Siberian bloater refers to perennial herbaceous plants, up to 70 cm high and with a stem thickness of about 7 mm. The stems are simple or branched, glabrous, and under the umbel short-hairy. Underground organs consist of a multi-headed rhizome, which turns into a tap root, up to 50 cm long. Basal leaves are numerous, pinnate, bluish in color. Leaf blades oblong-ovate, up to 30 cm long and 3–10 cm wide.
The inflorescence of Siberian bloater is represented by umbrellas. It blooms with white flowers covered with thick hairs. After flowering, fruits are formed, up to eight millimeters long. Blossoms in June-July, fruits ripen in July-August.

Where it grows
The habitat of the Siberian bloater is divided into three zones: Daurian, Trans-Baikal and Selenga. The plant canmeet in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk Region, on the territory of Yakutia, the Amur and Chita Regions. The last region contains the main stocks of the plant.
Grass grows mainly on the slopes of the hills, among the forbs of the forest-steppe, in the beds of dry rivers, moss-lichen tundra.
As a medicinal raw material, they harvest the roots and rhizomes of the Siberian bloater. It runs from late July to mid-September, at the time of fruiting.
After digging up the roots, the soil is carefully removed from them, the aerial part is removed. Then the roots are cut into small pieces, about five centimeters long. The blanks are laid out in a thin layer and dried, stirring occasionally.

Harvested roots of Siberian bloater are used in folk medicine to treat a variety of ailments. The benefits of a plant are determined by its composition.
The roots contain many trace elements, pyranocoumarins and dihydrosamidines. The last two substances have the ability to expand peripheral vessels, and also neutralize the effect of adrenaline on the vessels. Pyranocoumarins and dihydrosamidines have an antispasmodic effect on blood vessels.
Rhizomes and roots of the Siberian puffball have an analgesic effect. The plant is used alone for the treatment of Raynaud's disease, with renal colic, coronary insufficiency, peripheral vascular disease.

Healingthe properties of the Siberian bloater allow it to be used for various ailments. Traditional healers use the plant to treat nervous diseases, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, pulmonary tuberculosis, gastroenteritis, cancer of the esophagus and stomach.
On the basis of the root, preparations of official medicine are made. They are used to treat spasm of peripheral vessels and not only.
Siberian bloater is considered a valuable medicinal plant. It has many medicinal properties, but is especially useful for pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The exclusivity of the composition was appreciated by scientists and the roots began to be used for the manufacture of the pharmacological drug "Floverin". It eliminates vasospasm, cures the spastic form of endarteritis, coronary insufficiency. Also, the use of drugs based on rhizomes and the root of the bloater is used as a prophylactic against heart attack, stroke, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis.
Scientists have proven that preparations developed on the basis of the roots of this medicinal plant interact perfectly with preparations containing Baikal skullcap: it serves as an enhancer of the bloater.
An extract is made from fresh phloem in mineral water. Such a remedy helps to cleanse and restore blood, enhance the effect of the plant.
The bloater is used by different peoples of the world. This plant is widely used in Tibetan, Chinese, Mongolian medicine, and it is also used by the peoples of Transbaikalia.
In Tibet and China, a plantused for blood pathologies, diphtheria, tuberculosis, gastroenteritis, pneumonia, as an antibacterial agent. Studies have proven that the plant is able to suppress pathogenic microorganisms.
With severe pain in the heart, during the rehabilitation period after a stroke, heart attack, apply tincture of the bloater. Plant extract is used for hemorrhoids in the form of lotions. Rubbing with thrombophlebitis has a positive effect.

The plant has a pronounced medicinal effect and has a number of contraindications. You can not use funds based on the bloater for hypotension, constipation, flatulence. If the dosage is violated, ailments may occur in the form of headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Such a reaction of the body occurs to the toxins present in the plant, therefore, bloater preparations should not be taken on their own, without consulting a doctor.
The drug is contraindicated for lactating and pregnant women. Do not take infusions and other herbal preparations for those who are allergic to the constituent components.

Judging by the description, recipes with Siberian bloater are a decoction and alcohol tincture.
To prepare a water decoction, take a spoonful of roots, place in a saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water. The composition is heated over low heat for twenty minutes. After cooling, it is filtered. Accepted for eliminationheart and spasmodic pains, with pathologies of the nervous system twice a day, a third of a glass.
For the treatment of tuberculosis, inflammation of the lungs, bronchi, the dosage is doubled.
Externally, a decoction is used as a disinfectant for washing wounds, injured areas of the skin. Compresses are made with decoction. The same remedy is used to rinse the mouth with inflammation of toothache, gums.
An alcohol tincture is made on the basis of the plant. To make it, you need fifty grams of raw materials and 0.5 liters of vodka. The crushed roots are placed in a container, poured with vodka. The container is tightly closed. The remedy is infused for two weeks in the dark. For the treatment of diseases, twenty drops of tincture are used, diluted in 100 g. water. The remedy is taken three times a day.

The underground part of the plant is an excellent raw material for the development of antispasmodic drugs. Healers of Siberia appreciate the herb for its ability to have an anthelmintic effect, so it is often used to treat parasitic ailments in animals. Roots and rhizomes have an excellent bacteriostatic effect, so they are recommended to be taken as a preventive measure and for the treatment of tuberculosis.
Judging by the reviews, prepared products based on the bloater have a positive effect on blood vessels, relieve spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. The plant is considered one of the best antihypertensive drugs, with its help you can overcome angiospasms and endarteritis.
Despitenumerous benefits, do not forget that the herb contains toxins, so the dosage should be treated with special care and take the drug only as directed by a doctor.