Among the chemical elements vital to our body, iron is far from last. It is iron that is the main element that is part of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen to all cells of the human body, ensuring the normal functioning of the body. That is why the lack of iron is extremely detrimental to he alth.

Low hemoglobin: how to deal with it
What exactly threatens iron deficiency in the body? There can be many reasons, we will name the main ones. Often, iron deficiency occurs in children under four years of age, as the body requires more of this element due to rapid growth. Improper nutrition can also serve as a factor causing an acute shortage of an important element. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the need for iron also grows very strongly, because it is necessary for both the growing fetus and subsequently the born child. With large blood losses, the hemoglobin level also drops, which can lead to very unpleasantconsequences.
What threatens iron deficiency?
All of the above factors can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system, muscles, immune system, and digestive tract. The upper layer of the epidermis (skin), hair, and nails also suffer.

Iron deficiency is especially harmful to pregnant and lactating women. To avoid the problems associated with it, you need to eat right and take drugs containing this element. Very often, doctors recommend such popular pharmaceutical products as Fenyuls or Sorbifer. What is better to take? You will find the answer to this and many other questions in this article.
"Fenules" description
"Fenyuls" - capsules containing 15 milligrams of ferrous sulfate, ascorbic acid and various auxiliary components that promote the absorption of the active substance. Due to the composition of the capsules, iron enters the body gradually, over time replenishing the daily norm. The drug is used for chronic blood loss (which is why it is so popular with donors) and acute iron deficiency in the human body. In addition, the indication for admission is a deficiency of B vitamins.

Ascorbic acid, which is part of "Fenuls", excludes the oxidation of ferrous sulfate when taken. Vitamins help with metabolic disorders and improve the general condition of the patient during therapy.
"Fenyuls": instructions, reviews
The dosage of the drug is one capsule once a day with a total course of treatment for a month, but the dosage may be different, in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician. Also, "Fenyuls" is used for iron deficiency in women with heavy menstruation. In this case, the drug is taken by the patient a couple of days before critical days and a couple of days after (it is possible one day before and after if there is too much iron deficiency). The drug is not recommended to be used together with other vitamin complexes. Also, "Fenyuls" should not be taken together with drugs that increase the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is contraindicated in children, patients suffering from hemochromatosis and hemosiderosis, as well as people with individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Taking may cause an allergic reaction to some components, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness.

The drug is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription. When using Fenyuls, urine may turn bright yellow, which is explained by the presence of riboflavin in the composition. After reviewing the instructions for the drug "Fenyuls", it's time to find out how doctors and patients respond about it. Based on the opinions of doctors and patients, it can be concluded that Fenyuls is well tolerated during pregnancy (if the drug is prescribed by a specialist), fully fulfills its function of replenishing iron, but sometimes causes the side effects described above. Nonetheless,many who take this drug are ready to take them for granted, since Fenules really helps. Reviews of doctors regarding this drug are also mostly positive. Doctors praise "Fenules" for fast action, good tolerance and a very reasonable price.
How to take Fenyuls?
Before meals or after? Question questions for any remedy. It is drunk either during or after a meal, but not before it. Taking the drug before meals will in no way affect the clinical effect, but may cause stomach problems, accompanied by the side effects described above. How much does Fenyuls cost? The price in Russia ranges from 115 to 144 rubles for 30 capsules (which is a full course). If you do not need to complete a full monthly course, you can purchase the drug in a package containing only ten capsules. In this case, the purchase will cost from 54 to 78 rubles. As you can see, the cost of the medication in question is quite acceptable and affordable for all segments of the population. However, before buying, in any case, you should consult a specialist and take only as directed by a doctor.
"Sorbifer": description
Having read the instructions for "Fenyuls" and read the reviews of patients and doctors, we have some idea about it. But in order to answer the question: "Fenuls" or "Sorbifer" - which is better?" It is necessary to consider both drugs, and then compare their pharmacological effects on the body. So, let's get acquainted in more detail with such a medicine as "Sorbifer". It is also a drug used for iron deficiency, anemia (also caused by deficiency). Also, the drug can be taken by pregnant and lactating women in order to prevent such diseases. "Sorbifer" is available in the form of tablets from thirty to fifty pieces per pack. The tablets are yellow in color, a gray core is found on the break. The composition of one tablet of "Sorbifer" includes 32 milligrams of ferrous sulfate, 6 milligrams of ascorbic acid and various substances that help the drug to be absorbed. The drug has an effect that reduces the symptoms of anemia.

How to take "Sorbifer"?
The tablet must be swallowed whole, without breaking into pieces and washed down with water. The daily intake is two tablets, they must be consumed after meals. Pregnant and lactating women are prescribed one tablet per day as a prophylactic. "Sorbifer" is taken either until the level of iron in the blood is completely restored, or within 3-4 months. After this period, if the drug has not helped, it is necessary to stop taking it. Thanks to the special dosage form in which Sorbifer is released, the use of the drug ensures the intake of iron into the body, which minimizes the harm caused to the stomach. The drug is contraindicated in case of allergy to the substances that make up the composition, with other types of anemia, with diabetes mellitus, diseaseskidney disease, thrombosis and similar diseases, as well as children under the age of twelve.

Side effects, overdose
The main side effects of "Sorbifer" are associated with problems of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of constipation and diarrhea. Redness or itching, headache, tachycardia, and a general state of weakness may also occur. In addition, "Sorbifer" can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. In case of an overdose of the drug, all the above effects are possible, in especially severe cases, vomiting with blood may occur. Providing first aid, the patient needs to do a gastric lavage. It is not recommended to take the drug in question with preparations containing sodium chloride, magnesium, calcium. You should not use ascorbic acid separately (it is already contained in the product, and its additional intake will cause an overdose, which is also undesirable).
"Sorbifer": price, reviews
Doctors speak of "Sorbifer" as a quality medicine that gradually restores the level of iron in the body. As for the reviews of pregnant women about the use of Sorbifer, they are mostly positive. Side effects are extremely rare, and the active ingredients of the drug quickly restore hemoglobin levels to the physiological norm. You can store the drug for up to three years at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. The price of "Sorbifer" ranges from 320 to 390 rubles, depending on the region and the pharmacy chain. itthe drug is dispensed in pharmacies only by prescription.
What to choose?
So, "Fenules" or "Sorbifer"? What's better? The answer to this question is purely individual for each person. In Sorbifer, the iron content is almost three times higher than in Fenules. From this we can conclude that in acute iron deficiency, the drug "Sorbifer" will be more effective. In the case of a latent iron deficiency, it is worth taking Fenuls, as it will eliminate an overdose of the main active ingredient and will be better absorbed by the body. Also, in the prevention of iron deficiency, it is recommended to take Fenyuls. As for side effects, they are observed only in rare cases when taking both drugs, which is confirmed by many reviews from patients and doctors. The composition of both drugs is almost identical. Based on ferrous sulfate and ascorbic acid. The difference is only in the proportions and amount of excipients. The Fenuls course is shorter and amounts to one month, against three to four months of the mandatory intake of Sorbifer. "Fenyuls" more quickly affects the body than its competitor, but it is less effective in severe forms of anemia. The average cost of "Fenyuls" is 125 rubles, for "Sorbifer" the price is higher - 350 rubles. In addition, it should be borne in mind that with long-term treatment, you will have to buy a second medication more than once. Both drugs are well tolerated during pregnancy andlactation, are contraindicated in children and are not recommended for people with kidney disease. "Sorbifer" is absorbed not in the stomach, but in the duodenum, which causes less harm to the stomach.

Having considered both drugs, we can conclude that both are effective in restoring hemoglobin levels to normal. Which of these drugs should be taken depends solely on the individual characteristics of the person and his reaction to the various ingredients of the drugs in question. Before making a choice, it is recommended that you first consult with a specialist. However, we can say with confidence that for preventive purposes it is best to take Fenyuls, its price is also more acceptable. We hope our article turned out to be useful for you, and answered the question: "Fenules" or "Sorbifer" - what is better to take in some iron deficiency conditions."