What is the sclera: structure, functions, diseases

What is the sclera: structure, functions, diseases
What is the sclera: structure, functions, diseases

The human eye is a unique organ capable of performing many functions. It has a peculiar structure. However, not everyone knows what the sclera is and what diseases of this part of the eye exist. First you need to understand the structure of the eye.

what is sclera
what is sclera

What is the sclera

The sclera of the eye is the outer shell of the eyeball, which has a large area and covers 5/6 of the entire surface of the visual organ. In fact, it is a dense and opaque fibrous tissue. The thickness and density of the sclera in some places is not the same. In this case, the range of changes in the first indicator of the outer shell can be 0.3-1 mm.

Outer layer of sclera

So what is the sclera? This is a kind of fibrous tissue, which consists of several layers. Moreover, each of them has its own characteristics. The outer layer is called the episcleral layer. There are a large number of blood vessels that provide high-quality blood supply to tissues. In addition, the outer layer is securely connected to the outer part of the eye capsule. This is its main feature.

Since the main part of the blood vessels passes to the anterior part of the visual organ through the muscles, the upper part of the outer layer differs from the inner parts by intenseblood supply.

scleral pathology
scleral pathology

Deeper layers

The sclera itself consists mainly of fibrocytes and collagen. These components are very important for the body as a whole. The first group of substances takes an active part in the process of producing collagen itself, as well as in the separation of its fibers. The inner, very last layer of fabric is called the "brown plate". It contains a large amount of pigment, which causes a specific shade of the shell of the eye.

Certain cells - chromatophores - are responsible for staining such a plate. They are contained in the inner layer in large quantities. The brown plate most often consists of a thin fiber of the sclera, as well as a slight admixture of the elastic component. Outside, this layer is covered with endothelium.

All blood vessels, as well as nerve endings located in the sclera, pass through emissaries - special channels.

sclera functions
sclera functions

What functions does

The functions of the sclera are very diverse. The first of them is due to the fact that the collagen fibers inside the tissue are not arranged in a strict order. Because of this, the rays of light are simply unable to penetrate the sclera. This fabric protects the retina from intense exposure to light and sunlight. Thanks to this function, a person is able to see well. This is the main purpose of the sclera.

This fabric is designed to protect the eyes not only from intense lighting, but also from all kinds of damage, including those of a physical and chronic nature. Apart fromThis, the sclera protects the organs of vision from exposure to harmful environmental factors.

It is also worth highlighting one more function of this fabric. Conventionally, it can be called a frame. It is the sclera that is a high-quality support and, at the same time, a reliable element for fastening the ligaments, muscles and other components of the eye.

inflammation of the sclera
inflammation of the sclera

Congenital diseases

Despite the rather simple structure, there are certain diseases and pathologies of the sclera. Do not forget that this tissue performs important functions and in the event of any violations, the work of the visual apparatus as a whole deteriorates sharply. Diseases can reduce visual acuity and lead to irreparable consequences. Scleral ailments can be not only congenital, but also caused by various irritants and have an acquired character.

Such a pathology as blue sclera often occurs as a result of a genetic predisposition and improper formation of tissues that connect the eyeball, even in the womb. The unusual shade is due to the small thickness of the layers. Through the thin sclera, the pigment of the shell of the eyes shines through. It is worth noting that such a pathology often occurs with other anomalies of the eyes, as well as with violations of the processes of formation of the hearing organs, bone tissues and joints.

Diseases of the sclera are most often congenital. Melanosis is one of these. With the development of this disease, dark spots form on the surface of the sclera. Patients with a similar diagnosis should be registered with an ophthalmologist. With the development of such a diseaserequires regular monitoring, as well as timely prevention of the development of serious complications.

sclera diseases
sclera diseases

Acquired Ailments

Inflammation of the sclera is quite common. Diseases that result from such a process deserve special attention. The development of such ailments can provoke not only general disruptions in the functioning of certain systems of the human body, but also infections. Often, pathogens penetrate the tissues of the outer ocular membrane with the flow of lymph or blood. This is the main cause of the inflammatory process.


Now you know what the sclera is and what diseases of this tissue exist. The treatment of her ailments begins with the diagnosis and consultation of a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe a therapy for the disease, identifying all the symptoms. With the development of ailments of the sclera, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist. The specialist must conduct a series of laboratory tests. After the diagnosis is made, therapy is prescribed.

If the disease is caused by a disorder in other systems of the body, then the treatment will be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause. Only after that, measures to restore vision will be carried out.
