Don't you know what a heart attack is? This is a very serious heart disease that leads to the necrosis of part of the myocardium.

A heart attack is a kind of trigger, the result of which is a sharp cessation of blood circulation. Muscle cells die irreversibly within minutes. It should be noted that the larger the vessel in diameter, the more cells die. The main causes of this disease are:
- thrombosis, embolism;
- embolism with pieces of tissue or some foreign body;
- spasm of the heart vessels;
- surgery directly on the heart.
Symptoms of Heart Disease
- Burning, pressing and squeezing pain. Feels like a “hot brick” on the chest.
- Pain does not subside for 15-20 minutes. As a rule, the pain is localized in the region of the left shoulder blade, gives to the left arm, lower jaw or left side of the neck.
- A secondary symptom is shortness of breath, which indicates a decrease in the contractility of the heart. Sometimes there is also a cough.
- Paleness and sweating.

Symptoms of a heart attack in women are most often the following: pain inchest, weakness, shortness of breath, fatigue. There are also “silent” symptoms or a painless form of heart attack, which is most common in diabetics.
Remember that all the symptoms of a heart attack in women, which were described above, are individual.
If women have symptoms of a heart attack, it is urgent to call an ambulance. Treatment is prescribed individually. However, anesthesia and restoration of vascular patency are mandatory. As for anesthesia, analgesics (narcotic and non-narcotic) are used for this. The most sought after is morphine.
They also carry out restoration of blood vessels, for which they use various drugs that affect blood clotting. Immediately upon admission to the hospital, the patient must be given thrombolytic drugs, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents, which will prevent the development of thrombosis in the future. Be sure to give the patient and nitrates, which will dilate the blood vessels.
It should be noted that surgical treatment can also be used urgently or planned. Emergency methods are aimed at restoring blood flow, while planned methods are aimed at reducing the necrosis zone.
I would like to note that after a heart attack, it will be necessary to use lipid-lowering drugs and antiplatelet agents for life.

Consequences of a heart attack
The consequences of a disease such as a heart attack can be divided into:
- sharp;
- delayed.
Prevention of consequences
Consequences of a heart attacklead to disability, which is explained by heart failure and ischemic disease. That is why people who have suffered a heart attack should undergo rehabilitation, thanks to which the functionality will expand, and a new episode of the disease can be prevented.
It should be noted that the treatment takes into account the symptoms of a heart attack in women and the likelihood of consequences. An important role in recovery is played by the speed of the arrival of an ambulance and the conduct of emergency measures. In the elderly, infarction, as a rule, is combined with thrombosis and heart failure, and in young people it is associated with arrhythmias. That is why the quick and competent actions of a specialist are of great importance.