Human beings are surrounded by viruses everywhere. With some, the forces of the immune system are successfully fighting, while others cannot always be defeated. One of the varieties of infectious diseases is viral stomatitis. In children, it is manifested by poor appetite, excessive capriciousness, insomnia. How to properly treat this pathology, you will learn from our article.
Features of the disease in children
Viral stomatitis is an infectious pathology in which there is damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity. It should be considered as a kind of reaction of the body to a weakened immune system. Almost any virus can provoke the appearance of symptoms of the disorder - flu, chicken pox or even measles.

Approximately in 80% of cases, the disease occurs against the background of a herpes infection. Her favorite place of localization is the lips. In specialized reference books, you can find another name for this disease - viral herpetic stomatitis. In childrenunder 3 years old with such a diagnosis, the corners of the mouth are primarily affected, and then the entire mucosa. With good immunity, stomatitis passes very quickly.
Main reasons
In a he althy child who follows the rules of hygiene, the likelihood of infection is negligible. Therefore, one of the factors that increase the risk of developing stomatitis in children is problems in the oral cavity. These include gingivitis, periodontal disease, neglected caries, and so on.
Of course, these are not all causes of childhood viral stomatitis.
- Poor nutrition can contribute to the development of the disease.
- Some doctors attribute the disease to beriberi, mineral deficiency.
- Weakened immunity also increases the likelihood of complications.
Viral stomatitis is also dangerous because pets can act as a source of infection. If there is a dog in the house, do not allow small children to have close contact with her.
Is the disease contagious?
In kindergartens, kids get sick from time to time. When a child with stomatitis appears, nannies usually begin to convince parents that there is no need to be afraid of the disease. Is it really so?
In fact, viral stomatitis is contagious. Therefore, pediatricians recommend reducing the number of visits to the garden, even if one child is sick. It is better to stay at home during this time. To prevent infection, you can give the child "Tantum Verde". Instructions for use for children, which is in the package along with the medicine, describes in detail the dosage regimen.

Main routes of transmission
Since the development of the disease is based on a viral infection, stomatitis can be transmitted in appropriate ways:
- airborne;
- contact household (with handshakes, kisses, hugs);
- through blood.
Viruses, as you know, can live on any surface. Therefore, it is very easy to get sick with stomatitis. Kindergarten, school, hospital, shop - all these places are considered unsafe.
First manifestations of the disease
Viral stomatitis is considered a very insidious disease, as it can easily be confused with the flu or a cold. Some at the initial stage mistakenly perceive it as a sore throat, because one of the symptoms is a severe sore throat. As the pathological process develops, the temperature rises, appetite disappears.
It is especially difficult to timely detect viral stomatitis in children. If an adult can accurately determine and say what hurts him, then with kids the situation is much more complicated. When the gums are involved in the pathological process, the child may simply complain of a toothache. If profuse salivation is added to the listed symptoms, parents begin to sound the alarm.

About the third day after the activation of the virus, the following symptoms may appear:
- Bubbles. They are localized on the cheeks and palate. Inside each bubble, you can see a transparent secret. After a few days, the formations begin to burst andopen, and then they become covered with a crust.
- Sores. The rashes are usually covered with a gray film or coating. The skin around them swells slightly.
- Erosion. Such a lesion of the oral cavity is accompanied by severe itching and burning, as a result of which the child becomes capricious, constantly crying.
Many parents, completely ignoring the appeal to the pediatrician, begin treatment of viral stomatitis in children at home. This is strictly prohibited. Self-therapy (without doctor's appointments) can end in unpleasant consequences.
Incubation period
Each virus, penetrating into the human body, does not immediately make itself felt. It has a so-called incubation period. This is a limited period of time, starting directly with infection and ending with the onset of the first symptoms of the disease. It is almost impossible to accurately determine the duration of the incubation period. The type of virus at the stage of infection is unknown. Only as the disease progresses will it be possible to determine its affiliation.
Numerous clinical studies have established that the period of activation of the virus varies from several days (measles, herpes) to 2-3 weeks. With timely detection of the disease, you can hope for a quick recovery. It is important that treatment for viral stomatitis in children be started as early as possible.

Basic Principles of Therapy
When sores and blisters appear in the mouth of a child, you should show it to the dentist. He canconfirm the diagnosis, and, if necessary, refer to narrow specialists. Treatment of viral stomatitis involves an integrated approach.
In case of severe damage to the oral cavity, treatment with antiseptics and painkillers is required. A good drug for solving two problems at the same time is Tantum Verde. Instructions for use for children recommends using it for treatment from 3 years. A consultation with a pediatrician is required first. The course of therapy must include applications with wound healing agents.
It is also necessary to simultaneously strengthen the patient's immune system. Usually, immunomodulators, vitamin complexes and preparations based on echinacea are prescribed for these purposes.
Somewhat different approach requires herpetic viral stomatitis in children. How to treat this pathology? In this case, the main efforts should be directed to the fight against rashes. To do this, use antiviral gels and creams ("Zovirax", "Acyclovir").
Once again, it should be noted that the therapy should be prescribed by a doctor. Self-treatment is unacceptable. It can lead to very unpleasant consequences. For example, parents often with this infectious disease begin to give the child antibiotics, which cannot be done. Antibacterial drugs are not able to overcome viral stomatitis in children.

Treatment at home
In addition to drug therapy, doctors often recommend various folk remedies against the disease. For example, for rinsing, you can usespecial decoctions based on chamomile or calendula. They have a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.
For the treatment of sores, it is also permissible to use folk methods. An excellent remedy in this matter is aloe or Kalanchoe juice. You just need to soak a cotton swab in the liquid and treat the erosion in your mouth.

General treatment recommendations
Pediatricians strongly advise parents to heed the following recommendations:
- Viral stomatitis in children is considered a contagious disease. Therefore, as soon as the child is ill, he should be isolated. He must eat from a separate dish. If there are several children in the family, parents should ensure that no one touches his toys.
- During therapy, the child's oral hygiene should be given special attention. After each meal, the baby should be taught to rinse his mouth. Both ordinary water and medicinal decoctions are suitable for the procedure.
- After the final recovery, the baby needs to buy a new toothbrush.
- If a newborn is ill, it is recommended that a woman thoroughly wash her breasts before each lactation.
- It is necessary to pay attention to the diet of the patient. It is better to give preference to light food.

Prevention measures
Viral stomatitis in children, the symptoms of which are detailed above, responds well to treatment. The mucous membrane of the mouth is restored quite quickly. To avoid reinfection, immediately afterrecovery, you need to throw away brushes and nipples, which could remain infected.
Viral stomatitis in children is often the cause of weakened immunity. Therefore, it is important to follow the simple rules of prevention:
- It is necessary to monitor the condition of the child's teeth, at least once a year to show him to the dentist.
- It is necessary to periodically take measures to strengthen immunity (hardening, vitamins), because the infection primarily affects weakened babies.
- Parents should constantly monitor their child's diet.
Compliance with these simple rules allows you to avoid infection with viral stomatitis.