Currently, the number of oncological diseases is growing every day. There are many prerequisites for this, but in such situations it is very important to correctly and quickly make a diagnosis, only then can treatment be effective. There are many methods for diagnosing cancer, one of them is a biopsy. The types, the meaning of this method can be different, we will try to get acquainted with them in our article.
The essence of the biopsy
This study is designed to clarify the diagnosis or clarify an existing one. Biopsy accuracy is almost 100%. During the study, a small area is taken from any organ, depending on the location of the tumor and pathology.

If oncology is suspected, a biopsy is prescribed in the first place. During a biopsy, biological material is taken and examined under a microscope. If there is a development of a cancerous tumor or other pathological process, then changes always begin in the tissues that simply cannot be overlooked under a microscope.
Varieties of biopsy
Types of biopsies can be different, they can even differ depending on the field of medicine:
- Puncture biopsy. Biological material is taken for research using a syringe or an aspiration gun.
- Smears-prints. Such a biopsy is reduced to applying a glass slide to the surface of the tumor in order to obtain some material for study.
- Excisional biopsy involves the complete removal of the tumor along with surrounding tissues.
- Incisional biopsy is the removal of biological material from the tumor itself.
- Trepan biopsy. It is carried out using special needles, with their help a column of tissue is obtained from the neoplasm.
Vydklyayut not only different types of biopsy, but also ways to take biological material for research.
Methods for sampling biological material
Depending on the location of the tumor, doctors use one or another method of taking the material.
Fine needle biopsy. With this type, the material is taken with a needle, which is inserted into the pathological area.
Pap smears are taken from the cervix if cancer is suspected.
Fine-needle biopsy involves obtaining more tissue, for example, if you suspect liver, prostate, or breast cancer.
Aspiration biopsy. The material is taken with the help of an aspirator. This method allows you to receive several tissue fragments at the same time.
Sampling of material can be carried out under the control of a scan, it can be X-rays, MRI or ultrasound. They allow the doctor to control the position of the needle.
Biopsy can be done duringsurgery.
Sampling material during endoscopy or fibrogastroduodenoscopy. This method is often practiced for suspected cancer of the colon, stomach, esophagus.

Given the severity of the pathology, its localization, the doctor decides on the method of taking material for cytological examination.
Laboratory tumor biopsy
No matter what type of biopsy your doctor uses, cytology can help you make an accurate diagnosis. After the biological material is taken, it is sent to the laboratory for a series of studies.
Carry out a histological study of tissues. The pre-taken material is dehydrated using special fatty solutions so that it can then be impregnated with paraffin. Then the thinnest sections are made and placed on a glass slide. Preparations are often stained for better visibility.

Carry out a cytological examination. The process of preparing the removed tissues is practically the same as the previous study. But there is a fundamental difference between cytology - oncological diseases are established according to the qualitative characteristics of a cancerous tumor. This method of study is considered less informative, but if it is impossible to remove a piece of tissue, it is optimal.
Types of breast biopsy
Breast cancer is a fairly common pathology among the female population. This type of cancer is currently quite well amenable to therapy,if detected in the early stages, but not all women take their he alth seriously, which sometimes leads to sad consequences. Often we go to the doctor when the disease has gone too far. To make an accurate diagnosis in the diagnosis of breast diseases, the following types of biopsy are used:
- Fine needle aspiration. It is used when the pathological area in the chest is well palpable. At the same time, the woman can sit, the biopsy site is well treated with an antiseptic solution, a thin needle is inserted, then a small amount of tissue or liquid is drawn in with a syringe if it was a cyst.
- Stereotactic fine needle biopsy. With the help of a needle, tissues are taken for examination from different places of the tumor. With a deep location of the pathology, they resort to taking material with the help of ultrasound or mammography in order to accurately determine the localization of the tumor.
- A core biopsy of the breast is performed to obtain a large area of tissue. For this, a thick needle with a special cutting device is used.
- Incisional biopsy is performed under local anesthesia, as it is necessary to obtain a piece of tissue from the tumor itself.
- An excisional biopsy is a kind of small operation during which the doctor cuts out only part or all of the tumor, it all depends on its size.

For what pathologies of the mammary glands a biopsy is prescribed
Different types of biopsies in oncology are important, but such a study can detect other diseases,or rather, exclude oncology with them:
- mastitis, which often develops in breastfeeding women;
- mastopathy, it comes in different forms and one of them can turn into oncology;
- breast cyst;
- fibroadenoma;
- intraductal papilloma.
With all these pathologies, a biopsy is mandatory to rule out a more serious disease and make an accurate diagnosis.
Cervical biopsy
We examined what a biopsy is (definition, types in breast cancer), but it is also a common study for pathologies of the cervix. A gynecologist prescribes such a procedure and pursues the following goals: to confirm, clarify or refute the diagnosis that was made after a cytological examination.
The basis for the appointment of a biopsy of the cervix is the presence of the following pathologies:
- erosion, because the disease can be a symptom of cancer;
- detected seal or neoplasm during examination;
- HPV positive;
- altered cell structures that were revealed after cytological examination;
- exophytic warts.

Types of cervical biopsy may be different, depending on the purpose and size of the pathological area. Here are the types most commonly used:
- Targeted biopsy is performed with a thin needle under the control of a colposcope.
- Loop, or radio wave, biopsy. During its implementationa loop of wire is superimposed on the area to be studied, and a current is passed through it, which leads to necrosis. The material obtained in this way is not damaged and is ready for research.
- Wedge biopsy is performed with a scalpel. Epithelial and connective tissue is excised to a depth of 3 mm. After such an intervention, sutures are applied.
Types of cervical biopsy are selected by the doctor taking into account all indicators.
Cervical biopsy technique
The need for a cervical biopsy must be discussed with the patient. The doctor informs the woman about the possible consequences and takes her written consent to the procedure. It is carried out on the 5-7th day of the monthly cycle.

Before taking the material, the cervix is carefully treated with an antiseptic solution. The process is controlled using mirrors or a colposcope. If a large intervention is required, then anesthesia is performed.
Depending on the type of biopsy, the entire pathological area or part of it is excised. After the procedure, the wound is treated with a hemostatic composition and, if necessary, sutures are applied.
What do the results of a cervical biopsy reveal?
After the removal of biological material, it is sent for histological and cytological examination, which reveals the following pathologies:
- carcinoma;
- dysplasia;
- background processes of various origins.
When researching, it maya terrible diagnosis is not confirmed, but minor changes in cellular structures are detected that can be provoked:
- benign tumors;
- infectious diseases;
- hormonal disorders.
Cervical biopsy is one of the main diagnostic procedures. Its results make it possible to make a diagnosis with an accuracy of up to 100%, which greatly facilitates the choice of treatment tactics for the doctor.
Advice for patients before biopsy
Very often, the biopsy procedure is performed directly in the doctor's office, whether it be a mammologist, gynecologist or other specialist. In very rare cases, hospitalization is required.
Before the procedure, the doctor must convey the following information to the patient:
- Have to temporarily stop taking anticoagulants.
- Stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Do not take in the next few days before the procedure "Aspirin" and its analogues.
- If instability of the emotional state is noticed, the doctor recommends taking sedatives.
- Before the procedure itself, you should not eat or drink.
- It is necessary to follow the observance of asepsis and antisepsis.
If the doctor discusses all these issues with the patient beforehand, then, as a rule, the procedure proceeds normally.
Undesirable consequences of a biopsy
We looked at what a biopsy is, types, meaning. There are different methods of studying, but this one is the most informative, itallows you to accurately and quickly make a diagnosis. Very rarely, there are complications after a biopsy. If the procedure is performed by a specialist, then everything goes smoothly and without consequences, but the development of the following undesirable phenomena should not be ruled out.
There may be bleeding from the sampling area. After the procedure, the wound is always treated with hemostatic solutions and a bandage is applied if necessary. It is important to avoid bleeding during lung bronchoscopy, otherwise it can lead to serious consequences.

It is clear that a biopsy leads to damage to the organ. But tissue rupture and hematoma formation occurs when the procedure is performed by an unskilled specialist. In these cases, it is important to prevent infection.
May be infection of the test site. This happens if the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not followed.
Septic shock can trigger the active spread of a bacterial infection.
It is possible to avoid all complications, no matter what types of biopsy are used, if you use modern equipment and always follow the rules of sanitation. This will prevent infection from entering the wound and the appearance of complications.
So, we have looked at the types of biopsies in detail. Pathoanatomy is a science that studies pathological processes in tissues. So a biopsy is one of her methods, but I must say that it is the most informative and accurate. The most important thing is that patients go to the doctor in time, then you can not only put the rightdiagnosis, but also not be late with treatment.
Take care of yourself and be responsible for your he alth.