Everyone knows not to skip pills. Because of this, the course of treatment is disrupted, as a result of which its effectiveness is reduced. However, most often such an action is not critical and has little effect on the overall picture of recovery. And only if we are talking about oral contraceptives, the situation changes dramatically. No wonder women often ask themselves: what to do if you forgot to take a birth control pill?
Types and composition
They contain artificially synthesized substances - analogues of the hormones progestin and estrogen. Their action is aimed at inhibiting ovulation in women, due to which fertilization does not occur. As a rule, they are quite well tolerated by patients. However, in some cases, contraceptives can cause side effects. To date, there is a huge selection of such drugs that can satisfy every taste. All are divided into emergency funds, mini-pills and combination drugs.
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They contain only one hormone - progestin. The main advantage is that in the event of conception, emergency contraception does not affect the development of the child. That is, the fetus remains safe and sound. In addition, they are quite good at resisting the very process of conception and the penetration of sperm into the vagina.
Among the disadvantages are side effects, which are expressed in the form of nausea and vomiting. And also these drugs should be taken immediately after sexual intercourse and no later than one hundred and twenty hours later.
This is perhaps the most famous contraceptive taken by mouth, which can be used in an emergency. One tablet contains the active ingredient levonorgestrel. In addition, it also contains additional substances: magnesium stearate, colloidal dioxide, lactose and starch. It is not recommended to use this tool for severe violations of the liver. Unfortunately, it can not always interfere with the process of conception. For example, if you forgot to take a birth control pill after intercourse, and more than three days have passed, then using Escapelle is useless. Therefore, it should be consumed as early as possible.
If vomiting occurs within the first three hours after using the drug, then it should be drunk again. And also these oral contraceptives can be used during menstruation and breastfeeding. The contraceptive has a five-year shelf life.
Mini drank
They contain the hormone progestin, so they can be used whenbreastfeeding. Among the advantages of such funds can be noted good preventive properties that act against cancer and various inflammations of the genital area. They absolutely do not affect blood pressure, and also do not worsen the quality of breast milk. After taking the mini-pill, the mucus thickens in the walls of the cervix, due to which the spermatozoa are reliably blocked and neutralized.
Unfortunately, they also have a number of disadvantages. For example, it is extremely important to follow the rules of admission. Sometimes they cause side effects in the form of headache and stomach pain, as well as insomnia. The constant use of such drugs causes weakness. Mini-drinks are contraindicated for convulsions, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.
Combined funds
Most often they are synthetic hormones estrogen and progesterone. Their action is based on the creation of thick mucus that appears in the cervix at the moment when male sperm tries to penetrate the vagina. Due to the regulation of male and female hormones, the action of such drugs is quite effective. Manufacturers give an almost one hundred percent guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. In addition, combination medications also have the following positive effects on overall he alth:
- Women's menstrual cycle is regulated. It becomes less painful and anemic.
- Girls suffering from acne also benefit from using these products.
- Combination remedies reduce the risk of cysts.
Among the sideeffects most often noted nausea and breast enlargement during menstruation. In addition, they sometimes cause an increase in blood pressure. And also a situation in which a woman forgot to take a birth control pill is highly undesirable. What to do in this case, the instructions for using the selected remedy may suggest.
Means "Regulon"

The active ingredient in this drug is desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol. In addition, it also contains starch, magnesium stearate, lactose and povidone. It is quickly absorbed through the walls of the stomach and excreted through the kidneys within six hours. It is not recommended to use this remedy for severe diseases of the internal organs, diabetes, the presence of gallstones, as well as for individual intolerance to lactose and other components.
Usage rules
Use "Regulon" for twenty-one days, that is, three weeks. If I forgot to take the Regulon contraceptive pill, what should I do? If the drug was not used in the period from the fifteenth to the twentieth day after the onset of menstruation, then two pieces should be taken at once and only then continue the course. When the drug is missed in the period from the twentieth day, you should also drink an expired contraceptive. However, in this case, the break is no longer made. Sometimes it happens that a woman forgot to take 2 birth control pills in a row. Be sure to take a double dose and continue the course.
This product is produced by the Hungarianpharmaceutical company "Gedeon Richter". Its shelf life is three years at a temperature not exceeding thirty degrees.
Novinet drug
Its active ingredient is ethinylestradiol. In addition, starch, magnesium stearate, propylene glycol and silicon dioxide are present as additional substances. Use it daily one at a time. If the drug is missed, the effectiveness of the drug is markedly reduced. If "Novinet" was not accepted within the first fourteen days, then you can use two pieces at once and continue the further course.

In the event that you forgot to take the Novinet contraceptive pill in the period from the twentieth day after the start of your period, you usually take another oral contraceptive and continue to use the drug instead of the planned break. This remedy can be taken from the first month after pregnancy. Usually, women wait until their period begins and only after that they start oral contraceptives. However, if the woman in labor is not breastfeeding, oral contraceptives should be used starting from the first month after childbirth. Some drugs may impair the absorption of Novinet. For example, antibiotics and laxatives have this property.
Contraceptive "Jess"

This fairly popular drug contains two active ingredients: ethinylestradiol and drospirenone. Tablets with active substances are colored red, and pacifiers havewhite tint. Take this drug, like other similar drugs, starting from the first day of the menstrual cycle. If in the first days there were spotting periods, then you should not panic, as this is a fairly common phenomenon. It is advisable to take the tablets at a certain time. This way you can achieve the maximum effect.
If I forgot to take the birth control pill "Jess", what should I do? In the case when there was a break of twelve hours, as a rule, a detailed event does not affect the properties of the drug. Sometimes the pause lasts more than twelve hours, which automatically becomes a fact of reducing the effect. In this case, it is recommended to take two Jess tablets at once and then follow the schedule.
If you forgot to take the contraceptive pill "Jess" and two days were missed at once, then you should take a double dose of the drug within a couple of days. This is not at all dangerous, since only three pieces a day can cause undesirable effects in the form of irritation of the mucous membrane. Sometimes in such cases the monthly cycle is lost and there is no menstruation for sixty days. It should be remembered that alcohol significantly reduces the effect of such drugs. Experts believe that the permissible rate of alcohol should be no more than fifty grams of spirits or one glass of wine.
Means "Laktinet"
The active ingredient in this drug is desogestrel. In addition, starch, lactose and talc are added as additional elements. It is not recommended for use in diabetes mellitus, thrombosis,violation of the liver or kidneys, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the components. The most common side effects include fatigue, nausea, swelling and skin rash.
Terms of Use

Use it one piece a day. If I forgot to take my birth control pill, what should I do? In the event that the intake of "Laktinet" was overdue, but no more than half a day has passed, then the effectiveness of the drug, as a rule, does not decrease from this. When a woman does not use the drug for several days, but continues to live sexually, the likelihood of conceiving a child increases markedly. Usually experienced users do not do this, but among beginners, this behavior, unfortunately, is not new.
What should I do if I forgot to take my last birth control pill? Usually doctors advise to use two norms at the same time and then continue the course as if nothing had happened. In order to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, after a failure in the sequence of taking the drug, it is best to use condoms in addition for several days.
Contraceptive "Yarina"
They contain two components - drospirenone and ethinylestradiol. This tool does an excellent job with the functions assigned to it and has proven itself well among women. As a rule, one tablet is taken per day. Moreover, the first should be consumed on the first day of the menstrual cycle. It is advisable to do this at the same time. If neverthelessconception occurred, then you can not worry about the he alth of the unborn child, since Yarina is not capable of harming him.
Schedule failures

In the event that you forgot to take a birth control pill, you should take two at once and continue the course again. If this happened in the first week after menstruation, then the risk of getting pregnant is usually minimal. Starting from the second week, skipping is highly undesirable. In such cases, additional means of protection are applied. For example, the best option would be to use a condom.
If an oral contraceptive was expired in the last week before the start of your period, you can take two pills at the same time and continue the contraceptive course again. If within two or three days you forgot to take the contraceptive pill "Yarina"? When there has been too long a failure, gynecologists recommend setting aside the used blister and starting to use a new one.
General rules

Thus, for almost all oral contraceptives, there are similar rules. Naturally, it is undesirable to skip taking the drug, as this significantly reduces its effect and leads to pregnancy. If you forgot to take a birth control pill, but only twelve hours have passed, you can not worry and calmly continue the course. Otherwise, sometimes you have to take a double dose, which may cause undesirable effects in the form of irritation of the gastric mucosa. When you forgot to drinkthe first birth control pill, then you can use two pieces and continue the course until the end of the blister.
It should be borne in mind that the effect of any such remedy is designed for twenty hours. That is, during the day the tablet continues to act. Usually, those women who have been taking contraceptives for several years do not suffer from forgetfulness and remember the dates well.