Most often and, as a rule, unexpectedly, a banal cold awaits a nursing woman. It is better not to be afraid of her, so as not to inadvertently attract at your own peril. Much more preferable to treat it as a workout for your immune system. And certainty will help to overcome fear: knowing the enemy by sight and the timely use of the right "weapon". Next, we will take a step-by-step look at how to treat a cold with hepatitis B, starting with the definition and symptoms of this seasonal trouble.

What is a cold?
Cold is a disease caused by hypothermia, resulting in a decrease in immunity and exacerbation of chronic infections that were already in the body of a person with a cold. These infections stem from opportunistic flora that can become activated under certain conditions. The common cold is not contagious, but against the background of a weakened immune system, a virus can easily attach, transferring the disease to the stage of an acute illness. Then we are talking about medical terms: SARS, influenza, acute respiratory infections.
ARVI is the most common seasonal disease, the causative agents of which are a variety of viruses that cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. This disease is contagious, occurs in an acute form.
Influenza is a type of viral infection. In a complicated course of the disease, when tea with raspberry jam no longer saves, the infection can spread to the ears and eyes, leading to the appearance of otitis media or conjunctivitis of varying degrees of complexity.
A bacterial infection can join a viral infection, it can also appear initially against the background of a cold. If it is not possible to accurately diagnose the disease, then doctors talk about ARI.
Nursing mothers do not think about what kind of disease caught them by surprise, calling it the understandable word "cold". With breastfeeding, they only worry about the safety of their baby and a speedy recovery. Therefore, we will consider all options for seasonal diseases.

Symptoms of colds
The presence of certain symptoms that worsen the overall well-being, does not make a mistake: the body has caught a cold. These symptoms include:
- runny nose in the form of discharge from the nose from transparent (beginning of the disease) to thick hard-to-separate green (attachment of a bacterial infection);
- increased body temperature;
- sore throat;
- cough both dry and wet;
- sneeze.
The quality of life is noticeably deteriorating even for an ordinary person, and what can we say about a young mother, on whose he alth and well-being the well-being of the baby and the whole family depends. Therefore, it is important to know how a nursing mother can treat a cold, protect her baby and quickly restore her working capacity.
How to treat the common cold
Young mothers often have to walk with the baby in all weather conditions, and while the baby sleeps in the stroller, warmly wrapped, the mother has to cut circles. Clothing does not always match the weather, so it is very easy to get cold. In order not to have to wonder how to treat a cold with hepatitis B, it is better to take preventive measures. Immediately upon arrival home, change into warm clothes, wash your hands with hot water, soak your feet at a water temperature of 40-50 ° C, drink hot tea with honey. After that, you will need to look at cold symptoms and treat the disease symptomatically.

How to treat viral infections, including the flu
If a viral component is superimposed on ordinary hypothermia and the associated weakening of immunity, then we can say that a "viral" cold has appeared in a nursing mother. Komarovsky in this case advises to do without pharmacological intervention, adhering to a clear algorithm of actions:
- Eating only according to appetite.
- Plentiful drink.
- Bed rest.
- Frequent airingpremises.
- Humidify the air.
- Irrigation of mucous membranes with saline or physiological solutions.
- Protect the child from direct contact with the virus, wear a mask when interacting with the baby.
It turns out that it is possible for those who are nursing with a cold, it is also available to ordinary people. This algorithm is universal, it helps to cope with viruses without drugs. The body just needs time to produce the appropriate antibodies.
How to treat bacterial infections
According to a number of signs, it can be judged that a cold is bacterial or complicated by a viral infection with the attachment of a secondary bacterial infection. In this case, the mandatory intervention of antibiotics is required. Signs of a bacterial infection:
- the disease does not go away within a week, the patient's condition worsens;
- high temperature over 38°C;
- abscesses of various localization;
- Nasal discharge and sputum are stringy and yellow-green to reddish in color;
- inflammation of the lymph nodes and acute pain in the area of localization of bacteria.
How can a nursing mother treat a bacterial cold? This requires the mandatory intervention of antibiotics, so it is better to observe preventive measures such as frequent hand washing, thorough cooking of raw meat, avoiding contact with sick people, etc.

Approved drugs
To the frequently asked question "how can I treat a cold while nursingmother" Komarovsky, as the most popular children's doctor in the post-Soviet space, always answers ironically: there is no magic pill. There are always side effects, and no one has canceled the individual intolerance of the components.
The doctor's advice is simple: be patient while you are patient, and when you can't bear it anymore, go to a therapist. The point is that the common cold can hide various ailments that require appropriate treatment. For example, viral infections, in fact, are not treated, all therapy is aimed at activating the body's immune cells and systematically washing out the virus through heavy drinking. But the addition of a bacterial infection will most likely require the use of an antibiotic, which in no case should be "prescribed" to oneself.
For reference, we note what medicines it is permissible for a nursing mother to take for a cold. But before using them, you should still consult a doctor:
- Antiviral drugs: Aflubin, Oscillococcinum.
- Anspasmodic: No-shpa.
- Antipyretics (over 39 °, if folk remedies do not help): children's syrups "Nurofen", "Panadol".
- Vasoconstrictors and remedies for the common cold: "Aquamaris" and analogues, "Quicks".
- From sore throat for resorption: "Lyzobakt".
- For gargling: "Chlorhexidine", "Iodinol", "Miramistin".
- Cough: "Gedelix".

What traditional medicine recommends
The wisdom of the people will tell you how to treat a cold for a nursing mother, how to activate the body's forces and smooth out some of the symptomatic manifestations of the disease, improving the general condition of the sick woman. So, relieve pain in the throat under the force:
- curd compress;
- rinsing with fresh beetroot juice with vinegar;
- warm milk with butter and honey.
Reduce elevated body temperature will help:
- tea with raspberry jam;
- wiping the body with a solution of vinegar 9% (1 tablespoon per half liter of water),
- a mixture of grated onions, apples and honey in equal proportions (before meals, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day);
- grapefruit, a couple of oranges or lemon as sources of vitamin C.
You can stop heavy nasal discharge with:
- instilling aloe juice into the nose, mixed with a dissolved tablet of mummy and a drop of honey;
- or a mixture of onion and garlic juice with honey in a ratio of 1:3;
- lubricating the nasal passages with lemon juice;
- plates with freshly chopped onions.

The following recipes will help ease a cough:
- a recess is made in the radish, into which honey is laid, infused for half a day, then 1 tsp is consumed. up to three times a day;
- breathe over boiled potatoes.
Any folk remedy before active use should first be checked foran allergic reaction for mom and her baby.
When not to breastfeed?
Breastfeeding consultants unanimously urge to feed, despite the poor he alth and illness of the mother. The body of an adult quickly adapts to the disease and begins to produce antibodies, passing them to the child through breast milk. Thus, the mother is both the cause of the disease and its cure. It is known that the immunity received from the mother in a child completely disappears after six months, even if it is fed only with breast milk, and its own is produced only under the influence of diseases by the age of three. It turns out that a cold with breastfeeding is a great way to train the immune system of a toddler.
However, if the mother's seasonal illness has not gone away within a week, has become complicated and requires the intervention of antibiotics, then breastfeeding should be suspended. It is believed that the therapist can choose the antibiotics allowed during breastfeeding and calculate the time between taking the medicine and breastfeeding, but it is unlikely that the antibiotic will pass into the milk.

Why are antibiotics dangerous for babies?
Even approved drugs in small quantities can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the baby, causing:
- allergic reaction;
- digestive disorders;
- development of thrush;
- decreased immunity of the child;
- balance in the absorption of vitamins and trace elements.
Therefore, while taking antibiotics should be suspendedlactation. In order to successfully resume this process later, the mother needs to express milk in a timely manner, and feed the baby with a spoon or from a bottle with a small hole in the nipple.
Prevention of seasonal diseases
It is always easier to avoid a disease than to cure it, so it is important to pay attention to preventive measures, which include:
- avoidance of crowded places, especially communication with the sick;
- frequent hand washing;
- washing the mucous membranes of the nose and throat with saline solutions;
- ventilate the room to keep the air cool and fresh;
- air humidification;
- timely vaccination.
Better yet, prepare for cold season ahead of time. It is for this that we have been given summer, rich in air-solar baths, vitamins in the garden, forest, river and sea hardening. Six months for the accumulation and strengthening of immunity, in order to test it in the second six months.
And now, answering the question of how a nursing mother can treat a cold, let's just say: do not be afraid of illness, follow preventive measures, in case of illness, activate the body's defenses, following a simple algorithm. Then any cold will be defeated, and the baby will receive his healing portion of protection with his favorite mother's milk.