Children have recently been suffering from serious illnesses. Pathologies that cannot be prevented are especially often manifested. Violation of visual functions leads to serious diseases. The article will tell you which eye diseases in children (photos and names are attached) are the most common.
Basically, newborns and preschoolers are at risk. Why? Infants may experience delays in proper development. Some preschoolers are not able to prepare for the learning process. Older children may experience lower academic performance and self-esteem. They refuse to attend sports and choose a profession they do not like. With the right diagnosis, many ailments are treatable. We will talk about the name of eye diseases in children of infectious and viral adventures below.

Eye diseases in children occur due to certain factors:
- Congenital diseases: the presence of a genetic predisposition in the development of the eyes, infections that develop in the womb, lack ofvitamins, negative environment.
- Factors that affect vision: inflammation of the fundus, allergic reactions to a specific irritant, infections on the membrane of the eyes, burns or injuries, severe strain on the visual apparatus, dark room lighting or regular computer use.
To eliminate the deterioration of vision, a consultation with an experienced ophthalmologist is necessary. The specialist identifies the type of disease and prescribes a specific treatment. Eye diseases can lead to serious complications. The child is threatened with severe headaches, impaired visual function, pathological enlargement of the fundus. As a result, the child may lose their sight.
It is worth highlighting chalazion - an eye disease in a child, which is characterized by the appearance of a benign growth. Its causes are blockage of the duct and the presence of infectious diseases.

Children's eye diseases are characterized by certain symptoms. The appearance of itching, swelling, white discharge from the eye area indicates the initial manifestations of conjunctivitis. This disease is often found in newborns. There are varieties of conjunctivitis that differ from each other in certain symptoms. The allergic process is formed against the background of external stimuli. Allergens in this case are dust, plants and chemicals.
Viral inflammation is characterized by redness of the eyeball, swelling, regular tearing. Virus provokeinfections of various origins. Bacterial conjunctivitis occurs when microbes get on the tissue that covers the eye area. As a result, purulent discharge and redness are observed in children. Infants show white discharge on the eyelashes, redness of the eyes, and swelling of the eyelids. Inflammation is caused by bacteria or various mechanical damage. Regular tearing, copious discharge may indicate inflammation of the sac of the inner eye.

Specialists often encounter myopia in childhood. Usually children are born with this pathology. Especially if loved ones suffer from this disease. As a result, the child acquires a similar disease. Symptoms appear at any time. Diseases are most often detected during the period of schooling. At this time, he althy children are prone to the appearance of false myopia. The lack of preventive measures and proper treatment can lead to the formation of a serious pathology. If the child cannot detect objects at a long distance, then this indicates the appearance of children's myopia.
Many children do not realize that they have started to have vision problems. The main symptom is squinting of the eyes when approaching a certain object closely. Regular symptoms can only be seen in educational institutions. Children constantly complain of headache, discomfort and heaviness in the eyes, severe fatigue. It is especially difficult for them to focus on a particularitem.
Visual functions in childhood develop up to 8 years. It is during this period that it is important to detect violations of the visual apparatus. These include nearsightedness and farsightedness. You should pick up certain glasses that can stop the development of the disease. Otherwise, such violations of visual functions will lead to loss of vision. Children at preschool age should be examined regularly by an ophthalmologist. During the examination, the specialist will record the decrease in vision, conduct a special study and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Squint is a congenital eye disease in children, a change in the position of the eyes. The visual axes diverge on a certain subject. In appearance, it is noticeable that the eye deviates incorrectly in a specific direction. Strabismus is a serious problem for many children. The visual perception of the child is immediately disturbed. Pathology is observed often in early childhood. The presence of the disease in infancy indicates a congenital pathology. The occurrence of the disease in preschool age indicates the factors that led to the appearance of this disease. Babies develop strabismus before the age of 4 years. Violation of the visual axis is considered only as strabismus.
Often the disease develops against the background of the farsightedness of the baby. During this period, he poorly recognizes objects that are near him. Violation of the retina leads to the appearance of this pathology. In children, images are distorted, and the pictureappears in blurry form. With strabismus, visual acuity decreases. Complications are caused by a violation of the visual system. The transmission of information to the brain, which is remembered by the impaired eye, is blocked. This condition causes mental deviation, and strabismus increases.

Amblyopia is a congenital eye disease in children characterized by impairment of one eye. Basically, it develops against the background of turning off the brain or suppressing the vision of one eye. It manifests itself in chronic strabismus or in the presence of myopia, hyperopia. Instantly blocks vision in one eye. About 6% of children suffer from a similar disease. Treatment is always successful before the age of 6 years. At an older age, there is little chance of restoring vision. To fully identify the disease, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis.

Eye infections in childhood
Blepharitis is a serious inflammation that affects the upper and lower eyelids. The reasons are long-term exposure to chemicals in the eye area. A simple form of the disease is redness of the eyelids that do not disturb the tissues of the fundus. Inflammatory processes are accompanied by minimal edema. The eyelids at this moment begin to blink strongly. Movement causes purulent discharge from the eyes. Scaly blepharitis is characterized by profuse swelling and intense redness around the eyelids. Grayish scales appear on the eyelids, whichlook like dandruff. When removing neoplasms, the skin begins to bleed slightly. The patient experiences severe itching in the eyelids. There are pain in the fundus and when blinking.
The ulcerative form of the disease is a serious illness. The condition of children during this period worsens. The main symptom is dried pus on the eyelashes. Crusts form that stick the eyelashes together. It is impossible to delete them. When you touch the skin, pain is felt. After removing the crusts, minor ulcers remain. With proper treatment, healing is slow. Recovery is only partial. During this period, eyelashes cease active growth and fall out.
Inflammation of the optic canal
Optical nerve disease is a serious inflammatory process that occurs within the ocular portion of the optic canal. The main reason is the penetration of infections into the organs of vision caused by meningitis, sinusitis or chronic otitis media. In rare cases, inflammation develops on the basis of allergic reactions or chemical poisoning. The severity of patients is characterized by the reasons that influenced the appearance of this pathology. Usually potent toxins affect the optic nerve instantly. The consequences of this situation are irreversible. Infectious processes develop over three days.
The main signs of the inflammatory process of the optic nerve is a decrease in vision for no particular reason. The perception of colors is impaired. When examining the optic canal, changes in the optic nerve, edema,blurred outlines, swelling of the optic arteries. With advanced inflammation, the disease progresses instantly. There is profuse swelling in the optic nerve. After a while, there is a combination with all tissues. In rare cases, minor retinal hemorrhage and clouding of the eyeball are diagnosed. In the presence of a mild form of inflammation, vision is completely restored. Regularly carry out procedures that increase immunity. Treatment is based on antibiotics.
Purulent infections
Viral eye diseases in children are caused by pathogenic microorganisms. They penetrate into the fundus of the eye and multiply. In rare cases, the cause is an eye injury. There are several types of this disease. Iridocyclitis appears within 2 days after an eye injury. It is impossible to touch the eye due to severe pain. The iris has a grayish tint, and the pupil becomes gray. Endophthalmitis is a severe form of the disease that occurs with serious inflammatory processes in the eye area. The pain syndrome is felt even in a calm state. Examination reveals dilated vessels, yellow color of the fundus.
A purulent complication has a special concept - panophthalmitis. It occurs only in rare cases. With proper antibiotic treatment, this disease can be prevented. To prevent loss of vision, you need to seek help from a specialist. The disease of this type extends to the entire fundus of the eye. There is a sharp pain, swelling of the eyelids occurs, the mucous membrane has profuse redness and noticeablyswells. Pus accumulates throughout the mucous membrane. The skin around the eyes turns red. The pain is intense. In a severe form of the disease, surgical intervention is necessary. With a positive operation, vision is not fully restored.

Eye disease in a child is determined by the doctor only after a complete diagnosis. At the first examination, all information about the patient is collected. Conduct a comprehensive examination of the fundus with the help of specialized equipment. To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination. Carefully check the intraocular pressure. Using a slit lamp, examine the cornea, iris, vitreous body and anterior chamber of the eye. Examine the corneal tissue using a microscope. Examine the sensitivity of the retina to light. The vascular membrane of the eye is studied by intravenous administration of a special medication. They scan the state of the optic nerve disc with a laser.
Treatment depends on what eye diseases the child has. It is not recommended to purchase medications on your own. Only a qualified doctor can prescribe them. The specialist selects funds taking into account important factors. It reveals the general symptoms of the patient, his age and the presence of diseases in the body. In addition to the main drugs, drugs are additionally prescribed that prevent the violation of the intestinal microflora and preserve the natural mucous membranestomach.
Many parents stop giving medication to their child after the symptoms in the eye area disappear. Doing so is not recommended. Bacteria are not destroyed during this period. After taking the medicine, they subside for a certain time. You should drink the full course of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. Many antibiotics cause allergic reactions. When using any drug, you need to monitor your well-being.
The human body is fragile and balanced. The smallest violations can lead to serious consequences. Treatment of eye diseases in children with antibiotics can negatively affect the internal organs of a person. Antibiotics have special benefits in eliminating eye diseases. Preparations can be for internal and external use. Potent substances are found in ointments, gels, lotions, creams. They remove purulent inflammation and infections of various origins in a few days. They have a serious effect on the body. Allows you to get rid of viral diseases and infections.
Special therapy is prescribed for the treatment of eye diseases in premature babies. It includes the treatment of the skin from the outside and the use of antibacterial agents inside. "Doxycycline" is an antibiotic of the tetracycline group. Actively fights against unwanted microorganisms. Tablets should be taken after meals. You need to drink the medicine with a huge amount of water. You can take no more than 50 mg of the drug per day. The course of treatment is from 1.5 to 3 months.
"Penicillin" is finecope with various types of diseases. Available in the form of tablets, solution and dragee. The medicine has bactericidal actions, eliminates inflammatory processes, removes the formed pus from the surface of the skin. The dosage is selected individually, taking into account the general condition of the patient. The interval between taking pills should be 8 hours.
Ospamox is a popular antibiotic for treating eye conditions in newborns that fights infection and inflammation in the body. It is used to eliminate inflammatory processes in the fundus. The drug treats infectious diseases of the mucous membrane of the skin. Most children tolerate it calmly and without complications. In some cases, it can cause allergic reactions, disruption of the intestinal microflora and sudden emotional irritation. It all depends on the individual intolerance of a particular component. All medicines should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, irreversible reactions may occur.
In order to prevent eye diseases in a child, the following measures are taken:
- To preserve a child's good eyesight, the school should move him to different desks several times a year so that his eyes do not get used to looking at the board from only one angle.
- The optimal time for playing on a PC or tablet, as well as watching TV shows without compromising the visual apparatus of the child is one and a half hours a day, and for preschool children - 30 minutes.
- Parents should also take care totheir little one led an active lifestyle and did instructional sports.
- Be sure to include in the child's diet foods rich in vitamins needed for vision.