Liquid-based cytology is the newest cytology method used when dysplasia or cancer is suspected. This method makes it possible to detect oncological pathologies in the early stages of development, which greatly increases the chances of successful treatment.

How is the diagnosis, what is it - liquid cytology? To understand what an innovative method for identifying ailments is, you need to have an idea of the technique of its implementation.
After taking a smear, the biomaterial is placed in a certain environment. Next, the centrifuge is turned on, in which the cells are washed. They gather in a bundle and form a very even layer. After this procedure, the doctor's conclusion will be accurate and very informative, in comparison with the usual cytological method, when the collected material is applied to the glass for analysis.
PAP tests are used for liquid technology. This type of examination helps to clearly see the cells. Using this method helpsmechanically separate epithelial cells from various impurities and contaminants. The new technique reduces the likelihood of false diagnosis at times.
Indications for cervical examination
Liquid cytology of the cervix is a study that allows you to choose the most effective method of treating cancer. This technology allows you to identify malignant cells, as well as reduce the degree of cancer development.
Indications for examination are:
- Irregular menstruation. Too short and too long periods, delays.
- When planning a pregnancy.
- Long-term use of hormonal drugs.
- The appearance of discharge for no reason.
- Before inserting vaginal contraceptives.
- For viral genital pathologies.
According to indications, the doctor takes the biomaterial from the cervical canal and sends it for diagnosis. For maximum information content, it is best to take the material for liquid cytology in the first ten days after the end of menstruation. The result obtained can be negative or positive. The latter indicates the presence of atypical cells that can lead to the development of oncology.

Advantages of the new survey method
The use of an innovative examination method allows you to obtain the most accurate results of cell examination for the presence or absence of diseases. This method has many advantages:
- Preparation for analysiscooks very quickly.
- Improved quality material used for research.
- Materials can be stored for a long time. The use of special solutions allows you to save the collected samples under favorable conditions. This is necessary to transport swabs to the laboratory.
- Several cytological preparations can be prepared from the obtained biomaterial.
- You can prepare a monolayer swab.
- Diagnosis uses standard staining method.
New technology for cancer screening, compared to other methods, allows you to improve the quality of the smear, as well as carry out additional diagnostic procedures without a second examination by a gynecologist.
For timely prevention, screening is carried out every six months. This method helps to prevent the development of cervical cancer in the early stages, as well as to diagnose precancerous, background processes in the cervical canal.

How to prepare for the procedure?
Liquid-based cytology - what is it? How to prepare for it? This technology is the fastest method for examining the material, which helps to obtain maximum information, to see any, even the most insignificant deviations in the cells of the cervix. A smear for analysis is taken during the examination of patients on a gynecological chair.
Before you take a smear, you should prepare. To do this, it is recommended to exclude any sexual relations two days before the test. Also, you can not douche, use candlesand ointments. It is recommended to stop taking contraceptives and anti-inflammatory drugs. A couple of hours before taking a smear, you should refrain from urinating.
The analysis is not taken during menstruation, in the presence of discharge, itching, inflammation of the genital organs.

Fetch procedure
The technique for taking a smear for examination is simple. During the examination, the gynecologist cleans the cervix with a cotton swab, and then with a special brush, takes the material for analysis and applies it to the glass. The test results will be ready in about a week.
Cytological smear makes it possible to determine the size and shape of pathological cells, their placement. All this helps to identify diseases of the cervix, including cancerous and precancerous diseases.
When using liquid cytology, the brush, together with the collected biomaterials, is placed in a stabilizing solution. So the cells are preserved for a long time, which makes it possible to conduct a study and make an accurate diagnosis.
Cervical biomaterial study
Cervical fluid cytology results can be either positive or negative. In order for the doctor to accurately determine the presence of cancer, he assesses the condition of the epithelium. In total there are five stages of diseases, in each of which the cells have a characteristic appearance:
- Norm. If the results of cytology are negative, then no abnormalities are found in the structure of the cells.
- In the second stage, the cells have minor deviations from the norm. Thisstage can talk about inflammation, the presence of infectious diseases. For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out additional examination methods, such as biopsy, colposcopy, etc.
- Single cells have abnormal changes. With this result of the diagnosis, it is necessary to re-examine.
- The structure of cells changes, they become precancerous.
- Detection of a large number of atypical cells. This indicates the initial degree of development of oncology.
Deciphering the results obtained is carried out according to the Bethesda system. The final diagnosis is established on the basis of the information received about changes in the cell nucleus.

Diagnostic results and their interpretation
Deciphering liquid cytology results involves the use of an abbreviation.
The abbreviation ASC-US is observed with changes in squamous epithelial cells. This type of indicators occurs in women over the age of 45 due to a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen. Deciphering liquid cytology of the cervix is as follows:
- Results with AGC indicate the detection of changes in cylindrical cells, which are an indicator of inflammatory diseases. For example, results with this abbreviation may occur with vaginosis.
- AIS shows that there is a lot of columnar epithelium in the smear, the patient has cancer.
- ASC-H indicates that structural abnormalities were found in the cells, indicating a precancerous condition and an initialoncology stage.
- LSIL this result indicates the presence of small atypical non-cancerous cells.
When flat cells appear in a smear, the abbreviation HSIL is put.

Reviews of doctors
According to reviews, liquid cytology helps to quickly and accurately make a diagnosis. Reagents provide the opportunity to get maximum information during the examination with a minimum number of false test results.