Otitis media: contagious or not, causes, symptoms and treatment

Otitis media: contagious or not, causes, symptoms and treatment
Otitis media: contagious or not, causes, symptoms and treatment

Is otitis media contagious or not? Since this is the name of acute or chronic inflammation in different parts of the ear, then no. It's not a virus to be infected with. However, the disease is serious, and therefore now we should talk about what are the prerequisites for its occurrence, what causes inflammation, and also how to treat it in general.

Otitis externa

This condition, like any other ailment, has a certain classification. Having de alt with the question of whether otitis is contagious or not, you can pay attention to the study of its types.

This type of disease is manifested by inflammation of the outer ear of a limited or diffuse nature. A typical symptom is a boil. Infiltration is obvious, and severe pain is also felt. Opening a boil can be fraught with the development of furunculosis.

exudative otitis in a child
exudative otitis in a child

Otitis externa (ICD-10 code - H60) is of two types:

  • Limited. It begins with a feeling of intense itching, which develops into pain. She radiates tojaw, neck, temple. When chewing, the sensations intensify. The dream is broken. Infiltration is often significant.
  • Diffuse. It begins with a "bursting" sensation, fever and itching. Pain occurs quickly, radiating to the entire half of the head. Such otitis media can lead not only to sleep disturbance, but also to anorexia. Regional lymph nodes also increase.

Is otitis media contagious or not - it's clear, but what is the reason for its appearance? Well, this needs to be told separately.


Otitis externa occurs as a result of infection in the external auditory canal. If it is mechanically or chemically damaged, the pathogen will be in the body.

Many people, knowing about this, therefore ask the question "is otitis media contagious or not." Therefore, the answer is twofold: no, because this inflammation is only a possible consequence of the penetration of pyogenic staphylococcus into the body. And yes, because it is “clung” to it, as a rule, from a bacteriocarrier - the one in whose body it is already present. And he, by the way, may not get sick himself.

Diffuse otitis externa, for example, causes Klebsiella, Haemophilus influenzae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Moraxella, Candida, Pneumococcus, etc.

purulent otitis media in adults
purulent otitis media in adults

In order for the disease to develop, the ear must be damaged. Also, a provoking factor is a reduced barrier function of the skin and reduced immunity. Not all carriers of bacteria suffer from otitis due to the fact that the defenses of their organisms are strong - the pathogen simply does not have the conditions for progression.

Limited otitis media

Each form is worth telling in detail. The symptoms of otitis and the causes of diseases have already been said, what about the treatment?

After the diagnosis, which includes an examination by an otolaryngologist and otoscopy, an autopsy of the boil is usually prescribed. After this operation, all the pus flows out of the ear, and the pain syndrome decreases sharply. The procedure is very serious, as there is a risk of provoking the seeding of the remaining hair follicles concentrated in the ear canal. What is the risk? The formation of a huge number of boils, which leads to furunculosis.

But while the infiltration stage is observed, the affected area is only treated with silver nitrate, and the inside with antibacterial ointment. Also shown is the instillation of antibiotics ("Ofloxacin", "Neomycin", etc.). Taking analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs can help get rid of pain.

Diffuse otitis media

And we need to tell a little more about this form. Is this form of otitis media transmitted? Neither (only bacteria that provoke it). This type of ailment is often fraught with hearing loss, and is also accompanied by discharge from the ear. Therefore, it is called purulent otitis media. In adults and children, the disease occurs quite often.

The acute period lasts 2-3 weeks. Then the symptoms subside and the patient recovers. However, sometimes the disease becomes chronic. The consequences are scars that reduce the lumen of the ear canal.

is otitis media transmitted
is otitis media transmitted

Diagnostic activities also, more research is being done todifferentiation of the disease with acute eczema and erysipelas.

Therapy involves the systemic use of antihistamines and multivitamins, as well as antibiotics. If the doctor considers it necessary, he prescribes immunocorrective treatment.

The ear canal is also treated with Burov's liquid, mercury yellow ointment, hormonal and antibacterial ointments, antibiotic drops. If a lot of pus is released, the ear is washed with special solutions.

Otitis media

In this case, inflammation develops in the middle ear. This is the space between the eardrum and the inner ear.

The reason for the development of otitis media (ICD-10 code - H65) is infection. In 65% of cases, the causative agent is a streptococcal infection. Also, the disease can provoke staphylococci and pneumococci. Much less often - mushrooms, proteus and diphtheria bacillus.

otitis media causes
otitis media causes

When the immune system is weakened, infectious agents penetrate through the Eustachian tube into the tympanic cavity. A provoking factor can be laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, ozena, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, various tumors, previously performed surgical interventions, etc.

The disease develops in three stages - pre-perforated, perforated and reparative. Each presents with its own symptoms. But it usually starts with a strong, sudden pain in the ear, loss of appetite, the appearance of noise and congestion, as well as hearing loss. The temperature also rises, chills, general weakness, weakness and fatigue occur.

Diagnosis and treatment

Talking about whether otitis media is contagious to others, what are the causes of its occurrence and how it manifests itself, we must also talk about the principles of the examination. Patient complaints are sufficient to establish a diagnosis. Otitis media develops quickly, suddenly, and presents with specific symptoms.

But otoscopy and myrootoscopy are also obligatory. After clinical tests, an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and moderate leukocytosis are detected.

contagious or not otitis media for others
contagious or not otitis media for others

This disease is treated on an outpatient basis. If complications arise, the patient is hospitalized. To relieve pain, ear drops with anesthetics are used. After that, it is desirable to close the ear canal with cotton wool smeared with petroleum jelly.

Puffiness is well relieved by antihistamines and vasoconstrictor drops - Xylometazoline, Tetrizoline, Naphazoline, Oxymetazoline.

For general therapy, the use of Ibufen or Diclofenac is prescribed. Antibiotics are indicated for fever and severe pain. "Cefruxin", "Spiramycin" and "Amoxicillin" help well.

Chronic form

It is necessary to tell a little about exudative otitis media in a child. This is a chronic disease that most often affects children aged 2 to 5 years. Lasts over 8 weeks.

The reason is the obstruction of the Eustachian tube. This disease is caused by diseases due to which the outflow of secretions from the nose is disturbed. It can be sinusitis, scleroma, adenoiditis, trauma,allergic rhinitis, throat swelling, SARS, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, aerootitis, etc.

otitis is contagious or not
otitis is contagious or not

Symptoms are usually the same as those of otitis media. Is this disease contagious or not for others? Not at all, moreover, in young children it is even asymptomatic. Parents notice the illness when they realize that the baby's hearing has deteriorated (asks to increase the volume of the cartoon, does not hear the call, etc.). The absence of complaints significantly complicates the diagnosis.

Complications, diagnosis and therapy

If the exudative disease is not treated in time, it can lead to adhesive otitis media. This is fraught with perforation of the eardrum, mastoiditis, cholesteatoma. And if otitis media occurs in a very young child, the development of speech function may be impaired. A delay in psycho-emotional development is not ruled out.

Sometimes an examination by an otolaryngologist is recommended because the course is asymptomatic and late detection leads to serious consequences. Diagnosis includes otoscopy, examination of the patency of the auditory tube and hearing, as well as microotoscopy.

otitis media code 10
otitis media code 10

Treatment is aimed at eliminating disorders that interfere with the patency of the Eustachian tube. It is also important to eliminate inflammation, restore hearing and prevent sclerotic changes. If opportunities are missed or conservative therapy fails, surgical treatment is indicated.

Otitis media

Also has viral or bacterialnature. Usually a complication of meningitis or otitis media.

The characteristic symptom is a sudden attack of dizziness that occurs 1-2 weeks after the onset of infection. Sometimes it is accompanied by vomiting or nausea.

The disease is serious, and it is important to differentiate it from those diseases that affect the brain. To exclude the possibility of a stroke or tumor, CT and MRI are performed. Electronystagmography and audiometry may be prescribed.

Nausea and vomiting are eliminated by Metoclopramide and antihistamines. The best are tools such as Diphenhydramine, Chloroliramine and Mebhydrolin.

Scopolamine patches are also used. Inflammation can be reduced with steroids (Methylprednisolone) as well as sedatives (Diazepam and Lorazepam).
