In a he althy individual, the intestinal flora does not significantly change its composition. Any changes, mainly reducing immunity, provoke the activity of opportunistic microorganisms. As a result, the pathogenic flora begins to prevail and displaces normal bacteria. This imbalance leads to dysbacteriosis. As a result, digestion of food is disturbed in all parts of the intestine, immunity decreases, and the general condition of the individual worsens. The state of the intestinal flora is determined using a laboratory study - sowing feces for dysbacteriosis. Preparation and conduct will be discussed in this article.
Symptoms of dysbacteriosis
Signs of disease in adults:
- bloating;
- nausea;
- flatulence;
- vomit;
- liquid stool;
- convulsions;
- dry skin;
- muscle weakness.

When the above symptoms appear, it is recommended to visit a doctor. The growing child suffers greatly from this condition.generation. Clinical picture in children:
- diarrhea for more than two days;
- pain in the intestines and stomach;
- greenish stool;
- refusing food;
- feces with blood and mucus;
- profuse regurgitation;
- redness and dry skin;
- bloating.
Indications for analysis
At the first signs of dysbacteriosis, regardless of the age of the individual, a laboratory study is carried out. Also, tank. sowing feces for dysbacteriosis doctor recommends:
- Older people with loose stools, intolerance to certain foods, and stomach discomfort after eating.
- Children, including infants, with frequent allergic manifestations, infections and dyspeptic disorders.
- Adult individuals receiving treatment for oncopathology, immunodeficiency, as well as those who have undergone a course of therapy: hormonal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs.

Features of biomaterial donation
Due to the analysis of dysbacteriosis, the number of pathogenic, opportunistic and normal microorganisms is revealed. There are several types of tests for intestinal dysbiosis:
- Buck. stool culture is necessary to determine the composition of the microflora. For the growth of bacteria, they are placed in a favorable nutrient medium. The count of the number of microorganisms is carried out in one gram of feces.
- Coprogram. With this kindstudies determine the ability of an individual's body to digest food, and also detect mucus, parasites and blood.
- Fecal biochemical analysis. Helps to determine the concentration of substances (metabolites of propionic, acetic, butyric acid) produced by various microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal tract.

You can take tests at any state or municipal he alth institution for free with a doctor's referral or at any private clinic where prices for stool culture for dysbacteriosis range from 1000 to 1500 rubles.
Overview of the study
Stool culture is one of the main diagnostic methods. It allows you to determine which group of microorganisms prevails. The biomaterial is preliminarily diluted in saline, centrifuged and then seeded. Broth or agar are used as special nutrient media. Sowing feces for dysbacteriosis is performed under sterile conditions. Cups with media are placed in a thermostat, which has all the conditions for the reproduction and growth of microorganisms. The duration of the study is five to seven days. Next, the he alth worker evaluates:
- species composition of grown bacteria;
- counting the number of colonies;
- when a pathogenic flora is detected, it makes a sensitivity test to antibacterial agents and bacteriophages.

Based on the information received, dysbacteriosis is diagnosed. One of the main tasks is the detection of pathogenicbacteria when sowing feces for dysbacteriosis. How many days is the analysis prepared? Bacteria take time to grow and multiply. The results are given to the individual after five or seven days. This point is the only drawback of this method for diagnosing dysbacteriosis.
Preparing for the test
Preparation for the study affects the final result, so it is undesirable to neglect the following recommendations:
- Three days before the test, follow the diet prescribed by the doctor. By agreement with the doctor, exclude medications that can affect the reliability of the result.
- It is recommended to reschedule the barium bowel X-ray.
- Do not consume foods and drinks that cause fermentation in the intestines three days before the analysis.
- It is forbidden to give enemas.
Collect feces in a special container, which is a disposable sterile container. You can buy it at any pharmacy. However, some medical institutions issue a special kit, which includes gloves, a container with a special preservative medium and a lid-spoon for collecting biomaterial. They collect feces in the morning with a natural act of defecation.
Algorithm for collecting biomaterial
How to take a stool culture for dysbacteriosis? The following actions are recommended for the individual:
- Prepare a sterile container, which together with the biomaterial will be sent to the laboratory.
- Empty bladder.
- To toilet the anus.
- Perform the act of defecation in a container, for example, a vessel or a pot, which must first be doused with boiling water. Use of disinfectants for processing is prohibited.
- Using a stick glued to the lid, transfer part of the feces into a container and close tightly. The jar should be one-third full.
- Within two hours, take the biomaterial to the laboratory for research. Until then, store it in the refrigerator. Ice packs are allowed for transportation.
Stool culture for dysbacteriosis: hemotest
One of the important symptoms, including dysbacteriosis, is blood in the stool. With massive blood loss, it is visible to the naked eye, and with minor losses, it is detected using a hemotest. Three days before the analysis, it is necessary to abandon meat products, exclude the use of laxatives and the setting of enemas. During the study, the altered hemoglobin is determined. The deformation of the structure of its molecule occurs under the influence of bile and digestive enzymes. A positive benzidine test indicates the presence of altered hemoglobin. A false positive reaction is present when the rules for preparing for analysis are not followed.
Types of bacteria
Lacto- and bifidobacteria, as well as bacteroids, i.e. normal bacteria, play the main role in maintaining the balance. They do not allow conditionally pathogenic flora to multiply. Conditionally pathogenic flora are enterococci, Escherichia coli, yeast-like fungi, bacteria such as Proteus, they are contained insmall amount. They actively stimulate the immune system of the individual, participate in the process of splitting food. Exceeding their over-permissible values causes a malfunction in the digestive tract, and also provokes allergies.

Pathogenic microorganisms - Pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella, staphylococcus, shigella - are absent in the feces of he althy individuals. These bacteria become the causes of infectious pathologies, they are found when sowing feces for dysbacteriosis. In order to distinguish the true disease from short-term dysbiotic reactions, feces are sown twice with an interval of seven days. Comparing the results obtained with the clinical manifestations of the disease, the doctor determines the tactics of treating the individual.
Degrees of microbiological disturbances
When assessing the results of the study, the correct count of opportunistic microorganisms is important. The following degrees of microbiological disorders are distinguished after stool culture for dysbacteriosis:
- Fourth - sepsis, bacteremia.
- Third - abundant growth of opportunistic pathogens and deficiency of lacto- and bifidobacteria.
- Second - an increase in the colonies of Escherichia coli or other opportunistic microorganisms.
- The first is a decrease of one or two orders of magnitude of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli.
Deciphering stool culture for dysbacteriosis

Deciphers the analysis sheet containing a list of all major microorganisms, the attending doctor. He compares his results withthe norm and makes a conclusion about the functioning and condition of the digestive system of the individual, establishes an imbalance of microflora and the development of dysbacteriosis. The gut is home to about 400 different types of bacteria, 20 of which are of clinical importance. Let's dwell on some types of bacteria detected as a result of sowing feces for dysbacteriosis.
- E. coli. Normally, it should contain no more than one percent. Deviations indicate dysbacteriosis. This bacterium is very important for the body, as it helps to maintain the balance of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing the reproduction of opportunistic microorganisms.
- Bifidobacteria. These bacteria account for more than ninety percent. They perform the following functions: remove toxic substances, promote the absorption of vitamins, participate in the digestion, breakdown and absorption of nutrients from food.
- Enterococci: gram-positive cocci, anaerobes, aerobes in the form of colonies live in the intestine and take an active part in the fermentation of carbohydrate substances, and also do not allow pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria to multiply. In a small amount, enterococci are necessary for the body, if there are a lot of them, then the risk of developing various diseases is high.
- Fungi of the genus Candida. In a small amount they are found in the microflora of a he althy intestine. An increase in their number occurs after taking antibacterial medicines.
- Lactobacillus. Their presence is necessary for normal bowel function.
- Bacteriods. They are anaerobic microorganisms that do not form spores. After birth, they gradually attack the body of the individual. Their role is not fully understood. They are known to be involved in lipid metabolism, bile acid breakdown and food digestion.
- Salmonella and Shigella are pathogens. Penetrating into the intestines, they provoke the development of infectious diseases.
- Staphylococcus. Epidermal belongs to opportunistic bacteria and is part of a he althy intestinal microflora. Its content should not exceed 25 percent. Golden. Its entry into the body of an individual causes serious disorders, the result of which is diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, vomiting.
Intestinal dysbacteriosis is a serious condition, especially dangerous for the younger generation. The intestinal microflora is represented by a large number of different types of bacteria that are balanced and interconnected to perform essential functions.

With an increase in conditionally pathogenic and auxiliary flora, dysbacteriosis develops, which is confirmed by analysis. Sowing feces for dysbacteriosis with the determination of sensitivity to antibacterial agents is a study that reveals quantitative and qualitative violations of the composition of the intestinal microflora.