The concept of "dysbacteriosis" today is familiar to everyone, from children to their relatives. He is treated from infancy, attributing all problems with the gastrointestinal tract to this ailment. The child does not sleep well, suffers from colic, pain, frustration or constipation - dysbacteriosis is to blame. District pediatricians prescribe very expensive drugs, and parents go to the pharmacy with a sigh of relief. After all, it is clear that now the child will feel better. Is it possible to treat dysbacteriosis with folk remedies? Let's figure it out together.

Surprisingly, no doctor in Europe diagnoses this disease. With us, this phenomenon can be found all the time. Not to mention pediatricpractice, drugs for the treatment of dysbacteriosis are also prescribed for adults, as one of the means in the treatment regimen. Sometimes this decision is justified, but sometimes the medicine is prescribed just in case, because it will not harm. Maybe then not to spend a lot of money on auxiliary drugs, but to replace them with folk remedies? Treatment of dysbacteriosis can indeed be carried out without pharmacy drugs. This was successfully practiced by doctors and healers, you can remember their practice today.
Reasons for the development of the disease
First of all, you need to find out this question. Treatment of dysbacteriosis with folk remedies or special preparations will not be effective if you do not first figure out what caused the death of beneficial bacteria. Dysbacteriosis is nothing more than the replacement of beneficial microflora with pathogenic ones. Then, instead of normal digestion and absorption of nutrients, a failure occurs, and the person feels discomfort.
A he althy person will not be disturbed by illness. More than a kilogram of beneficial bacteria lives in the human intestine. Their death is a consequence of serious violations in the body. The reasons may be as follows:
- Long-term use of antibiotics, most often uncontrolled. That is, the person himself decides to improve his condition at the expense of these medicines and feels an imaginary relief. After the course, an inevitable deterioration follows, which they try to cure with a new dose of stronger drugs.
- Severe intestinal infection.
- Problems with the digestive organs. It can be pancreatitis and cholecystitis, ulcers and enterocolitis.
- Operations on the stomach and intestines.
- Wrong diet.
- Decreased immunity.

Symptoms and signs
Usually, the treatment of dysbacteriosis with folk remedies is effective only with its mild degree. Therefore, you still need to see a doctor. He must assess the condition, conduct an examination and primary diagnosis, as well as anamnesis. Symptoms depend on the cause and may manifest in different ways. This is usually:
- abdominal discomfort;
- increased gas formation;
- abdominal pain;
- any change in stool.
Treatment of dysbacteriosis
First of all, a diagnosis should be made. The treatment itself should be complex and solve several problems at the same time. This is the restoration of the normal state and the elimination of foreign flora in the small intestine. In addition, it is required to restore the functioning of the digestive system, motility and peristalsis. One of the main tasks is to increase immunity.
Special preparations are used to achieve these results. In addition, effective assistance is provided by the treatment of dysbacteriosis in adults with folk remedies. Many combine conservative therapy with home remedies.
Severe forms of dysbacteriosis
The more complex the case, the more likely it is that medication will be required. In this case, in addition to the prescribed treatment, the doctor should advise you to eat fully and stably. If atreatment with prebiotics does not help, then homeopathy or antibiotics must be administered. Most receive such recommendations at the third stage of dysbacteriosis, that is, at the most severe.

Using Yeast
Treatment of dysbacteriosis in adults with folk remedies involves the restoration of normal microflora, in which a colony of beneficial bacteria will adequately grow and recover. A simple mash, which you can cook at home yourself, helps a lot with this. 500 g of water should be heated on fire, and then a tablespoon of sugar and the same amount of honey should be dissolved in it. Add 2 g of yeast to this solution and leave for an hour and a half in a warm place. This composition should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, preferably an hour before meals. Even doctors do not deny that this is the most effective treatment for dysbacteriosis with folk remedies. The course of treatment is individual, usually it is 5-7 doses, and then a break for at least a month.
Milk enemas
Often, when it comes to digestive problems, it is recommended to drink kefir. But considering the methods of traditional medicine, it is used in a slightly different way. And in this way, the symptoms go much better. Treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis with folk remedies involves the use of only a natural product with live bacteria, fresh and bacterial tested. Such kefir is very difficult to find in the store, so it is best to purchase it in a dairy kitchen. If you don’t have one in your city, then buy a special starter at the pharmacyand make your own yogurt at home.
If we consider the treatment of dysbacteriosis with folk remedies in children, then this recipe can be considered the number one medicine. Use it in the evening after bathing and before going to bed. For babies, 50-80 g of "live" kefir is enough. It is heated in a water bath, after which it is injected into the rectum in the form of an enema. After that, you need to try to put the baby to sleep as soon as possible. The secret of this treatment is very simple. Kefir, once in the intestines, effectively works to restore the natural balance. Enema should be done at night.
Curdled milk with a secret
A simple and affordable tool, which nevertheless has positive reviews. Treatment of dysbacteriosis in adults with folk remedies may well begin with the use of garlic yogurt. This will require a liter of fresh milk. Boil it and let it cool. After that, it must be fermented with pieces of dry black bread. After a day, you need to repeat the procedure, but now rub each crouton with garlic. Wait until they are completely wet. You need to store yogurt in the refrigerator and drink 100 g every day until you feel relief. If you drink it regularly, the intestines will restore normal functioning.
Jerusalem artichoke on guard of he alth
Attitude towards earth pear is ambiguous. Some value root crops worth their weight in gold, while others consider them a useless weed. But choosing a method of treating intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults with folk remedies, we are faced with the fact that this is one of the most effective helpers. You can completely get rid of dysbacteriosis if you prepare a decoction.
Take 300 g of Jerusalem artichoke roots, fill them with a mixture of water and milk in a 1:1 ratio. It must be boiled until the ground pear is ready to eat. After that, drain the liquid, add two tablespoons of butter and a spoonful of flour to it. Boil until thickened. It turns out a white sauce, which you need to pour root vegetables and mix. It turns out a very tasty dish that is able to cure the cause of dysbacteriosis. And the beneficial microflora will breed by itself.

Propolis tincture
This is another way to treat the symptoms of dysbacteriosis with folk remedies. To cook it with your own hands, you need to take 10 g of propolis and grind it thoroughly. Add a liter of cold water and let stand. Soon propolis will fall to the bottom, and all impurities will float. Now you can drain the water and add 100 ml of pure alcohol.
It remains to remove the tincture in a dark place and leave for a week. Remember to shake occasionally. You need to take it three times a day. It is recommended to add 40 drops to fresh milk and drink. After completing such a course, within two months you will completely get rid of dysbacteriosis and other intestinal problems.
Potentilla decoction
Decoction has proven to be effective. A quick result and the absence of side effects are also emphasized by numerous reviews. Treatment of dysbacteriosis with folk remedies can also be suitable for busy people, because it does not require a large amountfree time. Potentilla will help with other intestinal disorders, so it is recommended to always keep it on hand.
To prepare a decoction, take a tablespoon of Potentilla and pour 250 g of boiling water over it. Boil, then cool. Let it brew for 12 hours, after which you can start treatment. You need to drink a decoction three times a day, 100 ml. Be sure to consult with a specialist first.
Fresh garlic for dinner
Not only cinquefoil, but also fresh garlic is very good for the intestines. Phytotherapists call this vegetable the most effective way. In order for it to be assimilated and bring maximum benefits, it is required to eat garlic without bread.

One clove of garlic should be eaten about an hour before meals in the evening. Don't worry about the smell. Just remove the green center from the clove and eat calmly. Of course, if you work closely with people, then morning meetings can be complicated by concerns about fresh breath. But it can be corrected with a special spray. They are sold in every pharmacy, and today the choice is huge.
Aloe tincture
This plant is known for its healing properties. And of course, the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis with folk remedies could not do without it. For its preparation, an adult plant is required, preferably older than 5 years. Collect 100 g of leaves and grind with a meat grinder. Put in a glass jar and add a glass of sugar. After that, let it brew for 3 hours. Next, pour the mixture with a glass of red wine and leave for another day. It turns out a very effective and tasty medicine. In order to get the maximum effect, it is recommended to take three tablespoons a day. The tool has a general restorative effect on the body.

Herbal infusion
Traditional medicine heals with the gifts of nature, that is, herbs. Was no exception and dysbacteriosis. Above, we have already considered the use of Potentilla decoction. But experts recommend a more effective complex infusion, which better helps to cope with the causes that gave rise to it. Therefore, the problem will go away faster and, most likely, will not declare itself again.
To prepare the decoction, you will need to take the following herbs:
- Chamomile pharmacy - 2 parts.
- St. John's wort - part 1.
- Burdock - 1 part.
- Peppermint and plantain - 2 parts each.
Mix all herbs in one jar. This mixture will last quite a long time. You will need to take one tablespoon per 500 ml of boiling water. Fill the grass and wrap it carefully. You can take a decoction of 100 ml three times a day. St. John's wort may be a contraindication for some people, so it's best to consult a doctor.

Using prebiotics
All these tools allow you to normalize the intestinal microflora, that is, create conditions forfor the beneficial bacteria to repopulate. In order to speed up this process, ready-made colonies grown in the laboratory are used. Not all of them will take root in the intestines, some will die in the gastric juice, but still, the settlement process will be faster. Therefore, after a course of treatment with the chosen remedy, it is good to drink one of the pharmaceutical preparations or live kefir from the dairy kitchen. Of course, you will need to drink the drug in a course of at least 10 days to notice the result.
Instead of a conclusion
Treatment of dysbacteriosis is possible at home. Remember that any therapy requires consultation with your doctor. Can you say for sure that the discomfort you experience is not due to peptic ulcer or pancreatitis? In both cases, dysbacteriosis is possible, but it is not necessary to treat it, but the cause of the occurrence. Therefore, you first need to undergo an examination and listen to the doctor's recommendations. After that, we can talk about the choice of treatment method. In some cases, folk remedies can replace drugs. Sometimes they can be taken along with the main treatment.