Nature keeps colossal we alth. Until now, humanity has accumulated countless results on successful treatment with propolis, including in cases where medicine was powerless. Fast healing of wounds and solving cosmetic problems - that's why people fell in love with propolis and found wide application.

The power of bee products
Propolis is a very valuable product. It is no less useful than bee pollen or royal jelly. Working bees have created a substance that can effectively cope with various skin lesions, eliminate chronic diseases of the body, and successfully treat the reproductive organs. Honey bees produce propolis by mixing wax and saliva with plant ingredients.

The scope of application of propolis "Geliant" is quite extensive, with its help you can achieve the following effects:
- anti-inflammatory;
- antifungal;
- antiviral;
- painkiller;
- bactericidal;
- antipruritic.
The components of the drug are able to block the release of histamine, which is responsible for allergic reactions accompanied by itching. Any cream can fade next to the miracle composition of propolis "Geliant".
The instruction states the following contraindications of the drug: individual intolerance, allergic reaction to bee products. It is advisable to conduct a test for skin sensitivity before use, for this it is enough to apply a small amount of the drug on the elbow and leave for 24 hours. If the skin has not reacted in any way, propolis "Geliant" can be used for you.

A simple application technique includes the following steps:
- The ointment is rubbed or smeared (depending on the disease) on the affected area of the body. Residues are removed with a napkin or towel after a couple of minutes (note that the adhesive mixture does not wash well).
- The first step is repeated two or three times during each treatment session.
- In conclusion, the treated area is wiped dry with a clean cloth.
High penetrating power delivers useful components directly to the focus of the disease. Propolis should always be in stock and not only in the form of an ointment. There are analogues, the dosage form of which allows it to be chewed, for example, with SARS, stomatitis, tonsillitis. The price of preparations with propolis is always acceptable, notdepending on the region of the country.
Effective cosmetic product
Propolis "Geliant" is capable of much. In cosmetology, he fell in love with women for the ability to give the effect of rejuvenation, a noticeable smoothing of the skin, the elimination of cellulite, the removal of toxins and toxins. The thing is that the drug has an increased ability to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.
Simple ingredients:
- bee glue (propolis);
- natural wax;
- oil.
For beauty:
- rubbing helps women get rid of the "orange peel";
- can even be used as a gentle peel;
- as a mask for hair growth and density;
- as a shampoo additive - to improve the overall condition of curls;
- as a soothing, healing agent after depilation;
- for lightening stretch marks on the body;
- like a cosmetic cream - relieves rashes, creates a lifting and nourishing effect.

Propolis "Geliant": consumer reviews
Consumers write rave reviews about the drug. Love and recognition usually begin with the rapid healing of small wounds and scratches. He helped someone quickly and practically without scars to heal burns. Others "Geliant" got rid of such a delicate nuisance as hemorrhoids. Pain, itching and bleeding quickly cease to bother.
Users love the product for gentle skin cleansing without the help of a beautician. In the fight against acne and oily skinpropolis found many admirers. The components of beekeeping destroy bacteria, which are the direct cause of acne and abscesses. It is worth applying a little ointment to the just beginning herpes, as its focus is immediately localized, subsequently the crust comes off faster.
Customer reviews are positive, but there are also cases where patients did not observe any result from the use of the drug. In the case when the drug works, it helps really quickly. Propolis "Geliant", of course, is not an absolute panacea. Before use, it is desirable to be aware of the contraindications.