Symptomatics, causes and treatment of otitis media

Symptomatics, causes and treatment of otitis media
Symptomatics, causes and treatment of otitis media

It should be noted that inflammation of the inner ear is not uncommon. Labyrinthitis is accompanied by rather unpleasant symptoms and is a serious pathology that can bring significant harm to he alth, up to deafness. Otitis of the inner ear, the treatment of which must be started immediately after the discovery of the slightest symptoms, is an inflammation of the perceiving parts of the ear, as well as the vestibular apparatus.

otitis media treatment
otitis media treatment

It should be noted that the disease can be acute or chronic. The second form is more severe and, if possible, should be prevented from developing. As for the symptoms of the pathology, it is simple: ear pain, hearing loss, purulent discharge, weakness, sleep disturbances and movement coordination are possible. In addition, the patient may have a fever. This disease develops due to the entry of microbes into the Eustachian tube. This happens during acute respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, measles, diphtheria and other infectious diseases. Another symptom of pathology is ear congestion with otitis media. Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive and carried out without fail after consultation with an ENT doctor. The fact is thatthe symptoms presented may be due to other pathogenic processes.

otitis media treatment
otitis media treatment

Treatment of otitis media involves a combination of traditional, folk remedies, as well as physiotherapy. As for medicines, the doctor may prescribe the drug "Ciprofloxacin". It is used for all types of ear inflammation. Naturally, the patient must comply with bed rest. If the drugs do not help, then a radical method is used - surgery (general cavity trepanation). However, it is carried out only if other methods are not effective or intracranial complications have begun.

Treatment of otitis media is complex. Naturally, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the development of the disease. For example, you must eliminate the infectious or inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, if any. The treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor. Basically, drug therapy is represented by antibiotics. It is also necessary to restore immunity with the help of vitamin complexes.

Treatment of otitis media involves the removal of pus from the Eustachian tube with a catheter, as well as the introduction of antibacterial agents into it. Inflammation is removed with glucocorticoid drugs. As for washing the ears, you can use decoctions of herbs of chamomile and oak bark. However, with labyrinthitis, they do not have the desired effect. Yes, and you can only do harm yourself.

ear congestion with otitis media treatment
ear congestion with otitis media treatment

Treatment of otitis media with physiotherapyprocedures eliminates the heating of the body in the event that the disease is accompanied by the release of pus. In any case, a specialist consultation should be present. Remember that treatment must begin immediately after you notice the first symptoms. Labyrinthitis can lead to serious intracranial complications, so it is impossible to delay a visit to the doctor!
