Practically everyone will experience a cold in their life, which manifests itself on the lips or in the nose. However, not everyone knows that in fact this disease is called herpes. Do not be afraid of this word, since almost every person has this pathology. It's just that she's in a latent form.

The herpes virus is a skin infection, so the rash can appear anywhere. However, most often small pimples form on the face.
Herpes in brief
In this case, we are talking about painful inflammation in the form of a rash that appears against the background of hypothermia. However, you should not take such signs as the development of a respiratory disease or a cold. Such pathologies are completely unrelated to each other.
Herpes infection affects more than 95% of all people. This virus is different in that it can be in a latent form for many years. The activation of this pathology can occur against the background of absolutely any factor. For example, if a person has a cold and his immune system has weakened a little. Stress, exercise and more can lead to herpes in the nose and on the lip.
There are 8 types in total that characterize a herpes infection:
- The first type is considered the simplest. In this case, we are talking about the appearance of herpes in the nose or on the lips.
- The second type of pathology is a rash that appears on the human genitals. As a rule, this disease is more often called genital herpes.
- When type 3 disease occurs, a person suffers from chickenpox or shingles.
- 4 type is characterized by the development of infectious mononucleosis.
- 5, 6, 7 and 8 types are much rarer and are localized in other areas of the human body.
Reason for development
To decide how to treat herpes in the nose, you must first understand what exactly caused the rash. If a person has a rash on his nose, then we can assume the manifestation of a simple form of herpes. As a rule, after its activation, the symptoms do not appear immediately.

Usually this ailment develops if a person has been in contact with someone who suffers from herpes in an open form. This happens upon contact with the mucous membranes of an infected person or by airborne droplets. In some cases, the bacteria is passed on by coughing, sneezing, or kissing. You can also become infected through contact with various objects that an infected person has interacted with.
On the skin, everyone has microcracks. Therefore, if you pick up a towel, spoon or any other object that an infected person used,that is, a high risk of getting this disease. After the introduction of this virus, its active reproduction occurs. The cells are attacked by the virus and die. This leads to the death of the epithelium (skin). It is because of this that the unpleasant symptoms of herpes appear.
Features of the course of the disease
Speaking about the symptoms and treatment of herpes in the nose, it is worth paying attention to some of the distinguishing features of the disease. As a rule, the presence of this virus in humans is episodic. After herpes is activated, an active production of antibodies occurs in the body. After a while, the symptoms disappear, and the virus goes into sleep mode until the next opportunity to appear.
If a person's immune system malfunctions, this can provoke an exacerbation of herpes in the nose or on the lip. It can also be activated against the background of influenza, SARS, tonsillitis, depression, stress, hypothermia, exacerbation of a chronic disease. If pimples in the nose area appear with an enviable frequency, then this indicates that the human immunity is too weakened, so it is important to take measures to restore the protective functions of the body.
The main symptoms of herpes in the nose
It is worth noting that when this virus appears in children, the symptoms are much more acute than in adults. In this case, most of the rashes appear on the lips and nose. This most often occurs if the primary activation of the pathology occurs. If we are talking about a relapse, then in this case there may not be an obvious rash.

The primary symptoms appear in the nose area. In this case, the patient experiences pain in this area. Starts to tingle in the nose. This is due to the spread of the infection. At the same time, many begin to suffer from itching and often comb their nose. With the further development of the virus, tingling begins, which occurs due to damage to the mucous membrane.
As a rule, in addition to such symptoms, no other inflammatory processes occur in herpes in the nose. Patients very often experience only discomfort and believe that this is a manifestation of seasonal allergies or the onset of a cold. Such self-diagnosis of the disease leads to improper treatment. Many people start using drugs to get rid of a cold, but in this case, a different type of therapy is needed.
Additional symptoms
If a person has a recurrence of herpes, or it proceeds in a more complex form, then in this case the patient may experience fever, severe headaches, general weakness of the body, malaise, swelling of the skin, and bubbles appear in the nose and redness.
If, in such a situation, measures are not taken to treat herpes in the nose, then the infection may begin to capture larger areas of the skin. In this case, the lesion can go to the lips and even the chin.

Therefore, it is necessary to start using special gels and other means that will help get rid of the virus.
Ifwe are talking about a severe course of the pathology, then speaking about how to cure herpes in the nose, it is worth first of all to pay attention to standard antiviral drugs. And with their help, you can get rid of the initial infection, but if we are talking about a relapse, then these funds will be useless.
It is recommended to use antibacterial type drugs. Also effective are the means, which include interferon. This will help stop the rapid reproduction of harmful organisms. After some time, the symptoms of the disease will gradually subside. It would also be useful to contact a specialist and clarify which agents for local therapy are recommended to be used.
Today in pharmacies you can find a huge variety of gels and ointments for herpes in the nose. However, in addition to topical treatment, it is also recommended to use drugs in tablet form.
To prevent the spread of infection through the skin, it is worth treating them with Viferon gel. Inside are taken tablets "Cycloferon". These drugs are antiviral and immunomodulatory agents.

When using ointments and gels, it is necessary to apply them to the affected areas of the skin in a very thin layer. Therefore, it is recommended not to perform the procedure with bare hands. It is better to use special medical spatulas or a cotton swab.
Antibacterial drugs
It should be borne in mind that when opening herpes rashes on the mucous membranethe nose may remain sores. If they get infected, it can lead to serious complications. To prevent the risk of entry of harmful bacteria, it is recommended to use topical antibiotics. These include ointment "Levomekol". It helps prevent further infection and the spread of infection to adjacent skin areas.
When using this drug for the treatment of herpes in the nose at home, it is recommended to lubricate not only the rash, but also he althy skin located around. In no case should you exceed the dosage or use the drug too often, so you must carefully study the instructions for any chosen remedy.
Traditional medicine
To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you can use natural infusions and decoctions. It is also worth maintaining a special diet, which includes drinking plenty of water. During the period of exacerbation of herpes, it is recommended to abandon fried, fatty and heavy foods, chocolate and coffee. Include in your diet you need boiled meat, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits. And there are also a number of folk recipes that will help in the treatment of herpes in the nose at home.

Fir oil is a very effective remedy. They need to lubricate the resulting rashes. The procedure is repeated three times a day. You can also mix propolis with water in equal proportions and treat the affected skin with the resulting tincture.
If herpes is localized oninside the nose, in this case it is recommended to drink tea with St. John's wort. Chamomile and calendula also have a positive effect. In addition to fighting the virus, they help strengthen the body's defenses.
You can also prepare a homemade ointment, for this you need to grind calendula flowers to obtain a powdery mass. After that, a teaspoon of the resulting composition must be mixed with the same volume of petroleum jelly and left for several hours. The resulting mixture should be lubricated on the affected skin twice a day.
The herpes virus is very common, so avoiding it is extremely difficult. If one of the relatives in the family suffers from this pathology, then at times of exacerbation it is necessary to adhere to useful recommendations from specialists.
First of all, you need to wash your hands more often and not touch those things that the patient has touched. You need to use separate linen, personal hygiene items, dishes, towels, etc.

To avoid relapses of herpes, it is important to monitor your he alth. It is necessary to eat right, take vitamins, harden the body and treat colds in a timely manner. Also, do not overcool the body. It is recommended to refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol. These bad habits lead to a severe weakening of the immune system, which may well provoke a "sleeping" herpes and lead to the appearance of unpleasant, inflamed, purulent rashes on the face.