Not every one of us will voluntarily agree to the use of exclusively medications in order to treat certain organs. Traditional medicine, fortunately, has a large set of recipes that can answer the question, for example, about how to treat kidneys at home.

It's no secret that to solve this problem, alternative medicine usually uses various herbal preparations that have diuretic effects and make such an important organ work as before. However, preliminary actions are mandatory in this case - an accurate diagnosis and selection of the appropriate herbal complex. It is quite simple to explain the reason for this - when we treat kidneys at home, we use only the right collection of herbs for a certain disease.
After making a diagnosis, you should choose a certain diet for yourself, without which the fight against kidney disease will be useless. For example, a real healing material for this organ is potatoes, which contain potassium, which prevents the development of stones. If you are really interested in how to treat kidneys inhomemade with this root vegetable, then try a regular boiled potato topped with cheddar cheese.

Try to include this product in your daily diet.
In any case, nutrition should be balanced, and a very important point is sufficient water intake. At the same time, you should not think that to answer the question of how to treat kidneys at home, it is enough just to drink any liquid. Only mineral water without gas is suitable here, the main intake of which should be carried out at certain hours - from 17 to 19, since it is during this period that the most active phase of the work of this body is observed.
However, this is not the only technique that tells how to treat kidneys with folk remedies, because traditional medicine cannot do without the use of herbal decoctions and special natural preparations. Of course, as mentioned above, here the nature of the disease should be taken into account directly. For example, in the case of inflammation of the renal pelvis, teas from goldarine, horsetail, marigold or common juniper will be effective. If we are talking about the presence of kidney stones, then infusions of nettle, wild rose and plantain are suitable.

In addition, if you are keenly interested in the question of how to treat kidneys at home, you can use specialized baths. In the event that you suffer from kidney stones, you should try baths with the addition offield horsetail. In addition to water procedures, you can use another way to influence the kidneys with the help of the skin. An interesting option is washing with fruit vinegar, which has a positive effect on inflammation of the renal pelvis.
If you are planning to treat your kidneys at home, be sure to consult your doctor first so as not to cause unnecessary harm to your body.