At the moment, a huge number of methods for diagnosing various diseases have been created. In some cases, sowing on mycoplasma and ureaplasma is taken. This is a fairly effective research method that allows you to identify a bacterial infection in both women and men. For work, as a rule, it is required to collect the analysis. Material for research is taken exclusively by qualified specialists and only under sterile conditions. This allows you to accurately determine the presence of infection.

When back seeding is required
When is bacteriological culture required? Most often, such a need arises when:
- infertility and miscarriage;
- need to evaluate the result of antibiotic therapy;
- pregnancy planning, while the analysis is taken from both spouses;
- ectopic pregnancy.
It is worth noting that bacteriological culture for ureaplasma should be done 14 days after discontinuation of treatment.
What does such a study give
Bacterial culture is often used for:
- determine the causes of chronic inflammatoryprocess in the organs of the genitourinary system;
- differential diagnosis of diseases, the symptoms of which are very similar to those of mycoplasma infection, chlamydia and gonorrhea;
- preventive examination of patients;
- assessment and selection of the effectiveness of a particular antibiotic therapy.
Features of such diagnostics
Ureaplasma culture refers to cultural diagnostic methods. To conduct such a bacteriological study, a certain nutrient medium is required in which the prepared material is placed. This method has its own characteristics. Depending on the symptoms and indications, biological material includes all liquid media of the human body. In the case of ureaplasma, discharges from the urogenital tract are taken for analysis. However, there are exceptions. For example, urine for such biological research is taken only from men.

It is worth noting that sowing on ureaplasma is an informational diagnostic method. The main drawback of such a biological study is the long sowing of bacteria. Therefore, it is now popular to take a urogenital scraping for diagnosis by polymer chain reaction (PCR).
What is ureaplasma?
Why take such an analysis? Sowing on ureaplasma allows you to determine the presence of infection. What is this disease? Ureaplasma is a microorganism that causes such a disease as ureaplasmosis. These bacteria can causeinflammatory process of the genitourinary system. This infection is usually transmitted sexually. At the same time, it is possible to detect the presence of pathogenic microorganisms only with the help of such a biological study as sowing on ureaplasma.
How the disease is diagnosed
To detect the disease, not only seeding for sensitivity to antibiotics is carried out. Ureaplasma rarely penetrates the female body. The fairer sex is less susceptible to it than to chlamydia. Therefore, women take additional tests. Very often they are prescribed such a study as seeding for chlamydia. It is worth noting that modern technology allows you to determine not only the presence of a disease in the body, but also the number of pathogenic microorganisms. If the norm of the disease in this regard is not exceeded, then the doctor prescribes only immunomodulatory treatment.

Ureaplasma culture is prescribed only according to indications to detect infection in the body. To determine the presence of antibodies that are produced to such diseases, another biological blood test is required. When diagnosing an infection, it is necessary to determine exactly how many ureaplasma microorganisms are present in the body. If there are a lot of pathogenic bacteria, then the reaction of the immune system is significantly reduced. It is for this reason that with any contact with a patient with ureaplasmosis, it is recommended to consult a doctor and conduct a comprehensive diagnosis that allows you to identify the presence of urogenital infections.
How to prepare for analysis
To get an accurate result after passing the test for ureaplasma, you need to carefully prepare. This requires a series of activities and follow a few rules:
- You should refrain from urinating approximately 3 hours before submitting biological material for research.
- It is worth limiting the use of antifungal, antiseptic drugs, as well as antibiotics until the test.
- Biological material for sowing must be collected no earlier than on the seventh day of the start of the menstrual cycle.

What is required for analysis
In addition to the above rules, there are requirements that urologists and gynecologists must comply with when collecting a liquid medium for research. They are completely different and depend on what biological material will be used for sowing. For research, discharge from the culture, vulva, urethra, as well as a liquid medium from the vagina, its vestibule and cervix can be taken.
If the biological seeding is complex, then a large amount of material is required. After all, the analysis is carried out not only on ureaplasma, but also on mycoplasma. In order to obtain more information and conduct a complete study of urogenital infection in men, a urine collection is done for diagnosis. The results of sowing on ureaplasma can only be obtained from the attending physician.
The presence of pathogens is not always considered an indication for appropriate therapy. After allureaplasmas and mycoplasmas are in the human body for many years, without provoking the development of diseases.

It is worth noting that these microorganisms are classified by experts as conditionally pathogenic. Their vigorous activity occurs only with a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system. However, there are exceptions. If Mycoplasma genitalium bacteria are found in the human body, then immediate antibiotic therapy is required.