First aid for heat stroke: algorithm of actions

First aid for heat stroke: algorithm of actions
First aid for heat stroke: algorithm of actions

Summer is a popular time for tourism, holidays in hot countries, on the beach or in the country. Warm weather is conducive to holidays and vacations in the fresh air. However, the sun's rays and heat can have not only positive, but also negative effects on the human body. Sometimes they provoke a deterioration in well-being. How to behave in such a case? Everyone needs to have an understanding of first aid for heat stroke.

sunstroke weakness
sunstroke weakness

Harmful effects of hot weather on the body

Under the influence of excessive heat and the rays of the sun, a person can overheat. If, as a result of these factors, the body temperature rises to 37 degrees, there is a sharp deterioration in well-being. Sometimes there is a loss of consciousness. This situation is due to the fact that adverse factorsenvironment disrupt the normal functioning of the human body systems.

Many at least once in their lives faced with a situation where after a long stay in the sun there is weakness, pain in the head, increased need for sleep, profuse sweating.

How to recognize pathology?

dizziness and headache
dizziness and headache

First of all, when talking about first aid for heat stroke, it is necessary to clearly identify the symptoms of this condition. Its signs are:

  1. Severe lethargy.
  2. Nausea and bouts of vomiting.
  3. Pain in the head.
  4. Strong increase in temperature - up to 40 degrees.
  5. Dry and hot skin.
  6. Increased heart rate.
  7. Dizziness.
  8. Respiratory disorders.
  9. Disorders of visual functions.
  10. Bleeding from the nose.
  11. Aches in muscles and joints.
  12. Sudden changes in blood pressure.
  13. Deterioration of coordination of movements.
  14. Red complexion.

First aid for sunstroke and heatstroke involves the use of similar methods, since the symptoms of these conditions are identical.

Circumstances that increase the risk of disease

child outdoors in hot weather
child outdoors in hot weather

The most common such pathologies are observed in the following categories of people:

  1. Minors.
  2. Patients with diabetes.
  3. Individuals suffering from vascular and myocardial pathologies.
  4. Faceswith dermatological ailments.
  5. People addicted to alcohol.
  6. Patients with thyroid disease, overweight.
  7. The elderly.

Consequently, the risk of pathologies increases when the following conditions are present:

  1. Alcohol abuse in hot weather.
  2. Excessive physical activity.
  3. Dehydration.
  4. Insufficient sweat separation.
  5. Lack of nutrients in the body.
  6. Hard work in a hot room or outdoors in sunny weather.

Timely provision of first aid for heat stroke will avoid dangerous complications and exacerbation of chronic pathologies in the victim.

How to alleviate the patient's condition?

If someone close to you has signs of this disease, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible.

fainting from heat stroke
fainting from heat stroke

However, keep in mind that the doctors will arrive at least 10-15 minutes later. Therefore, some medical measures should be carried out at home. Otherwise, the patient may develop severe complications.

The first aid procedure for heat stroke is as follows:

  1. The person needs to be moved to a cool place, in the shade and provide enough fresh air.
  2. It is necessary to free the patient's body from tight clothing, remove belts, shoes, unfasten buttons, collar.
  3. Fan it with paper or turn on a fan.
  4. Toto prevent dehydration, the patient is given cool water. In addition, you need to slightly moisturize the skin.
  5. If possible, take the patient to the shower or cover his body with a damp towel.
  6. Cool lotions should be placed on the chest, knees, elbows and forehead.
  7. If there are burns on the surface of the skin, the damaged parts of the body are covered with a layer of special medicines ("Panthenol", "Bepanten").
  8. In case of circulatory disorders, the limbs are rubbed with alcohol. Place a pillow under your feet.
  9. In case of loss of consciousness, the patient is given a sniff of cotton wool moistened with ammonia.
  10. When the patient's condition deteriorates rapidly, first aid for heat stroke includes closed myocardial massage, artificial respiration.

Further therapies

Sometimes, after the procedures, the patient's he alth stabilizes. However, this does not mean that his he alth can not be monitored. It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of a person with this disease. It should be remembered that the rules of first aid for heat stroke are aimed at preventing dehydration - a dangerous phenomenon that disrupts the functioning of the whole body. Therefore, it is important to give the patient enough fluids, in small amounts, but often.

help with sunstroke
help with sunstroke

Tips for its use are discussed in the next section.

Drinking mode

You can offer the patient water, mineral water, berry fruit drinks. soda,energy drinks and coffee in this state are strictly prohibited. Drinks should be without sugar, slightly warm. In addition, a decoction of St. John's wort helps to cope with lethargy and weakness. 2 small spoons of dry raw materials in crushed form are combined with boiling water in the amount of 1 cup. Infuse for about 10 minutes. The remedy is used three times a day. The recommended single dosage is a third of a glass.

In case of malfunction of the myocardium and blood vessels, a person needs to consult a doctor. In such cases, the specialist usually recommends Validol or Valocordin.

Sometimes first aid for heat stroke is enough to stabilize the patient.

Inpatient Therapy

man in the hospital
man in the hospital

In case of a sharp deterioration in the patient's he alth, they are hospitalized. Such a measure is necessary for serious respiratory disorders and problems with the activity of the heart muscle. To prevent serious complications (development of cerebral edema, myocardial dysfunction), doctors carry out a number of measures in a hospital setting. First aid for heat stroke includes:

  1. Introduction of s alt and glucose solutions to restore the balance of essential substances in the patient's body.
  2. The use of agents that stabilize the work of the myocardium (nitroglycerin, Cardiket, Monosa).
  3. Use of anti-seizure drugs (Lamotrigine, Ethosuximide, Topiramate).
  4. Drugs that reducebody temperature (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen).
  5. Using a ventilator when the respiratory system fails.

How to prevent the development of a dangerous condition?

watermelon slices
watermelon slices

In order to avoid sunstroke and heatstroke, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Observe safety rules when in hot rooms.
  2. Limit outdoor activities on hot days. You should not go outside between 12 and 16 hours, as at this time the sun's rays have a negative effect on the body.
  3. Panama, hat or cap is a must in summer.
  4. Favor light, loose clothing made from natural fabrics.
  5. Limit physical activity on hot days. It is better to do sports not in the first half of the day, but in the evening hours.
  6. To prevent dehydration, it is important to drink enough fluids. It is necessary to give preference to water or mineral water. Juices, tea or kefir should be drunk in moderation. It is better to give up alcohol altogether.
  7. It is necessary to exclude fatty, spicy and sweet foods. You should eat often, but in small amounts, include fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet (especially melons, peaches, cucumbers, oranges, watermelons).
  8. It is important to remember the principles of first aid for heat stroke in order to prevent the development of dangerous complications of this disease.
