The timing and order of teething in a child

The timing and order of teething in a child
The timing and order of teething in a child

The first tooth is an important event for the child and his parents. The order of teething in a child, as well as the timing when this should happen, are individual. In some children, they are cut without problems, and mothers find them in their mouths quite by accident, when, for example, a spoon clinks or a baby bites an adult's finger painfully.

baby teething pattern
baby teething pattern

And for other families, teeth are a pain in the ass. Their eruption is accompanied by crying, whims and sleepless nights. Even on the chest, the baby does not calm down. Cooling teethers with liquid inside, homeopathic candles "Viburkol" and special ointments, for example, "Kamistad", "Kalgel" help to alleviate the condition. Sometimes diarrhea begins, the temperature rises so high that you have to call an ambulance and go to the hospital. The first tooth is also a new stage in the life of the baby. According to modern pediatric recommendations, the appearance of teeth signals the readiness of the child's body for the introduction of complementary foods and acquaintance with food other than breast milk. In Soviet times, they began to introduce new food almost from a month and a half.

baby teething pattern
baby teething pattern

The timing and order of teething in a child

On average, a child's first tooth appears at six months, but this period can be shifted. A tooth can erupt both at four months and at twelve. It happens that babies are born already with teeth, but this is a rather rare occurrence and a significant deviation from the norm. Although they say that there are no people without teeth from birth, the absence of teeth after a year is a reason to seek additional advice from a pediatrician, perhaps the reason is rickets.

Typically, a baby's teething order is:

  • anterior lower incisors appear at six to seven months;
  • 8-9 - front upper incisors;
  • at nine to eleven months - upper lateral incisors;
  • at eleven-thirteen - lateral lower incisors;
  • at twelve to fifteen months - the first molars;
  • at eighteen-twenty - fangs;
  • at twenty to thirty months - second molars.
order of teething in infants
order of teething in infants

If this order of teething in infants is observed, then by the year eight teeth appear in the baby's mouth. And by the age of two and a half, he will already have twenty milk teeth. But, we repeat, the pattern of teething in children is different, in some babies the fangs grow first, and they cheerfully show the world a “vampire” smile. And parents, without wasting time, take numerous photos as a keepsake.

first tooth
first tooth

What determines the order of teething in a child?

There is no definite answer to this question. It is known that milk teeth are laid even during intrauterine development, in the second trimester of pregnancy. Perhaps during this period, my mother was sick and took medication, or she ate little calcium-rich foods. Perhaps there was a threat of abortion or gestosis. Bad habits of a pregnant woman, such as smoking or caffeine abuse, could also affect the development of the baby's teeth. The course of childbirth and the characteristics of the first months of a baby's life (possible illnesses, antibiotics, rickets, improperly selected pacifier) also affect the timing of the appearance of teeth. So if you have any doubts, we advise you to consult a pediatrician.
