Anything can happen in life. Unfortunately, no one is immune from injury. And often people try to give themselves first aid on their own. After all, this allows them to save time on a trip to the hospital. And this is very important, because every minute can count. And sometimes this help saves money.
If a person hits, then he should apply something cold to this place. For example, ice may be suitable. I wonder how long to keep the cold when bruised? How to use it correctly? The answers to these questions can be seen in the article.
Fractured or bruised?
Before you know how much you need to keep cold in case of a bruise, you need to determine exactly that this is not a fracture. In the latter case, you will need to seek medical help. You will not be able to straighten the limbs on your own, so you should not even try to do it.

During a bruise, blood penetrates the tissues as a result of physical impact. At the same time, a person experiences some inconvenience.
When a bruise is characterized by symptoms such as:
- pain;
- puffiness;
- presence of blood.
The difference between a fracture and a bruise is that when a fracture occurs, the limbs do not move, or this causes severe pain to the person. At this point, you should pay attention.
To answer the question of how long to keep cold when bruised, let's first consider how to properly use ice.
Tips for using ice
For a long time people put ice on the site of injury. If it is not there, then you can lower the injured limb under water. You can also apply a cold compress to the affected area.
The ice begins to work instantly, and the most noticeable effect can be seen immediately. Many people are interested in how long to keep cold when bruised? After 20-30 minutes, the effect of it will no longer be. This is a point to keep in mind.

You should also pay attention to the fact that doctors recommend applying ice every three hours. In this case, you should monitor the condition of the skin. If it is red, then this is a bad sign. It is not worth using such a tool further.
Most often, ice is used for no more than two days. It is gently applied to the injured area. Doctors may then recommend that the patient use heat. This method will help the fastest healing.
Athletes should always carry an ice pack in their first aid kit. This is due to the fact that they often face bruises and various injuries. Therefore, most of them know about this simple and affordable way to treat a bruise.
Let's try to understand how much to keep cold when bruised in each individualcase.
How to use ice?
Today, ice can be found in almost every home. People usually keep it in the freezer. The most important thing when using it is to apply it to the damaged area as quickly as possible.
Ice should be applied to the affected area in the form of a compress. It is not recommended to use it on a naked body, as you can get frostbite. Ice helps to reduce swelling and quickly relieve pain and bruising.

Before using ice, the wound will need to be treated with an antiseptic, if available. You also need to put a bandage on this place. You should also lubricate the bruised area with cream. Ice should be placed in a heating pad or special bags.
It may happen that a person has no ice in the freezer. You can use a block of frozen vegetables instead.
If ice does not help to cope with severe pain, then you can take pain medication. It is advisable to do this after consulting a doctor.
To understand how long you need to keep the cold when bruised, you need to consider each case separately.
What to do with head bruises?
Bruises can affect different parts of the body. And every time you need to know what to do in this or that situation. How long to keep cold with a bruise of the head? Let's try to figure it out.
A head injury is dangerous because it can cause a concussion. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, self-medication will not help here. But if this is an ordinary bruise, then you can act according to the usual scheme. Ice should be wrapped in a bag ofpolyethylene. In this case, keep it should be from 20 minutes to an hour. With it, you can get rid of pain and swelling.
It should be remembered that there are different degrees of bruising. In some cases, you can even lose consciousness. That is why you need to carefully monitor your feelings and condition. Since in most cases you will need the help of a specialist.
Face bruise
In case of a bruise, a bruise most often appears on the face. It is difficult to hide it, because everyone around them first of all looks into the face of another person. But you can apply ice cubes to the wound and thereby reduce sensitivity and pain.
I wonder how much to keep the cold when bruised face? Basically one reception should last from 15 to 20 minutes. If the bruise is severe, apply cold to it every 2-3 hours.
In addition to ice, you can apply a towel soaked in cold water to the bruise, or any other cold object from the refrigerator.
Bruised leg
Bruised limbs are the most common. That is why people are interested in the question: “How long to keep the cold with a bruised leg?” And also how to properly apply ice to the wound.
The bruised area is best kept elevated. This will ensure maximum outflow of blood from the damaged area.

Keep the ice for a short time. Best around 20 minutes. And you can do this every three hours. The main thing is to carefully observe your feelings and skin color.
To bringonly benefit the body from exposure to ice, you should carefully read all the contraindications to its use. And there are many of them.
For example, if lymph nodes are enlarged at the site of injury, then it is better to refuse such treatment. The thing is that the lymph nodes may indicate the presence of an infection in the body. If you apply cold, then you can only aggravate the patient's condition.

There will be no result from applying ice to patients with diabetes mellitus. Therefore, this method should be abandoned.
It is also better to consult a doctor for people suffering from heart disease. This is especially true for bruises on the left side, for example, in the shoulder.
Bruises heal fairly quickly. Therefore, if a person is faced with this trouble, you should not worry. If you approach them correctly, you can speed up this process. The main thing is to remember all safety measures when using a tool such as ice.

Everyone will be able to help themselves in case of injury. After all, it is quite easy to do this. In the future, if necessary, you can consult a doctor. For example, it is worth doing this if the trace of a bruise does not go away for a long time.
Now it became clear how much to keep cold when bruised. It is important to follow all the advice and recommendations. Only in this case will the effect be noticeable.