Odintsov Maternity Hospital: reviews, address, doctors

Odintsov Maternity Hospital: reviews, address, doctors
Odintsov Maternity Hospital: reviews, address, doctors

The maternity hospital in Odintsovo was opened in 2007 after a complete restoration. It was overhauled and the equipment updated. Highly qualified doctors take childbirth of varying degrees of complexity. They have sufficient experience and knowledge.

Maternity hospital in Odintsovo: address

The appearance of a baby in the family is always regarded as a miracle, and parents find out in advance information about medical institutions where childbirth is planned. Thus, the couple chooses a hospital that is closer to home and has experienced doctors.

maternity hospital Odintsovo address
maternity hospital Odintsovo address

In the Moscow region in the city of Odintsovo, the maternity hospital is located on the street. Marshal Biryuzova, 3b. The medical institution works every day and around the clock, without breaks and holidays. Medical workers are always on duty in the emergency room.

At any time there are teams of professional doctors who will take both natural childbirth and, according to indications, perform a caesarean section, resuscitation and anesthesiologists work.

Contract service

If desired, the patient can pay for additional services during her stay at the Odintsov maternity hospital. This program is called "European Standard". According to hera woman is provided with a separate room where she spends the labor period and the birth itself.

All this time, her own medical team is watching her. The presence of a husband or any of the relatives is allowed, provided that they have previously undergone a fluorography and passed the necessary tests.

If there are no contraindications for he alth reasons, an epidural anesthesia can be applied to a woman so that she does not experience severe pain during labor. After the completion of the birth process, the woman is transferred to a separate room with the baby. It has its own shower and toilet. A TV, refrigerator and microwave are also included. She is being monitored around the clock by staff.

The cost of the contract includes a full meal, which includes allowed meals for a nursing mother. As well as training young mothers in handling and caring for a newborn.

After discharge, a woman can see her gynecologist for a month and undergo the necessary examinations.

What types of anesthesia are used for caesarean section

In the Odintsov maternity hospital, delivery can be carried out in different ways. So, caesarean section is used in a planned and emergency manner. If there are problems with delivery, a woman undergoes urgent surgery.

Odintsova maternity hospital
Odintsova maternity hospital

Elective caesarean section is scheduled for a woman in labor in advance in case of he alth problems and other indicators:

  • narrow pelvis;
  • mal position of fetus;
  • dangerouschronic diseases;
  • delivery through surgery in the past;
  • vision problems.

Doctors can use one type of anesthesia, choosing from several indications:

  • spinal;
  • epidural;
  • general anesthesia.

The latter applies only in case of emergency and urgent caesarean section, when the woman in labor or the child is in danger of life.

Pathologies of pregnancy

In the third trimester, if a woman has a threat of interruption or exacerbates chronic diseases, she can be placed in the hospital of the Odintsov maternity hospital under the supervision of doctors.

maternity hospital Odintsov
maternity hospital Odintsov

A woman can check in to a single room at will, paying the required amount through the cashier. There is no separate paid maternity hospital in Odintsovo. While a pregnant woman is in a medical institution, she undergoes a set of necessary examinations and appropriate therapy is prescribed.

A woman, according to indications, can spend all the time before giving birth in the hospital. And also after the 36th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother can be observed by a doctor who will take delivery under the contract.

Ultrasound examination

Many patients are interested in whether they do screenings at the Odintsov maternity hospital. Such examinations are carried out several times during the entire pregnancy to detect abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

Doctors from the maternity hospital in Odintsovo conduct these screenings. A pregnant woman can sign up for them with a doctor who is registered. Also, ultrasoundAll patients admitted to the medical institution are examined.

screening Odintsovo maternity hospital
screening Odintsovo maternity hospital

After delivery, this type of diagnosis is used to check the condition of the patient's reproductive organs. Also, according to indications, within a month a woman can make an ultrasound diagnosis as many times as necessary.

Free services

Many women are interested in whether there are free maternity hospitals in Odintsovo. There is only one medical institution of this type in the city, and it is a public one.

This means that women from the city and the region can be served here for free. Paid services are provided only at the request of the woman in labor. Upon admission to the maternity hospital, the patient is placed in a ward for 2-4 people.


Highly qualified specialists work in the Odintsovo maternity hospital, including:

  • Obstetrician-gynecologist Kristina Alexandrovna Yurieva.
  • Gynecologist Gorshilin A. V.
  • Endocrinologist Alekseeva O. V.
  • Neonatologist Kuznetsova E. A.
  • Gynecologist Kyrtikova O. I.
maternity hospital in Odintsovo
maternity hospital in Odintsovo

The shower and toilet are in the corridor. There is also a dining room for women to eat. It has shared refrigerators where you can store food brought by relatives from home.

Urgent births are taken by the duty team. If desired, a woman has the opportunity to pay through the cashier only a number of additional services. This can be, for example, accommodation in a separate room or specific meals.

Positive feedbackabout the maternity hospital in Odintsovo

Women note in their comments that after the renovation, it has become much more comfortable to be in this medical facility. It maintains cleanliness both inside and outside.

maternity hospital Odintsovo reviews
maternity hospital Odintsovo reviews

Pregnant women indicate that upon admission, the attitude of the staff towards them is good. The nurses are very attentive and explain what will happen and what each procedure is for.

Women are satisfied with the opportunity in the maternity hospital of Odintsovo to draw up a contract. Thus, already at 36 weeks of pregnancy, they know exactly which doctor will take the birth, and he leads the patient directly to them.

Expectant mothers are happy that the contract allows her husband to be present at the birth. They say that such support is very necessary at this moment and they feel more confident when a loved one is nearby.

The maternity hospital is equipped with a modern intensive care unit for both women and children. Therefore, going into childbirth, pregnant women are sure that in case of unforeseen situations they will be provided with qualified assistance.

As for nutrition, there are no complaints from patients, both those who give birth under the contract, and women who are served free of charge. Everyone notes that the chefs cook tasty and satisfying, the food is similar in all qualities to homemade food.

Negative reviews

There are also comments on various resources in which patients express certain dissatisfaction. For example, women in labor believe that 4 people in the ward are a lot at night, when the babies take turnsscreaming, no one can rest.

And also women point out that childbirth, which takes place on a free basis, is not taken so well. The medical team does not have time to pay the necessary attention to each patient, and often women in labor are left to their own devices for several hours.

maternity hospital Odintsovo doctors
maternity hospital Odintsovo doctors

The moment when a whole queue is lined up for the toilet is considered very inconvenient, because it is located in a common corridor and is designed for all wards. And also in the shower you have to wash very quickly, because other patients are already waiting outside the door.

Mommies are concerned about the fact that on some shifts the nurses do not explain how to breastfeed the baby in the first days. Because of this, milk does not arrive on time and you have to start formula feeding the newborn.

Such actions can harm breastfeeding. A child in the future sometimes refuses mother's milk, and this does not benefit his he alth and immunity. Therefore, conflicts sometimes arise with the staff.

Some women in labor note that even having signed a contract with the hospital, the patient is not provided with the necessary comfort. For example, after a caesarean section in the first days, the staff still asks to bring certain dishes that are allowed after the operation. This is not always convenient, because women here give birth not only from the city, but also come from the regions.
