Unfortunately, most men neglect their he alth, but this is as long as the problem does not concern the reproductive system. Even if men do not particularly like to visit doctors, to be examined. In the article, we will consider what prostatitis is, what causes this disease, what symptoms it accompanies, and also what threatens this disease to men's he alth.
General definition of the prostate
The prostate gland is one of the most important organs of the male reproductive system. The prostate is a small gland about the size of a walnut. It is located near the urethra. The main function of this organ is to produce a certain fluid, which is the "juice" of the prostate. It is this product that takes an active part in the formation of sperm, and also gives sperm motility.

Inflammation of the prostate
Statisticaldata suggests that most of the male population of the planet suffers from disorders of the prostate gland. This pathology is accompanied by some complications. Prostatitis is a disease of the endocrine organ, which is characterized in medicine as an inflammation of the gland (prostate), which develops due to tissue damage by bacteria or viruses. In addition, non-specific infectious pathology develops against the background of the inflammatory process that occurs in the seminal vesicles, prostate appendages. Speaking about what causes prostatitis, it should be noted that urination disorder can provoke this ailment.
Signs and symptoms of prostatitis
Prostate disease conditionally in medicine is usually divided into several categories:
- Non-bacterial.
- Bacterial.
- Chronic.
Answering the question of what causes bacterial and chronic prostatitis, we can note the reasons associated with the penetration of bacteria into the human body. The acute bacterial form of the disease is accompanied by severe pain in the groin and perineum, fever, and cramps in the lower abdomen. At the same time, the patient experiences frequent urge to urinate, and during this process, droplets of blood may come out with urine.

Nonbacterial prostatitis occurs as a type of paraprostatic chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Other symptoms may be completelymissing.
Symptoms of chronic prostatitis in men are accompanied by pain during urination, pain in the groin, and disorder or lack of sexual function. The main feature of this form of the disease is that most of the time this disease is asymptomatic.
It should be noted that a feature of the manifestation of the disease is the absence of any permanent signs. Since each human body is individual, certain symptoms may be completely absent during the development of prostatitis, the disease occurs in different categories of men in its own way. In some cases, this disease begins with a sharp manifestation of the inflammatory process. This indicates the course of an acute form of the disease. If the disease bothers the patient only occasionally, then we are talking about the chronic stage of inflammation of the prostate.
Causes of disease development
When discussing why prostatitis appears in men, it is necessary to single out certain categories of citizens who are most often exposed to this disease. Such men should include those who:
- Move little and sit a lot.
- Prefer to eat wrong.
- Unable to get rid of addictions to smoking or drinking.
- Often exposed to hypothermia.
- Do not have a permanent sexual partner.
- Refused to have sex quite often.

However, this is not the whole list of what men getprostatitis. Experts say that inflammation of the prostate can appear even in a practically he althy person. In such situations, the causes are stress, fatigue, as well as poor environmental conditions in the region. We have analyzed the main reasons why prostatitis appears in men. Symptoms, however, may occur after surgery, bruising of the genitals. In any situation, even with the slightest signs, you should definitely visit a urologist.
Chronic prostatitis
How and what causes chronic prostatitis? The recurrent form of this disease is diverse. In some men, this is accompanied by a complete rejection of sex, frequent urination, burning or itching in the urethra, and pain in the groin. Other patients experience such symptoms only occasionally. However, more characteristic functional ghosts of this form of the disease should be distinguished. These symptoms fall into three subgroups:
- Frequent painful urination, blood in the urine, urinary retention, diarrhea, swelling in the groin.
- Weakness or lack of erection, sensation of pressure in the anus during ejaculation, no desire to have sex at all, loss of orgasm.
- Feeling tired, restless, depressed, frequent stress and nervous breakdowns.
Recurrent prostatitis without timely treatment gives a man a lot of trouble, and can also provoke serious consequences: abscess, adenoma, prostate cancer, paraprostatitis. This chronic inflammation can last indefinitely, butthe course of the disease is never monotonous. The attacks, which can be sharp, at times of great intensity, are replaced by periods of some kind of calm.

Catarrhal prostatitis
When answering the question of why prostatitis appears in men in an acute form, it should be indicated that most often this happens due to weakened immunity. Also, this form of the disease can occur due to infection entering the male body. At the same time, the catarrhal form of the disease develops even after ARVI, common sore throat, severe cough. Bacteria and microbes, as well as other pathogenic microbes, together with lymph enter the prostate, where the inflammatory process begins. The first symptoms of prostatitis in men are a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, a slight increase in body temperature.
At a detailed examination, the specialist can see other symptoms characteristic of the catarrhal form. To do this, the following examinations are carried out:
- During manual examination, a slight swelling of the prostate is determined, the procedure itself is extremely painful for a man.
- An analysis of secretions from the prostate is taken, as a result of which the number of leukocytes is determined.
- Ultrasound can detect purulent components, partial narrowing or complete blockage of the urinary tract.
At what age does it appear
When answering the question about the age at which prostatitis can appear in men, one should turn to statistics. It talks aboutthat this disease appears after 40 years. By the age of 50, inflammation of the prostate is observed in 80% of cases in men.
Diagnostic Methods
Thanks to the ubiquitous advertising and active campaigning, even schoolchildren now know what symptoms this disease accompanies, how prostatitis can be treated. But if there are no signs of the disease, then it becomes quite difficult not only to choose medications, but also to make a diagnosis in time. The best way to prevent inflammation is to visit a specialist regularly. Therefore, the diagnosis of prostatitis is often carried out during a preventive examination by a urologist.

If there are complaints from the patient, then a qualified specialist will be able to determine inflammation of the prostate, as well as prescribe appropriate tests, including:
- Analysis of seminal fluid and secretions.
- Digital rectal examination.
- Ultrasound examination of the prostate.
- Smear from the urethra.
- Blood and urine tests.
After the diagnosis, the specialist should tell you how to treat prostatitis.
Treatment methods
Many scientists and ordinary doctors every year try to identify more accurate signs and symptoms of prostatitis, to develop the latest drugs and methods for preventing this disease. But at present, the classical spectrum of treatment methods is unchanged and includes:
- The use of antiviral, antibacterialdrugs, as well as immunomodulators.
- Therapeutic use of hirudotherapy, magnetic field, ultrasound, and laser treatment.
- Assignment of a course of prostate massage, which is aimed at strengthening the reproductive function of the male body, as well as normalizing blood microcirculation in the genitourinary system.

Use of herbal remedies
In reviews of prostatitis, it is mentioned that Likoprofit, which is a complex of natural ingredients, is a very effective tool in the fight against this disease. They selectively accumulate in the tissues of the prostate, help strengthen the protective function, reduce the manifestation of the inflammatory process, protect cells from free radicals and control the function of tissue growth in the prostate gland.
Due to the complex and balanced composition, the difficulties associated with urination are eliminated, and the pain syndrome is also weakened. The components of "Likoprofit" effectively affect the main symptoms of chronic prostatitis, improve urination, resulting in a decrease in the urge to this process, the urine stream increases, overall well-being improves, and it also has a general strengthening effect.
Treatment of chronic prostatitis
Unfortunately, there is no most effective treatment for chronic prostatitis in men. To completely get rid of the disease, it is necessary to use drugs in a complex. For this, applyeffective drugs from three main groups:
- Antibiotics-fluoroquinolones. Means belonging to this series get well into the soft tissues of the prostate, where most of the harmful microorganisms are destroyed.
- Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. Such funds can eliminate swelling of the prostate, relieve pain, improve blood circulation.
- Alpha blockers. These drugs relax the bladder and urethra and make it easier for urine to flow.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that the use of the above medicines is selected for each case individually by a qualified specialist. In no case should you self-medicate, as this can cause serious complications. Therefore, all drugs should be prescribed only after diagnostic measures.

What not to do with prostatitis
Many people are interested in questions about whether it is possible to perform certain actions with prostatitis, use certain foods, and so on. It should highlight what can not be done during this disease:
- Drink alcohol.
- Smoking.
- Ride a bike.
- Eat fatty, s alty, fried, smoked and spicy foods.
- Taking too hot showers or baths.
- Get cold.
- Engage in heavy physical activity.
- Tolerate the urge to urinate.
- Nervous.
- Restrict sex life.
BIn conclusion, it should be noted that prostatitis is a very common and unpleasant disease among men. However, in order to overcome this disease, at the first signs, you need to seek help from a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.