Symptomatics and treatment of inflammation of the epididymis

Symptomatics and treatment of inflammation of the epididymis
Symptomatics and treatment of inflammation of the epididymis

Among the most common female diseases, inflammation of the appendages should be distinguished, which can occur against the background of various causes. However, self-diagnosis, and even more so self-treatment, is by no means impossible, since this can lead to more serious complications. Treatment of inflammation of the appendage should be carried out by a qualified specialist who can make an accurate diagnosis.

treatment for inflammation of the appendix
treatment for inflammation of the appendix

Under the adnexal system of the uterus, it is customary to understand the ovaries and tubes located in the small pelvis; it is this system that is responsible for the normal functioning of female hormones, with its help, conception occurs, as well as gestation and childbirth. By nature, the appendages are completely sterile and do not contain any microorganisms. However, every second woman may experience such a phenomenon as chronic inflammation of the appendages. The treatment will thencompletely depend on the nature of the occurrence of the disease, as well as on the characteristics of the female body.

In principle, the symptoms of inflammation of this organ always depend on the etiology and form of the disease, which, in turn, can be both chronic and acute.

chronic inflammation of the appendages treatment
chronic inflammation of the appendages treatment

In the case of an acute form, there are too severe pains in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back or lower limbs, brownish-bloody discharge from the genital tract, pain during intercourse and menstrual irregularities. Treatment of inflammation of the appendage in this case requires inpatient observation in the hospital. Therapy will include regular drips and antibiotics.

Do not forget about the so-called chronic form, which can develop in case of an untreated disease. At the same time, the treatment of inflammation of the appendage in a chronic form may be belated, since the symptoms of this disease are not too pronounced. For example, a woman may experience subfebrile temperature (37-37.2 degrees), which, in principle, may not be felt. The lower abdomen hurts rarely and slightly, but irritability and some signs of lethargy are characteristic. True, not always the symptoms mentioned will speak of such a process as inflammation of the appendages. Treatment (pills, injections, droppers, in any case, are prescribed strictly individually) can only be carried out under the condition of a complete examination in the laboratory.

inflammation of the appendages treatment pills
inflammation of the appendages treatment pills

You should not consider the process of inflammation of this organ as something not too significant and important. Think about the consequences of such carelessness. Not carried out in time, high-quality and qualified treatment of inflammation of the appendage can threaten infertility, as well as the occurrence of various diseases that will be considered as complications. In some cases, the disease can be detected even before its full development, of course, subject to regular visits to the doctor.
