use such devices, with the help of which the teeth are fixed in the correct position. Usually these are removable plates that the patient puts on in the evening, takes off in the morning, although the doctor may recommend designs for permanent use. To secure non-removable products, a hypoallergenic adhesive is used to secure the plates to the dentition.
How long to use the systems, the doctor will say. Typically, the period varies from one to two years, but individual deviations are possible, both up and down. The doctor will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor the progress of the anomaly.
Such devices for correcting the bite of the mouth are made removable. They are placed for a limited time period chosen by the doctor. Trainers are made of silicone, put on both the lower and upper rows of teeth at the same time. Since the teeth are in the correct position, the anomaly is gradually eliminated.
The ease of use of trainers is due to the versatility of sizes. Assigning such a system, choosing and purchasing is quite simple. However, keep in mind that there are different types of trainers. Base models are usually painted blue. These are flexible, soft devices. They are prescribed in the predominant percentage of cases. Duration of application - fromsix months to 8 months. The trainer is used all night, for an hour or more during the day. Using the technique, you can not talk and eat. You can't even touch the trainer.
After this course, final trainers are appointed. They are usually made in pink. Compared to the basic models, they are denser and more rigid. They are intended for use for at least six months, sometimes the course is extended for a year. These products can fix the acquired correct bite and improve it, as well as prevent degeneration. The device is flexible enough that it does not cause significant discomfort.
Trainers, as experts assure, are optimal for people aged 6-10 years. The efficiency of their use in this period is close to one hundred percent.
These are systems designed to fix the entire dentition. To some extent, caps are similar to braces. Items are made of biological silicone, hypoallergenic plastic. A person using mouthguards looks quite aesthetically pleasing. The design features are such that the devices help to align the dentition due to mechanical influence. The process is quite long, but over time, there is tangible progress.
Caps help with diastema, solve the problem of crossbite, effective for twisted teeth. They are indispensable if whitening is prescribed. If braces are recommended for the patient, but for objective reasons their use is impossible, the system is replaced with caps. It is recommended to use them in the maintenance period of bite recovery.
Caps can be used not only for deep bite, but also for other anomalies in the structure of the oral cavity. They are suitable for patients of all age groups, they are most effective if the pathology is simple. If the situation is difficult, it is necessary to use braces. True, there is a drawback: the caps are not cheap.
Types and species
There are several varieties of caps. The most accessible to the masses are standard products. They are mass-produced, but are not suitable for pronounced individual features of the structure of the jaw. Such mouthguards can not be used for any dentition.
Thermoplastic - more applicable than standard products, however, they can not be used for every diagnosis. Before you start using the system, it is heated, then put on your teeth. Gradually, the product cools down, shrinks in shape and is firmly fixed on the dentition.
The most expensive, but the most successful option is custom-made systems. To make mouthguards, the doctor first takes a cast of the patient's jaws. To do this, they resort to the technology of three-dimensional modeling. Often, mouth guards are filled with a whitening gel to not only correct the bite, but also to get aesthetic, beautiful teeth at the end of the program.
Such bite correction systems can only be used in childhood - they are ineffective for adults. Devices are made of high-quality plastic, are attached to the gums, and are installed on the teeth by means of brackets. It is impossible to see the plates visually from the side. The process of their application does not cause severe discomfort, and specific oral care is not required.

This option is optimal if you need to correct the bite in an adult patient. It is believed that with a deep bite, they are the most reliable and effective method. Several varieties have been developed. Quite popular, for example, are self-ligating braces. They use special ligatures, with the help of which the arcs are attached to individual specimens. There are systems made of rubber, metal. Due to the strong adhesion, the braces do not slip, they are quite rigid. True, there are certain inconveniences. In particular, if braces with ligatures are chosen, you will have to go to the dentist every month - the fastening system weakens over time, it needs to be corrected.
A slightly more expensive but convenient option is a self-regulating system. The design has covers with which the arcs are tightly fixed. Such systems are considered quite comfortable to use.
Affordable option - metal braces. These are strong and durable products. As needed, after removal, you can stick them again.
What else is there?
One of the most invisible to an outside observer is plastic braces. The color of the material used for their manufacture imitates the surface of the teeth. True, there is a certain weakness - food can tint plastic. Durability also leaves much to be desired, so you will have to visit the dentist regularly toglue the system.
Ceramic braces are more expensive than those made from other materials, but they are almost the most invisible, strong and durable. True, there were some drawbacks here too: due to the increased degree of friction, you have to use braces for a long time.
The most expensive are sapphire braces. It is almost impossible to see them with the naked eye.

Finally, there are lingual braces. Such a stranger also cannot be seen, since the system is attached not from the outside of the dentition, but from the inside. They are not cheap, as they are made to the needs of a particular client - all products are strictly individual. If any element of the braces breaks, you will have to change the design completely - there are no spare consumable parts, you will not be able to pick up anything.
Should I bet or not?
As you can see from the reviews of people who have used bite correction devices, such products are effective, although they are quite uncomfortable at first. Parents note that kids can be capricious for the first time after installing the systems. However, the result, as many assure in the responses, is worth it to endure minor discomfort.