Feel male power and make sexual sensations more vivid will help the biological supplement "Golden Horse". It will effectively restore male potency at any age, increase the duration of sexual intercourse, and give a good boost of energy.
Composition, release form
The composition of the drug "Golden Skate" is completely natural. One tablet contains seahorse extract - 40 mg, ginseng root - 40 mg, sow thistle leaves - 10 mg, stamen orthosiphon - 5 mg, kejibeling - 5 mg. Additional elements are components such as starch, lactose, sucrose, calcium carbonate, talc, gelatin, methylene blue, magnesium stearate, brilliant blue, sodium benzoate.
The drug has two forms of release. These are bottles of 100 and 20 tablets. Each tablet contains 700 mg of the active ingredient.
Pharmacological action
The drug "Golden Skate" refers to dietary supplements. Successfully eliminates sexual dysfunction, recommended for urolithiasis and organic impotence. Effective for general malaise and fatigue. Its pharmacological actioncharacterized as a tonic, diuretic and stimulating potency.
dietary supplement does not contain hormonal and narcotic substances, and its composition is 100% natural. Thus, the seahorse has a tonic property, which is especially important when potency decreases.

Ginseng and thistle are herbal aphrodisiacs. Stimulate sexual desire and sexual stamina, make the feeling of orgasm more intense. In addition, ginseng root contains essential oils, B vitamins, pectin, panaxoside and other equally useful substances. It has tonic and adaptogenic properties. Strengthens, rejuvenates and revitalizes. Sow thistle short-eared includes elements such as flavonoids, vitamin C, terpenoids, coumarins. It is characterized by anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic and tonic qualities. Well restores the reproductive functions of the body. Used for various inflammatory diseases, febrile manifestations, thirst.
Curly silkworm, or kejibeling, is saturated with lysing components. Endowed with diuretic and hypoglycemic properties. Used to remove small stones from the kidneys. Prevents the occurrence of renal colic and relieves seizures.
Orthosiphon stamens is a diuretic. Its diuretic effect is aimed at removing urea, uric acid and chlorides from the body. Stimulates the functions of glomerular filtration, normalizes the functioning of the tubules. It is used for kidney diseases in acute and chronic form, edema, cystitis, urethritis, gallstonediseases, cholecystitis, cardiovascular diseases (that is, where the disease is accompanied by severe edema), the Golden Horse remedy. The price of the drug makes it affordable for all segments of the population. And this is his great advantage.
Golden Skate Instructions

Means to enhance potency will color your sex life with new colors. Enhance sexual performance, reduce the interval between sexual intercourse. The drug increases sexual performance in men of any age. Helps to restore lost strength.
"Golden Skate" (the instruction says that you should consult your doctor before using the drug) drink 1-2 tablets twice a day with meals. Tablets can be taken a few hours (1-3 hours) before sexual intercourse. Taking the drug lasts 10-25 days. As a rule, one package is enough for a full course of treatment. It is not recommended to use dietary supplements before bedtime.
In the vial, along with the pills, there is a package with a substance that absorbs moisture, which should not be ingested.
Indications and contraindications

Golden Skate natural remedy is indicated for impotence, erectile dysfunction, loss of sexual strength, frigidity. It is used to enhance potency and sexual desire. Prolongs sexual intercourse and increases sexual stamina, eliminates premature ejaculation, normalizes libido. Makes the orgasm brighter and richer. Prevents the emergence and developmentprostatitis.
Recommended for prevention and in the complex therapy of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Increases physical and mental activity, gives strength, tone and energy to the body, helps to overcome fatigue and depression.
Dietary supplement is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system, with pronounced atherosclerosis, malfunctions of the central nervous system, such as irritability, sleep disturbance. It is forbidden to take the drug to pregnant and lactating women, children under the age of 12 years. The drug is not recommended to use before bedtime.
Side effects
"Golden Skate" (reviews say that the drug gives results immediately) has no side effects. The drug is not a medicine, but you should consult your doctor before using it.
During the use of the remedy, there is a change in the color of urine, it becomes green and blue.
Benefits of using the drug

The drug for men "Golden Skate" has proven itself well on the market. The price for it is quite low compared to similar analogues. This is one of its benefits. Others include:
- prolongation of sexual intercourse;
- increased number of sexual acts;
- reduced recovery time between sex;
- increased libido and orgasmic sensations;
- recovery of potency due to internal reservesorganism;
- penis enlargement as a result of the process of expanding erectile tissues and stimulating blood circulation;
- increase in tone, energy, endurance and performance;
- natural composition.
In addition, the drug is not addictive when taken for a long time, it is well absorbed by the body and does not give side effects.
Product cost

More than once proved its effectiveness in the intimate sphere "Golden Skate" for men. The price of the drug, depending on the outlet, varies. So, 20 tablets of potency medication will cost customers 300-350 rubles, and 100 tablets - 1000-1200 rubles.
In addition, the "Golden Skate" for men, the price of which is very reasonable, should be stored after purchase in a dry, well-ventilated area and out of the reach of children. Storage temperature should not exceed 30°C. The shelf life of the supplement is three years.
The drug is sold through:
- pharmacy chain;
- sex shops;
- special departments of the distribution network;
- online shopping.
"Golden horse" for men: reviews

A drug for men received a variety of reviews. Some argue that the result after taking the pill is noticeable after a few minutes. Others note vivid sensations of orgasm, prolonged sexual intercourse, an extraordinary charge of strength and energy. They say that sleep improves, performance increases,fatigue. They also talk about the pleasure that men gave to their wives, girlfriends, and about a completely different quality of sex. There is a prolonged effect of the drug for 48 hours. The drug is praised and said that it is not inferior to the vitamin-mineral complex. It is claimed that women also take the "Golden Skate" for men to normalize libido.
Negative reviews indicate an ineffective effect of the remedy, even after a monthly course of daily intake. Consider it a placebo and a dummy. Someone speaks negatively about the blue dye in the composition of the tablet, and someone does not like its long-term effect (up to 48 hours).
In general, the drug "Golden Skate" helps, makes intimate life more intense, vibrant, and men more confident in themselves and their abilities.