Can you be allergic to a tattoo?

Can you be allergic to a tattoo?
Can you be allergic to a tattoo?

One of the oldest creative expressions of man, which arose almost from the moment of its existence, was the practice of decorating one's body - a tattoo. In various periods of civilization, these signs were considered a symbol of belonging to a genus, a certain circle of the elite, served as an adornment, endowed with magical powers and were associated with initiation rites. Today, tattoos are popular all over the world, they are treated much more simply and they do not always have any meaning. More often these are interesting and beautiful pictures that adorn the body.

Many people have at least one tattoo on their body, especially on the parts hidden by clothing. But are such drawings as safe as it seems at first glance? If we do not take into account the risk of infection with various infections if sterility is not observed during the application process, then there remains one more important point - an allergy to a tattoo.

Causes of occurrence

Can you be allergic to a tattoo? The reason for this condition is often the process of getting a tattoo. Human skin has varying degrees of sensitivity. One person after this event hasslightly noticeable redness, which disappears after a few hours. Another may develop a severe inflammatory process that can last for several weeks.

allergy to tattoo
allergy to tattoo

Of course, the main reason is allergy to tattoo ink. They often provoke an allergic reaction. This happens for the following reasons:

  • Using expired dyes.
  • Compounds containing chemical compounds such as mercury, cob alt, cadmium and chromium are used.
  • As a working composition, natural dyes, such as henna, were used. Tattoo allergy to this substance is most often manifested in young girls and adolescents.

How to tell?

Signs of an allergic reaction in the body:

  • Local type - redness and peeling of the skin, itching of varying degrees, rash (up to sores and blisters), swelling, pain at the tattoo site.
  • General type - itchy eyes, watery eyes, cough, runny nose, swelling of mucous membranes, fever, diarrhea, Quincke's edema.

Symptoms of an allergy due to dyes may not appear immediately, but only a month or even a year after tattooing. This is due to the sensitivity of the coloring pigment to high temperatures. A photo of an allergy to a tattoo clearly shows the body's ability to respond to foreign substances.

tattoo ink allergy
tattoo ink allergy

Who shouldn't get tattoos?

Contraindications for applicationtattoos:

  • Permanent - diabetes mellitus, poor blood clotting, cancer, neoplasms, growing scars, an increase in the number of moles, HIV and hepatitis virus infection, permanent allergic reactions, a history of anaphylactic shock, hypersensitivity to cosmetics and household chemicals.
  • Temporary - colds, fever, exacerbation of chronic diseases, various skin diseases, temporary allergic reactions, alcohol intoxication, menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, general decrease or impaired immunity.

Alcohol, coffee, energy drinks should not be taken immediately before the tattoo session. It is not recommended to attend a tattoo session hungry or sleepy.

Drug treatment for an allergic reaction

If you are allergic to a tattoo, you should definitely consult a dermatologist to prescribe the appropriate treatment. The main method of therapy is the use of antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin, Diazolin, Loratadin).

For more severe symptoms, hormonal treatment is used. It should be borne in mind that such therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor.

allergic to henna tattoo
allergic to henna tattoo

Usually there is no need to use systemic remedies such as syrups and drops. But if the general symptoms are strong enough, you can use any drugs that are widely represented on the pharmaceutical market, before carefully reading theinstructions for use.

Caring for a fresh tattoo

If the place where the tattoo is applied peels and itches, the best treatment would be ointments that include glucocorticoids and antibiotics (Pimafukort, Fucidin), as well as wound healing creams (Bepanten). They will help to quickly relieve itching and irritation.

Also, with their help, you can prevent secondary infection of wounds that remain after the introduction of paint under the skin. This is a very relevant moment, because the causative agents of many infectious diseases - streptococci and staphylococci - constantly live on human skin, which is a natural barrier to infection. And if the integrity of the skin is violated during tattooing, they can easily penetrate the body and cause pustular inflammation. Some of these ointments are also active against viruses and fungi.

Tattoo removal

In rare cases, it is necessary to completely remove the tattoo in order to improve the effectiveness of treatment and stop the allergen. It hurts more than applying it.

allergy to red tattoo
allergy to red tattoo

Various methods are used to remove tattoos:

  • Excision of a skin area. In this case, the tattoo is removed immediately, but scars remain.
  • Cryosurgery - removal with liquid nitrogen. A rather painful method when the tattooed area of the skin is frozen. It will fall off in two or three days.
  • Electrocoagulation - cauterization with electrodes using high frequency current. formed onthe eschar falls off after seven to ten days.
  • Dermabrasion or skin resurfacing - layers of the epidermis with coloring pigment are gradually scraped off with a diamond cutter. This procedure has to be carried out several times, while the integrity of the skin is violated, which is an additional risk factor for infection to enter the body.
  • Laser removal is the most effective and modern method that allows you to erase a tattoo even from deep layers of the skin, without affecting unpainted areas.

Allergy to tattoo. How to treat folk methods?

You can also fight with an allergy to a tattoo with folk remedies. The most effective is the use of chamomile, sage, mint and string. Decoctions and infusions of these herbs have antiseptic, wound healing and soothing properties.

Kalanchoe juice and cabbage leaf will help with skin irritation. Bath with rosemary infusion promotes its speedy healing. Dill juice reduces redness and relieves itching.

tattoo allergy photo
tattoo allergy photo

How to avoid tattoo allergies?

Rejection of the intention to get a tattoo is the best prevention of an allergic reaction. But there are other methods that will help minimize the risk of tattoo allergies:

Get acquainted in advance. Go to a tattoo parlor for a consultation two or three days in advance, talk to the master who will apply the drawing. Check with him the composition of the paint used for stuffing, its brand and manufacturer. Remember if there was an allergic reaction to household chemicals recently,cosmetics and other similar products

how to treat tattoo allergy
how to treat tattoo allergy
  • Test the ink. For 72 hours, you can try the dye on yourself by applying a small amount of dye to the skin, which is planned to be used.
  • Apply better in the place where the tattoo will subsequently be. It is important to carefully monitor the reaction of the skin. An alarm signal to cancel the procedure should be the slightest redness, irritation or swelling.
  • The final test. 24 hours before the procedure, you need to ask the master to inject one drop of paint under the skin and control its reaction to the foreign composition.
  • Get a blood test for immunoglobulins.
  • Be very careful with fluorescent and red inks. The tattoo made by them looks very impressive, but it is fluorescent ink that causes allergic manifestations much more often. An allergy to a red tattoo is caused by a specific reaction to this dye, which is identified by the body as an infection. It is highly recommended to carry out preliminary skin tests with them.
how to treat tattoo allergy
how to treat tattoo allergy


To make a tattoo or not - everyone makes this decision exclusively for himself, because such a decoration of the body will remain forever. And, if the decision is positive, you must follow a few simple rules so that the tattoo does not cause problems:

  • To make a tattoo only in a specialized salon with a good reputation, with a trusted master, inwhose professionalism there is no doubt.
  • Choose paint with the most natural pigment composition.
  • Perform trial tests before tattooing.
  • After application, do not sunbathe and avoid getting sea water on the tattoo.
