Every woman is looking forward to her next vacation with trepidation and excitement. The fair sex, unlike men, begins to prepare for rest long before it. First, the ladies correct their figure and try to lose those extra pounds. After that, they update their wardrobe.
It is worth noting that holidays do not always go as planned. It also happens that menstruation began at sea. What to do in this case, this article will tell. You will be introduced to basic tips and tricks. You can also find out how not to be bored if your period starts at sea.

Menstruation and Rest: Cycle Adjustment
Many women consult with their girlfriends and tell them: “I'm going to the sea, my period has begun. What to do? Experienced representatives of the weaker sex know how to properly adjust the cycle so that bleeding occurs before or after the plannedrest.
- If you take oral contraceptives, then with their help you can quite easily push back or bring your period closer to the desired number of days. Remember to check with your doctor before doing this.
- A decoction of parsley and a large amount of vitamin C, combined with a hot bath, can bring the onset of menstruation a few days faster.
- Pulp-infused lemon zest causes slight delay.
Remember that all these methods do not always work. The body of some women is not amenable to any adjustment, and menstruation begins at the right time. If menstruation came to the sea, what should I do? Let's take a look at the main practical tips.

Use the right hygiene products
What should I do if my period starts at sea? The first thing to do is take care of your he alth. During bleeding, the internal cavity of the vagina and uterus becomes very vulnerable. If sea water gets there while swimming, it can result in severe inflammation. Despite the high s alt content and the ability of water to have a healing effect, the sea contains a large number of bacteria. Especially a lot of them on public beaches during the holiday season.
Stay away from pads while bathing. Use tampons. If you are not sexually active and are a virgin, then choose the minimum sizes designed just for you. You may also prefer a vaginal cup. It not only does not allow menstrual blood to come out, but also does notsea liquid.

Change tampons and pads often
What should I do if my period starts at sea? In addition to choosing the right hygiene products, you also need to learn how to use them correctly. The tampon must be inserted into the vagina immediately before bathing. It is recommended to stay in the water for no more than 15 minutes. After that, sea water begins to soak into the cotton base.
When you leave the sea, you should immediately visit the toilet. Remove the tampon and put on a pad. This scheme should be followed every time you want to swim. Remember to wash your genitals after changing hygiene products or use wet wipes for the intimate area.

Organize the right regime of the day during the rest
What should I do if my period starts at sea? You should not close yourself in a hotel room and sit there throughout this period. If you do not have gynecological diseases or malignant neoplasms, then it is quite possible to visit the beach. However, tanning should be avoided.
The thing is that melanin production decreases during menstruation. This substance provides the skin with a beautiful bronze tan. When bleeding, especially in its first days, you run the risk of severe sunburn. There is also a chance that the tan will stain. Try to take air and sun baths in the afternoon or after five in the evening. It is during these periods that the sun is not soscorching.

Take hemostatics
What should I do if my period starts at sea? If the bleeding is very heavy, then you can use special corrective drugs. These include Tranexam, Dicinon, water pepper tincture, and so on.
Most of these drugs can be taken only after the third day of bleeding. The compositions reduce the amount of separated blood and bring the end of menstruation closer. It is worth remembering that such medicines have many contraindications. Be sure to check them out before accepting. It is strictly forbidden to use such compounds if you have problems with blood clotting. It is very dangerous to take such medicines on your own.

Alternative ways to have fun at sea if another bleeding has begun
What to do if menstruation suddenly started at sea? You can choose alternative ways of entertainment that will help you not get bored. If you are not allowed to swim or you are afraid that you will catch an infection, proceed with the following methods.
Go on a tour. Now every beach offers boat trips and exciting trips. If you suffer from seasickness, then prefer horseback riding. Visit the dolphinarium or other interesting places. Choose a private tour. If you are abroad, be sure to visit interesting memorabiliaplaces. Perhaps you will be interested in the art of this country. In this case, visit museums. Surely you will find something interesting and useful for yourself.

You have learned what to do if your period started at sea. Most women have a regular menstrual cycle. That is why it is usually not difficult for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to calculate the moment when the next bleeding begins. Consult your doctor and choose the appropriate regimen for cycle adjustment. This will help to avoid surprises during your stay at sea. Have a nice holiday!