Pinching of the cervical vertebra is a popular definition of a pathology in which acute pain and numbness are felt. Symptoms of a pinched cervical nerve are related to cervical radiculopathy and other problems. Therefore, it is important to establish a diagnosis as early as possible, to identify the true cause of the pain.
Cervical spine
The cervical region is complex. A large number of nerves, vessels that feed the arteries of the brain pass through it. The department itself consists of seven vertebrae, between which there are intervertebral discs. Due to various reasons, the quality of disk performance decreases. Because of this, nerve endings are compressed, which causes pain, leads to complications, and also disrupts movement.

Causes of pinching
According to statistics, a pinched cervical nerve occurs along with other pathologies:
- vertebral subluxations;
- offset;
- disc misalignment;
- bone outgrowths;
- reduction of intervertebral gaps;
- spasm of the muscular apparatus of the back,neck;
- osteochondrosis of the cervical region;
- injuries.
Also, symptoms of a pinched cervical nerve can occur as a result of protrusion, intervertebral hernia.
Less often, infringement is observed when the endocrine system malfunctions, sharp turns of the head, diseases in an acute form. Squeezing is noted during tumor processes, severe hypothermia, exacerbations of chronic ailments, emotional overstrain, strong physical activity.
Cervical nerve pinching occurs at any age, even newborns have this symptom. As a rule, it develops in utero or occurs as a birth trauma.

The main symptom of a pinched cervical nerve is pain. It can be of two types: only in the cervical region and pain in the arm and neck. In addition to pinching the cervical nerve, arteries, nerve roots, and a nerve in the occipital part can be squeezed. In this case, there is pressure on the spinal cord.
Often, the symptoms of a pinched cervical nerve are accompanied by pinching of the roots and blood vessels. Because of this, there is a lack of blood supply to the brain. It is impossible not to notice the changes that are taking place. These specific symptoms and general malaise indicate that a root is pinched in the cervical region and urgent medical attention is needed.
Clinical manifestations
Treatment and symptoms of a pinched cervical nerve are interrelated. With pathology, depreciation of the spine worsens, the load on other parts of the body increases.
The pathology clinic develops immediatelyor in case of infringement. With the course of the disease, an increase in the clinical picture is noted, a severe headache can be observed, and body temperature rises.
Symptoms of a pinched cervical nerve can be dizziness, high blood pressure, inner fears, guilt, indecision. It can also talk about pathology:
- acute pain in the back of the head;
- shoulder pain;
- chest pain on the left side;
- headaches;
- tingling in fingertips, shoulders;
- burning sensation in limbs;
- fatigue;
- memory reduction;
- changing hand sensitivity;
- mild paralysis and paresis;
- inability to do work for a long time.
In some cases, due to the infringement of the trigeminal nerve, there is swelling of the tongue, difficulty swallowing, the occurrence of speech defects.
When the first signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will select diagnostic methods, prescribe treatment for a pinched cervical nerve.
When a pathology occurs, lifelong treatment is necessary under the supervision of a physician, since in its absence, other changes occur. If the cervical arteries passing through the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th vertebrae are suddenly clamped, and the nerve is also infringed, this leads to severe pulsating vascular pain. The patient has a feeling that impulses come from the back of the head and diverge towards the forehead, and with movement they increase. If timely treatment is not started, then the disease will lead to the development of ischemicstroke.

Who to contact
To be prescribed treatment for a pinched cervical nerve, you should first consult a therapist. He will conduct a differential diagnosis with therapeutic diseases, and then refer you for a consultation with a neurologist.
Diagnostic Methods
What to do if a nerve is pinched in the cervical region and what diagnostic procedures should be done?
Diagnosis is an important step on the road to recovery. Immediately, when contacting a doctor, the process of questioning begins, during which all information about the pathology and symptoms is clarified in detail. The assessment of neurological functions is of great importance in the diagnosis. But in order to make an accurate diagnosis, instrumental diagnostic methods are prescribed. These include:
- X-ray examination. This is the simplest and most popular examination method that allows you to see all the anomalies of the spinal column. However, this method has a drawback - low accuracy.
- CT, MRI. These techniques make it possible to obtain a high-quality image of the spine, spinal cord, and nerve roots. These types of diagnostic examinations make it possible to identify osteochondrosis and other pathologies, as well as to see complications associated with the disease.
- Electromyographic study. It is used to assess the work of nerve endings, the muscular apparatus. In some cases, the disease allows you to confirm the pathology.
Together with instrumental diagnostic methods, a blood test, urine test, andassessment of general condition.

Treatment methods
And what to do with a pinched cervical nerve, what methods of treatment are used? Treatment of pathology depends on the cause that caused it. If pain occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of serious complications associated with impaired blood flow.
So how to treat a pinched cervical nerve and what methods are used? Therapy of the disease has two approaches: pain relief, anti-inflammatory therapy and reducing the risk of recurrence of a similar situation.
The standard technique involves the use of various local preparations in the form of ointments, gels, massages. General drugs are also prescribed. In rare cases, when conservative treatment does not bring the desired result, corticosteroids are used or surgery is performed. It is prescribed taking into account the patient's he alth, the cause of the disease, the presence of contraindications, the age characteristics of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases.
If the violation is caused by another pathology, then for recovery it is necessary to undergo treatment for this disease. At the same time, the use of medications that help relieve inflammation is started.
Inflammation helps relieve the following drugs:
- Nise, Ibuprofen, Ketonav, Baralgin painkillers.
- "Declofenac", "Dolak".
- Voltaren.
- Movalis.
- Indomethacin.
Often, when nerves are pinched, "Dexalgin" is additionally used. Heeffectively blocks the acute manifestations of the resulting pathology. To reduce the load on the spine, it is recommended to wear an orthopedic collar.
During the period of exacerbation of the disease before the arrival of the doctor, you should take a supine position. The surface must be firm and even. If possible, stay in this position so that the vertebrae relax.
Drugs that stimulate blood circulation in the brain area have a positive effect. In the event that the muscles are very tense, prescribe means that relieve spasms, causing relaxation of the muscular apparatus. This may be the drug "Mydocalm" and other means.
Vitamin therapy with nicotinic acid, B vitamins, microelements is mandatory. These drugs are mandatory, they increase the tone and effectiveness of therapy.
Sedative drugs are sure to be selected to facilitate falling asleep. They help to have a good rest when you are worried about malaise, pain.
Other treatments
For the treatment of a pinched cervical nerve at home, traditional medicine is used. These include decoctions and infusions of mint, St. John's wort, valerian, motherwort, lemon balm.
Decoctions of chamomile, chestnut, oak bark have a positive effect. Medicines prepared from them are added to baths.
To eliminate the pathology, ointments are used for pinching the cervical nerve. They have a warming effect on the affected area.
You can make drugs yourself by purchasing components for them at the pharmacy. Yes, it helps withdisease fir oil, mixed with a decoction of chamomile, valerian. This product is added to the bath.
Cold compresses are used to reduce swelling. They are applied to the sore spot for ten minutes, after which the body is allowed to rest.

An important point in the treatment of a pinched nerve is physiotherapy. High efficiency shows massage in pathology. This is one of the most popular methods to fix the problem, as long as the massage is performed by a professional. Usually ten massage sessions are enough to cope with the disease. After massage can be used as a prophylactic.
In addition to massage, laser therapy, acupuncture, magnetic stimulation, ultrasound, UHF are used.
After the main course of massage and other procedures to strengthen the muscles, manual therapy is recommended.
During treatment, the physiotherapist develops an individual exercise program, determines the permitted loads. Properly selected exercise therapy allows you to most effectively treat pinching. You should start the course together with a specialist. Then he continues at home, on his own. It is usually recommended to perform stretching, tilting the head, exercises on the floor. By correctly performing these healing exercises with a pinched cervical nerve, you can quickly achieve relief, and over time, the pain will disappear altogether, the condition will stabilize.

Most often, two sets of exercises are used to treat pinching. They are usually recommended in cases where frequent neck pain occurs. They are suitable for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, whose work is related to computers and not only. Gymnastics not only improves overall well-being, but also improves mood, headaches decrease, dizziness disappears.
Complex one
Exercises from this complex are usually used for chronic pain in the cervical region. They are also suitable during periods of exacerbation, when the pain syndrome subsides. The purpose of the complex is to improve the mobility of the vertebrae, restore their plasticity, improve the condition of the muscular apparatus of the neck.
- Exercise one. The patient takes the starting position standing or sitting on a chair. The head should be straight. Then, turns are slowly made to the extreme right and to the extreme left. The turns are repeated ten times.
- Exercise two. The head is lowered so that the chin is located as close to the chest as possible. If the mobility of the vertebrae is good, then the chin touches the chest. Then the head is raised up. This is done ten times.
- Exercise three. The head is moved back as far as possible. Then it is lowered, looking ahead. Repeat ten times.
When performing any exercise, there should not be a strong pain syndrome. If suddenly the discomfort intensifies, then exercise therapy is stopped until it subsides.
Complex second
All exercises from thisThe complex is used to treat pinching in chronic pain, and is also used to strengthen the muscles of the neck. Exercise therapy allows you to relax tense muscles, reduce pain.
- Exercise one. The starting position is taken while standing, one hand should be on the forehead. The head is tilted forward, and the hand is pressed on the forehead, counteracting the movements of the head for ten seconds. Then a short break is taken and the exercise is repeated.
- Exercise two. The starting position is taken. One palm should be on the head in the temporal zone. The head is tilted to one side, and the palm is pressed against the temple, as if counteracting the movement of the head. The pressure continues for ten seconds. Then the same is done on the other side. This is repeated ten times.
- Exercise three. The starting position is taken lying or sitting. Then the area between the occipital bone and its soft part, where the muscles are located, is massaged. It takes at least three minutes to act. Massage of this part of the head can cause increased pain, but it passes after a while. Also, after the massage, headaches disappear.
- Exercise four. Position - sitting, standing or lying down. The latter is preferable. Fingertips massage the upper and inner parts of the scapula in the place where the neck muscle that lifts the scapula is attached. Initially, this procedure is painful, but after the pain passes. At the same time, you can feel warmth in the area of the shoulder girdle. Massage lasts no longer than three minutes.
In the first two weeks, the exercises are done every day. Then the frequency of execution is reduced to three times a week. For a better mastering of the technique, the exercises are performed several times each, in front of a mirror. Keep your back straight throughout the exercises.

There are many reviews on the Internet about a pinched cervical nerve, what consequences it led to and how people fought the disease. They not only used the medicines prescribed by the doctor, but also did various exercises, took vitamins, and changed their diet. It included foods rich in protein, vitamins. They began to drink enough liquid, included in the diet products that affect the restoration of cartilage tissue - jelly and components containing gelatin.
There are reviews talking about how people de alt with infringement using folk methods. They made various decoctions, rubbing, took baths with the addition of infusions of medicinal plants.
A good and quick effect is given by treatment with prescribed drugs of general and local action. According to reviews, complex treatment allows you to normalize the condition in less than a month, forget about the pain.