Why does stomatitis not go away? Causes, treatment

Why does stomatitis not go away? Causes, treatment
Why does stomatitis not go away? Causes, treatment

The manifestation of an inflammatory process with symptoms in the form of changes in various parts of the mucous membrane in the mouth is called stomatitis. The disease can be caused by various reasons. In this regard, the successful treatment of this disease to some extent depends on whether the pathogen and origin are correctly identified. The article will discuss what kind of disease it is, what are its symptoms and methods of treatment. We will also learn about what to do if the stomatitis does not go away.

Stomatitis - what is it?

This is a dental disease that occurs in every fourth inhabitant of our planet. The disease is expressed by the defeat of the mucous membrane and is caused by the influence of viruses, microbes. Also, the occurrence of atrophic processes on tissues can be caused by various mechanical contacts.

Many people are used to believing that children are most susceptible to stomatitis. However, the adult population suffers from this disease at least as often.

stomatitis does not go away
stomatitis does not go away

Only as a result of complex diagnostics, it is possible to draw up a competent treatment plan that is most effective for each individual patient. If this is not done, then the doctor may be faced with the fact that a person does not have stomatitis for too long. What to do? Without determining the etiology of the onset of the disease, treatment will not have the desired effect.

Symptoms of the disease

Everyone should know this moment. The most obvious sign of the onset of the disease is a rash in the oral cavity. Lesions may vary in appearance, size, and location. Everything will depend on the type of illness.

When bacterial stomatitis is manifested, the mucosa is covered with abscesses. Over time, they transform into sores.

The viral form of the disease is characterized by bubble neoplasms. After swelling, they open up and transform into erosion.

stomatitis how many days pass
stomatitis how many days pass

Candida form of the disease affects the tongue, palate. In other parts of the mucous membrane, the formation of white plaque is also observed. Its consistency resembles curd mass.

When stomatitis persists for a long time, the following symptoms may occur:

  • weakened taste perception;
  • increased itching;
  • appearance of burning, pain;
  • the occurrence of bad breath;
  • increased salivation;
  • mucosal edema.

Severe protracted course of the disease may be accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes located in the jaw, neck, face. Body temperature often rises. With the manifestation of such symptoms, a person needs to think about why stomatitis does not go away. Experts recommend undergoing an examination to identify aggravating factors.

Causes of disease

Sometimes an ailment appears unexpectedly. Or the disease occurs in a duet with an exacerbation of any chronic inflammatory process.

how long does stomatitis last
how long does stomatitis last

We will look at some of the main reasons that can trigger the problem in question:

  • stress;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • chronic illnesses;
  • infectious diseases;
  • mechanical damage;
  • against the background of allergies;
  • bad habits.

Treatment of candidal stomatitis

If stomatitis does not go away, then it threatens to spread to the pharynx, esophagus. And that is not all. The disease can also affect other organs of the digestive system. The acute form passes into the chronic stage. Bleeding sores begin to form under the white coating.

In such a situation, local treatment will not be effective. The doctor prescribes an antifungal medication.

The considered type of stomatitis is divided into local and general ailment. At the same time, the treatment is somewhat different in adult patients and in children.

The doctor's goal is to eliminate yeast and improve immunity. The use of antifungal drugs ("Flunol", "Fluconazole") inside must be agreed with a specialist. This is especially true for patients with comorbidities. In addition, the appointment of antifungal agents for children under 3 years old and expectant mothers is prohibited.

stomatitis does not go away what to do
stomatitis does not go away what to do

If stomatitis does not go away within a week and gives the patient a lot of discomfort, doctors prescribe local therapy. It may include the following drugs:

  • disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent (soda or boron solutions);
  • anesthetic (ointments "Pyromecaine", "Trimecaine");
  • regenerating drugs ("Solcoseryl");
  • vitamins.

Treatment of viral stomatitis

A viral infection is the basis of this type of disease. Accordingly, the disease is considered contagious. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, by direct contact, through the blood. In a person with normal immunity, the disease is cured without a trace. But if the patient is weakened, then the disease does not go away so easily. Stomatitis in an adult and in a child can often manifest itself along with the occurrence of other infections. An "inexperienced" patient who first encountered stomatitis should not self-medicate. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.

As a rule, therapy consists in a local effect on problem areas. Of the drugs, Tantum Verde, Oxolinic Ointment, Zovirax, Cholisal, Acyclovir have proven themselves well. Loc althe use of these funds will destroy viral stomatitis. How many days pass from the onset of the rash to the moment of recovery? Each patient may have a different time frame. On average, on the 3rd day, the rashes begin to dry out, and by the end of the week they disappear completely.

Well, if stomatitis does not go away for a long time in an adult patient, then you need to look for the cause. There are several factors that can interfere with a successful recovery.

after how many days does stomatitis go away
after how many days does stomatitis go away

Treatment of bacterial stomatitis

This type of disease can be considered the most common in the practice of dentistry. The disease is characterized by specific, rather unpleasant symptoms. The causative agents of the disease are streptococci and staphylococci.

The risk group includes people with weakened immune systems, suffering from rhinitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, deep caries, etc. Treatment of the stomatitis in question is possible only under the supervision of a specialist.

Therapy often consists of taking antibiotics. In addition, the doctor prescribes hormonal agents and immunomodulators. The scheme may be as follows:

  • topical (painkillers, anti-inflammatory ointments, sprays or applications);
  • if there are necrotic changes in the mucosa, the doctor removes dead tissue surgically;
  • regular rinsing with solutions of furacilin, trichopolum, dioxidine, potassium permanganate, etc.;
  • prescribe fortifying drugs or vitamins.

Often the treatment plan depends on the coursetreatment of the main chronic ailment, which contributed to the manifestation of stomatitis.

stomatitis in an adult does not go away for a long time
stomatitis in an adult does not go away for a long time

Chronic form

How many days does stomatitis go away? With timely access to a doctor, proper diagnosis and compliance with all treatment regimens, the disease quickly leaves the patient. But if there is often a recurrent inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane in the mouth, then the disease has become chronic.

Often considered stomatitis develops due to disruption of any of the body systems. Local factors may also play a role. In this regard, not only dentists, but also immunologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, otolaryngologists and other specialists are involved in the treatment of the disease in question.

Factors affecting the "return" of the disease

There are a number of factors in which it is almost impossible to get rid of the disease once and for all:

  1. This is an unsatisfactory condition of the oral cavity. Lack of hygiene contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora. In such cases, the occurrence of diseases of the oral cavity is quite logical.
  2. Having bad habits. In heavy smokers, patients suffering from alcoholism, stomatitis often occurs against the background of suppression of the immune system. Such patients often have periodontal disease.
  3. Lack of a balanced diet. Until the human diet contains all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, the patient willsuffer from dental ailments.
  4. This is the presence of serious diseases of the body. Many of them not only weaken the protective functions, but also directly provoke the occurrence of an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane.
  5. Wearing orthodontic appliances or dentures. Such patients need to carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity. Doctors recommend the use of various antiseptic agents for rinsing and processing removable structures.

Specialists always pay attention to how long the patient's stomatitis takes. That is why factors have been identified that prolong the period of therapy.

why does stomatitis not go away
why does stomatitis not go away

Preventive measures

Prophylaxis is based on the observance of oral hygiene standards. Teeth brushing should be done twice a day. A visit to the dentist should be planned at least once every six months.

For the prevention of the disease, it is equally important to develop the right approach to the diet. Doctors recommend identifying and eliminating foods that may cause allergic reactions. It is necessary to limit the use of products that have a traumatic or irritating effect on tissues (s alty, spicy, spicy, alcohol). Get rid of bad habits. The meals you eat should contain enough vitamins and minerals.

It is worth noting that for those people who at least once in their lives have manifested the ailment in question, there will always berisk of relapse. That is why every person should take preventive measures responsibly.
